How dare the Associated Press write this article, and Politico publish it! It’s Islamophobia (fortunately, this is only worth a page A14 article at the NY Times. Imagine if it was a Republican trying to kill Muslims)
Man charged with plotting to kill Jews in New York on Oct. 7
A Pakistani man was arrested in Canada this week and accused of plotting a mass shooting at a Jewish center in Brooklyn on the one-year anniversary of the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas that sparked the latest conflict in the Middle East, federal authorities announced Friday.
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland said Muhammad Shahzeb Khan had attempted to travel from Canada, where he lives, to New York City with the “stated goal of slaughtering, in the name of ISIS, as many Jewish people as possible.”
The 20 year-old, who is also known as Shahzeb Jadoon, was apprehended Sept. 4 and charged with attempting to provide material support and resources to the terror group, which stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham.
“Jewish communities — like all communities in this country — should not have to fear that they will be targeted by a hate-fueled terrorist attack,” Garland said in a statement.
No, they shouldn’t. Meanwhile, college campuses are full of Jew haters and Islamic terrorist supporters. They’re protesting on subways.
“Globalize the intifada” is just the PC way of saying “kill the Jews.”
— Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) September 7, 2024
How does a young Canadian citizen get “radicalized”? They don’t ask: Why do we treat radicalized organizations such as CAIR and SJP as bonified civil organizations, when “globalize the intifada” is their daily mantra?
“This planned antisemitic attack against Jewish people in the U.S. is deplorable and there is no place for such ideological and hate-motivated crime in Canada,” Michael Duheme, commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, said in the statement.
Oh, really? There have been plenty of anti-Israel/Jew protests since October 7th, 2023, in Canada. Islamists are protected as much as the gender confused. Jews? Not so much.
So you support, and reward people for, the idea of attacking Jewish people all over the world! That’s disgusting and I hope you go bankrupt as a result. Don’t you know what “globalize the intifada” means?? #boycottelle
— Canada SOS ?????????? (@CanadaSOS1) August 30, 2024
Yup, she’s a government official in Canada. If people continuously call violence against Jews, they will get violence against Jews.

Thank the gods that the DOJ was on top of this plot.
Do you approve of the US authorities monitoring extremist groups, even inserting undercover agents within the organizations?
That’s how the gubmint discovered the plot to kidnap and kill MI Gov Whitmer.
Jew-hating, pro-Hamas, pro-terrorism relatives of the hostages held by Hamas are protesting in Israel, demanding that Netanyahu bring them home.
Now that Vladimir Putin has officially endorsed the Harris/Walz ticket the left can finally stop with the nonsense about Russia Russia Russia. But that won’t stop committed communists from insisting that trump is Putin’s “buddy”. Remember they never apologize and they never admit when they’re wrong.
LGB typed: Putin has officially endorsed the Harris/Walz ticket
LOL. Good one! OMG, you’re serious? Trump is the only one who lies more than Vlad!!!
Why do you believe Putin’s agents are investing millions in right-wing media??
Putin, Xi, Kim, Orban all want Trump. What does that tell you?
BTW, Xi and Kim are official Communists! Putin is an unofficial Communist, but offical dictator.
But to you, Harris, Biden, Walz and every Dem voter is a communist!! LOL.
Fuck off
Downward you left me unconvinced until that final flock off at the end. Nothing shows a mines as powerful as yours better than ending your comment with block off. You really are a moron aren’t you. now for your viewing pleasure a discussion and the actual video of Putin endorsing Kamala Harris: ( you can apologize anytime and admit that you were wrong but I know you can’t because you’re a communist lol)
by extremist groups do you mean the Boy Scouts, Christian churches, private schools, the Republican Party, the trump campaign, Jewish organizations, YMCA, NASCAR, and the NRA? Because they’re probably the only ones that would be investigated. To your extremist groups to us or just organizations but black lives matter, antifa, and the other assorted and sundry violent communist and Marxist extremist organizations you have will never be investigated. After all they are your friends and we are the enemy which must be eliminated by any means necessary.
Why on earth would we trust the very US organizations that are persecuting Donald Trump mega and every other conservative and Christian in the country to monitor what you term or they term extremist groups? That would be like telling Isis to provide security for Jewish temples.
