…is a fast rising sea which will swamp all the cities, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is If You are Left you ain’t Right, with a post on your attention whore of the day.

…is a fast rising sea which will swamp all the cities, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is If You are Left you ain’t Right, with a post on your attention whore of the day.
I road one of the old bikes like that & it was a bitch getting it going. I reckon there’s a gear box on that wheel to change the ratio from 1 to1 to something a little easier to peddle, especially on sand.
Your attention whore of the day and every day here at the Cove is Rimjob.
Think Judge Juan knows something?

There is not one child who wants to die for your right to carry an AR-15. Not one.
There wasn’t one child who wanted to die for any of our rights since 1775. Not one! So what? You must be stupid to equate what children want and what free men need to be free.
I would ask how many children have died so Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro and your other hero’s and comrades could deny their people guns? Let me know when you get a number on that and I bet it’s a lot more than one.
As I’ve said many times: Dead children are a small price to pay for our freedoms.
Do you actually equate American freedom to your ability to own a Modern Sporting Rifle?
You need a “Modern Sporting Rifle” to be free? LOL.
Were American “men” free before the AR-15 was invented in 1956? Was that when American “men” were finally set free? Jesus god, man!
Do you actually believe your “right” to a Modern Sporting Rifle is saving the lives of school children?
Judge Merchan defers to ex-president Trump on sentencing.
So yes, we do have a two-tiered justice system!!
Repbulicun positions on school shootings:
Jaded Vance (R-OH): It’s a fact of life… (To his “credit”, Vance called for “hardening” soft school targets)
Donnie Trump (R-FL): Get over it.
Republicuns may not realize this, and likely don’t care, but America’s children are growing up in a world where they need to afraid at school. Republicuns are terrorists.
What they refuse to discuss is to restrict the useless* Modern Sporting Rifle.
* The Modern Sporting Rifle is only useful for killing humans and making conservative “men” feel like actual men.
Mammas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to be School Shooters
Daddies Don’t Get Your Disturbed Teens a Modern Sporting Rifle
Have you surrendered your AR-15’s and other arms yet? If not, why not? You keep preaching shit you refuse to do yet expect us to do it. How stupid can one commie be? You preach EV’s but don’t drive one. You worship blacks but married a white. You bad mouth AR’s but own them.
You ability to be consistently inconsistent is appalling. But it demonstrates the muddled mind of a radical leftist.
At this time I do not own an AR-style rifle aka Modern Sporting Rifle.
You preach EV’s but don’t drive one. I drive only a few miles per week. Most days, not at all. My next purchase, if any at my age, will be an EV. Anyway, I believe in choice.
You worship blacks but married a white. I don’t worship Blacks, although I have Black and native American DNA! How do you know the color of my wife? Anyway, I believe in choice.
You bad mouth AR’s but own them. No I don’t. And in deference to your comments, we now refer to AR-style rifles as Modern Sporting Rifles.
You’re militantly anti-abortion but have caused multiple abortions! You’re militantly anti-government but work for the government! You worship Trump who is a traitor, a convict, a rapist, and a liar. Your ability to be consistently inconsistent is appalling. But it demonstrates the muddled mind of the extremist MAGAt.
Although it’s obvious, a recent study shows that mass shootings with semi-auto rifles kill nearly twice as many persons per attack and injure nearly twice as many persons per attack in the US.
So, tell us again the advantage of semi-auto rifles in America?
Can any Covian explain the extremist Republicun opposition to In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).
The Alabama Supreme Court called frozen embryos “extrauterine children”. Do you agree?
When you say something as provocative, stupid and untruthful as “Republicuns are terrorists” you forfeit any chance of being taken seriously. In a country where we are at each others throats you cal 150 million fellow countrymen terrorists. Where is your common sense?
And yet you own several of them? Do you feel like a man yet Elwood? You always wanna say something just to insult other people never to promote the truth. You’re worse than a partisan you’re a propagandist. And as we all know propagandists are nothing but big fat liars.
Here are some common sense gun control measures we can all agree on, based on statistics of who is doing all the killing:
1. Anyone on the LGBTQ spectrum should be prohibited from owning or handling firearms.
2. Anyone under the age of 25 should be prohibited from owning guns of any type. This includes prohibition of recruiting anyone under 25 to serve in the military or police.
3. Anyone who has been precribed any of the drugs used for ADD or ADHD sould be prohibited from touching firearms until they have been off the drug for at least 5 years.
4. Anyone who had voted democrat in 3 of the last 4 elections should be prohibited from owning or touching firearms.
5. Anyone who lives inside the city limits of a place described as “high crime” prohibited from possessing firearms of any kind.
Taken altogether, that will hugely cut down on deaths by firearms in the USA. The left’s obsession with statistically rare school shootings, “mass shootings”, and AR-15s is perverse.
NuConservatives excuse the mass murder of school children as just a “fact of life” and something to “get over”.
As long as we’re discussing revoking the 2nd Amendment (see above list)…
We have a better approach to stop murders. Here’s our list:
1. Make it illegal for any male to possess a firearm! Any male caught possessing a firearm or trying to obtain a firearm must serve a 10 yr prison sentence. If caught in possession and committing a crime – life without parole. And keep your hands off your wife’s Sig Sauer!!! Routine stops by police of males will be permitted.
Our homicide rate will drop to almost zero. Even our suicide rate will drop! There will be a slight uptick in the killing (self-defense, baby!) of abusive husbands, but we can live with that. School shootings will drop to almost zero. Wounded deer will drop to near zero!
This will help restore the balance of power between bullies and their victims!
Do you really believe something that’s stupid are you just trying to be provocative? You do realize the bully here is you, right? But then you’re always a bully. No care, no compassion no empathy for anyone else other than yourself and your own desires. The true narcissist. You make a perfect communist. Take from everybody else but give to me.
If you wanna stop murders reinstitute the death penalty, send illegals back to where they came from and pass a law stopping black men from owning firearms and we will accept your mandatory 10 years in prison. After all the lion share of the murders are committed by black men between 16 and 35 which compose about 4% of the population.
Did you not read the Professor’s post?
Donald Trump said “get over it”.
Jaded Vance said “it’s a fact of life”.
My point is, It doesn’t have to be this way.
Btw, the US still has the death penalty. “Illegals” commit few murders. About half our homicides are committed by Black, about half by white men.
And again, a Trumpist wanting to revoke the 2nd Amemdment (not to mention 14th).
Conservatives disagree, but liberals believe we should protect children, not let them be murdered.
Men who have no children should have no say in school murders.
Did any of the girls you knocked up in your youth go through with their pregnancies and deliveries?