Wild: US Files Charges Against Senior Hamas Leadership

Well, those left alive after Israel sent them to Allah. And some who’ve learned whether they actually get 72 virgins

US files criminal charges against Hamas leadership, including Sinwar

The United States announced criminal charges on Tuesday against Hamas’ top leadership, including the militant group’s chief Yahya Sinwar, accusing them of leading efforts to kill civilians and destroy the state of Israel.

“As outlined in our complaint, those defendants — armed with weapons, political support, and funding from the Government of Iran, and support from Hezbollah — have led Hamas’s efforts to destroy the State of Israel and murder civilians in support of that aim,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement, Reuters reported.

The statement was posted on the Department of Justice’s X/Twitter account. (snip)

In his statement, Garland confirmed that the murder of American hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin, along with every other American Hamas has killed since October 7, is being investigated as acts of terrorism.

Well, Hamas is, after all, a US State Department designated terrorist organization, and has been since 1998.

The indictment described, among other things, that “at least 43 American citizens were among those murdered – and at least 10 Americans are missing, or kidnapped.” It also details the events of the October 7 massacre, as well as the Nova part massacre, and the terrorists’ invasion of Be’eri, Nir Oz, and other communities along the Gaza envelope.

Yet, so far, the Biden-Harris administration has done nothing but talk despite Hamas killing and kidnapping American citizens. Not even threats to Hamas. But, what happens now? The Jerusalem Post analysis says this is a good thing, and puts Hamas on notice that the US will no longer tolerate the terrorist activity. Will the US send law enforcement or military groups to get these terrorists and bring them back for trial? Will the US demand that nations, which have friendly relations with the US, giving shelter to the Hamas leaders take them into custody and turn them over to the US? Will the US use air strikes or other military actions?

And, how will this play with the pro-Hamas crowd backing Harris? What if Biden decides “screw it, they booted me, I’m taking the gloves off against Hamas”? Might that harm the support from the Jew and Israel haters who vote Democrat and support Islamic extremism?

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18 Responses to “Wild: US Files Charges Against Senior Hamas Leadership”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    This is a ridiculously absurd action by the Biden/Harris/Obama/oligarchy Justice Department. Not their most absurd thing, but pretty close. In the same year they agree to a plea bargain with 9-11 terrorists in Guantanamo, they openly announce the intention of rounding up more terrorists from the other side of the planet that they cannot hope to prosecute in US courts under US law.

    Credit where it is due: I blame the Bush administration for messing up the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed issue. The bush administration flipped back and forth between treating 9-11 terrorists like criminals and like prisoners of war. Then they tried to use military courts to short cut the civil rights they unilaterally granted to the terrorists. Bush, should have declared them as unlawful combatants and killed them at a time and place that was convenient to us with only a short hearing to decide their fate. These are issue that are too bloody for people who are career politicians to deal with. So Bush, then Obama, then Trump kicked the can down the road and indefinitely held KLM and a few more bad guys instead of feeding them to the sharks, hanging, firing squad, lethal injection, electrocution, or some other form of execution.

    Back to the topic of interest. The Justice Department is making a charge, knowing they will never have the ability to make an arrest or prosecution. So they can look “strong against terrorists” in an election year (making Jewish supporters like them), but not actually need to do anything (making Hamas supporters not hate them as much). The epitome of political fence sitting.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Just more lies from the Obama/biden/harris administration. All these people do is lie. It’s in the Democrat DNA. Well, that and sexual perversion.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        LGB! doesn’t understand how DNA works.

        Some people, born as a Republican, identify as a Democrat later in life, and vice versa.

        And what are these sexual perversions you go on about? Rape? Cheating on your wife? Sex with 13 yr olds? Grabbing them by the pussy?

        Is raping a woman less perverse than two consenting adults having sex?

        • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

          Is raping a woman less perverse than two consenting adults having sex?</blockquote
          are you suggesting that sex between two consenting adults is perverse? Why is that? No I was just reading about Kameltoes husband knocking up their babysitter. No that's not perverse but it is sinful if you believe in sin. You don't though so I guess as far as you're concerned it's a OK. What is this grabbing them by the pussy thing with you? Why does that bother you so much? You never grabbed a woman by the pussy? I have thousands of times. I just did it at breakfast. What's the problem? Now if he grabbed a man by the by his dick that would be a problem.

          Why are you talking about sex with 13 year olds again? You do realize that statutory rape right? You seem to be really big into that. Of course you seem to be really big into all republican sex lives but no matter what Democrats do or to whom they do it it matters not with you.

          You're a funny guy you focus in like a laser beam on somebody you hate and go back to the day that he was birthed to see what crap you can dig up on him. On the other hand if it's somebody you like you ignore her spending your entire career on her knees just to get a job or raping like you said 13 year olds like Biden did to his daughter. With you all that stuff is OK 'cause you're gonna point out things that trump did.

          I just sober another Democrat was found in bed with a Chinese Communist spy again. You people on the left seem to have a big fetish for Chinese spies. You certainly hate America so I guess loving China makes sense. After all they are commies like you so you have a lot to agree with. And they don't rape anybody or anything like that they just shoot them. But you don't have a complaint with that only if somebody says he can grab them by the pussy. That to you is a big deal.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            We guess it’s late enough in FL to be drinking…

            It sounds as if you approve of sexual assault.

            Trump raped a woman. Trump cheated on all his many wives, sometimes with sex workers. Trump was accused of raping a 13 yr old girl with his buddy, Epstein. Trump admitted to grabbing women by the pussy, unwanted or not.

            What you do with your wife is your business, no need to share.

          • Professor Hale says:

            Where does one sign up for a Chinese spy? Asking for a friend.

        • drowningpuppies says:

          So Rimob is ass raping your prepubescent grandson perverse?

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:


            To whom are you referring, coward? Did you ever contact to County police here with your accusations? Do you need their number, ya little pussy? LOL


          • drowningpuppies says:

            Well, it was rumored you did.

            Kinda like accusing Trump of raping a 13 year old girl or rape of any kind. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    Biden’s DOJ playing politics?
    The hell you say. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

  3. STW says:

    Does anyone believe, at this point, that if Biden did decide to say, “screw it,” that anyone would pay any attention? Not only would no one pay any attention but knowledge of his saying it
    would never see the light of day. They aren’t even pretending he’s even a figurehead at this point, just a handy prop to trot out when needed.

  4. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    Why must you always attack like you’re going to war with Hitler?

    We guess it’s late enough in FL to be drinking…

    Immediate personal assault.

    It sounds as if you approve of sexual assault.

    Another personal insult.

    Trump raped a woman.

    Trump was never found guilty of rape. You lie.

    Trump cheated on all his many wives, sometimes with sex workers.

    How would you know? Is it fact our rumor? Have you ever considered that his enemies say things to harm him that are lies. Like you’re doing?

    Trump was accused of raping a 13 yr old girl with his buddy, Epstein.

    You were accused of raping your pubescent grand son, does that make it true?

    Trump admitted to grabbing women by the pussy, unwanted or not.

    No he did not. You (as usual) are confusing what was said with what was actually done. He once bragged “When you’re famous like me you can grab a chick by her pussy”. I’m not famous and I’ve done that several times.

    What you do with your wife is your business, no need to share.

    She’s ONE of my girlfriends not my wife and I was using it as an example not sharing you dirty old man. I doubt any woman would allow you to grab her by the pussy under any circumstances which is why you seem so sensitive about it. Simmer down dude. Go take a cold shower. You old guys really get crazy about sex.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      On pussy grabbing: She’s ONE of my girlfriends not my wife and I was using it as an example

      My mistake. I was under the impression you were a conservative Christian.

      Candidate Trump was sued twice by a teen girl for raping her at Mr Epstein’s Manhattan mansion. That’s a bit further than the pussy DickBreath went in contacting the police about his tale.

      Mr Trump was found liable for the sexual assault of Ms E. Jean Carroll and defaming and being ordered to pay nearly half a BILLION USD.

      Ivana Trump divorced Donnie for his fucking Marla Maples. He paid off Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal to keep quiet about his affairs with them. Poor Melania was home with baby Barron when Trump was pumping Stormy.

      Are you so sensitive that you can’t take a little ribbing? Read your first comment and see if you didn’t appear drunk.

      • James Lewis says:

        Chicken Little Karen Man

        Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard all about those Trump rumors.

        But can you tell us more about the one drowningpuppies wrote?

        Inquiring minds want to know.

        • drowningpuppies says:

          Well there was a rumor that pedo Rimjob setially ass raped his prepubescent grandson but of course he tries to deny it.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Dickbreath started the rumor. His typical cowardly bullshit. He’s a pussy.

            I gave him the telephone number of the local police so he could turn me in, since he had cyberstalked my address. He could send the police straight to my house. I even offered to fly him here first class, get him a hotel room, so he could accompany me to the police station so he could make the charges. He refused. He’s a pussy.

            Of course he hasn’t the balls to do that.

            Well there is a rumor that bestialist Dickbreath fellates dogs then drowns them but of course he tries to deny it.


          • drowningpuppies says:

            There must be something to the rumor since Rimjob always gets so upset when it’s mentioned. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          Lil Shithead,

          Let Dickbreath the Pussy fill you in. It’s his story.

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