Elwood, didn’t you just state that Republicans are terrorists? So we would presume that you would want these ohh so wonderful authorities to monitor Republicans?
LGB typed: you would want these ohh so wonderful authorities to monitor Republicans?
Well yes, when warranted. Trumpists have demonstrated they will try to win by any means necessary.
And how have they done that any differently than anyone else? This should be good…
They tried to overturn the 2020 election!
Did “they”? How so, genius?

You communists are all tyrants therefore a statement is stupid as this comes as no surprise!
I do hope trump wins and in so doing I do hope that we can rid this nation of people who think like you and who want to destroy anybody who disagrees with them. It was the motto of the Democrats to win by any means necessary period now let’s see, who started investigating trump even before he won the election? Who played trump with lawfare during his entire tenure and blocked everything he tried to do all along the way? Who then went into the following election by hiding the laptop so that no information about Biden could be good could be gleaned, colluded with newspapers the media and the Internet to censor Republicans and people who agreed with them especially people who supported Trump? Who raided political operatives homes set up pictures in their living rooms paraded them around in their underwear and stuck them in jail for things most people never get even the court about? Who refused to investigate all the chicanery and the election of 2020 ultimately causing average Americans to March on Washington where they killed 1 and incarcerated 3 or 400 without a trial I might add. Who then tried to bankrupt the president of the United states for daring to run and then daring to question the outcome of the election because you see we’re not allowed to do that when the Democrats right? Who then loaded up all kinds of different charges against him and all kinds of different courts all over the country so as to stop them from being able to go out and campaign for this election? If I may ask who even tried to have him killed?
And you want us investigated? You have absolutely no shame do you? Look in the mirror you and people like you are the problem! You’re right now in the process of stealing the next election you are already out there with the Russian crap and I have no doubt that you’re gonna come up with some disease or something that’s gonna require massive shutdowns and police actions.
You hate trump and people like me because we don’t buy your bullshit.
Perhaps you misunderstand what “when warranted” means. IF there is a reasonable suspicion that you are planning a crime then yes investigate.
For example, let’s say that the ex-president loses the election, and you are so upset and convinced of cheating, you and some other extremists decide to start plotting to take out likely Dems. Don’t you agree we should be on the lookout for that?
I also agree we need to keep an eye on Islamic extremists.
But you’re the one who keeps proposing that “those who think like I do” needs to be eliminated.
I DO hate willful ignorance and wanton cruelty. I believe Donald J. Trump is a threat to our nation. I believe he is unfit to be president.
You fascists are all tyrants therefore a statement is stupid as this comes as no surprise!
I DO hate willful ignorance and wanton cruelty.
Bwaha! That’s pretty much sums up everything you post here at the Cove. LOLGFY
Downward you left me unconvinced until that final flock off at the end. Nothing shows a mines as powerful as yours better than ending your comment with block off. You really are a moron aren’t you. now for your viewing pleasure a discussion and the actual video of Putin endorsing Kamala Harris: ( you can apologize anytime and admit that you were wrong but I know you can’t because you’re a communist lol)
let’s say that the ex president loses the election and we’re upset because the people who stole the election refused to investigate it nor did it thoroughly and in public in a transparent manner to prove that they actually want instead they start arresting people I think all of those people that lied about winning should be investigated. Don’t you agree that when there’s so so much shenanigans going on in an election that there are people from sea to shining sea complaining that the federal government should stop everything and step in and investigate? Or do you think they should say screw you you lost we’re not gonna find out how we the other guys cheated? You don’t care if a election is crooked as long as you win it. Which is what makes you desperates and Nazis
And did you forget that Donald Trump, who lost the 2020 election, 306 EV to 232 EV and the vote 81,283,501 to 74,223,975, didn’t just “question” the election, he actively tried to overturn it.
Do we need to go through the legal cases against him regarding the election?
The fake electors? The coercion of state officials? The storming of the Capitol?
Donald Trump does not care about America or Americans. He want the comfort of being elected so he can get his retribution.
Rimjob: He want (sic) the comfort of being elected so he can get his retribution.
Who could blame him for all the political bullshit that federal government agencies have put the guy through.
A reckoning would seem appropriate.
Dickbreath the Pissant: Who could blame him for all the political bullshit that federal government agencies have put the guy through.
Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time!
“Russia, Russia, Russia”

What crime????????
LGB typed: What crime????????
Crimes not crime!!!!!!!!!
Adjudicated/convicted: Sexual assault. Defamation. Election interference (34 felony counts).
Further charges of election interference. Withholding government documents (32 felony counts under the Espionage Act.
Juries and judges have convicted Trump. Multiple grand juries returned indictments.
Not quite, Rimjob.
I’m sorry dude but you don’t get the pick your own judges and pick up court hand pick a trial bring people in from other jurisdictions to piece together fake crimes then convict him of it while the judge has his daughter working for the enemy and collecting millions of dollars and then say that he’s convicted of a crime. He was convicted of a crime the same way Russians and Germans were convicted in Soviet and Nazi courts. If the court was actually fair it would never have been convicted of anything. You know that as well as we do. Why do you insist upon this charade of jurisprudence and all this when we all know it was nothing but lies and the trial was a fake kangaroo court in front of a kangaroo judge. You and all the rest of the Democrats had him convicted before he even went to trial didn’t you? I read you here you were already convicted and you’re convicted him now if things he never even did. You’re a liar and all of those trials were shams and we have more of them coming up you know they’re all fake you know it’s all just to try and hurt trump. He’s been in business 50 fukin years and all of a sudden he’s a criminal? Is the only politician you can mention that went in a multibillionaire and it’s coming out poorer than we went in. Bully you’re communist go in like AOC with a net worth of $30,000 and they earn $150,000 a year they suddenly have 20 million in there bank offshore accounts. Like Nazi Pelosi she’s worth what $50 million and she’s never had a job in her life! She’s the communist version of a public servant enriching herself at her expense but you like that because she’s on your team so that’s OK.
You are so corrupt that you can’t even bear to look at the facts let alone look at them objectively. That’s why I laugh hysterically when you say why don’t we talk and you know we can work it out and agree on stuff. we can’t because you’re never wrong. And you never apologize. Look at all the times you called me the abortionist knowing how deeply hurt I am by the murder of my two children by their mothers. Knowing that I did everything I could I even put up $100,000 bot to the second one to try and get her to release the child custody rights to me and I would take care of the child and she could keep the money. And she wouldn’t do it she was that full of hate that full of left wing hate. She would rather kill the child that have it in a good family with a good future but with me. That second girl thought just like you best thing I did was tell her I wasn’t gonna marry her. Can you imagine trying to raise a kid with a nut case like that? The first one I never got a chance to do anything I told her I wasn’t gonna marry her but I’ll take care of the child within a week she was at Planned Parenthood and had the kid killed. By the way she was in the seventh month. The second one was in the sixth month when she killed the baby. I still think and dream about the children I could have had had they sadly not been taken away from me. Cause I had no say in it. I was the father but I had no say. But rather than empathize with me knowing my pain you called me names. Thats how commies work.

One of Mr Trump’s “shines” is his con man instincts. He has persuaded his minion that only He can be trusted. Every government institution – the courts, the judges, the juries, the police, the FBI, the DOJ, the IGs, Congress, the administration, NASA; and every social institution, the churches, schools, unions, universities, scientists, education, the news media, the entertainment media, social media, the Pope, authors and books, banks, stock markets… Only He tells you the truths.
Why do you keep bringing up the abortions. I agreed to stop referring to your contributions. Anyway, I don’t accept what you say about the issue anyway.
AOC’s net worth is $4000-$60,000. We know you don’t believe that since someone on facebook said it was $29 million.
Representative Pelosis and her investment banker hubby, Paul ARE wealthy, with a net worth of $50 – $200 million!
But lots of Congresspersons are wealthy. For example (from 2018):
Kevin Hern R House 361.0;
Rick Scott R Senate 259.7;
Mark Warner D Senate 214.1;
Greg Gianforte R House 189.3;
Paul Mitchell R House 179.6;
Mitt Romney R Senate 174.5;
Vernon Buchanan R House 157.2;
Mike Braun R Senate 136.8;
Don Beyer D House 124.9;
Dean Phillips D House 123.8;
And that probably IS a problem!! Wealthy men such as you and I don’t have the same problems of the working class. Same with weatlhy Congress members.
Always love Rimjob’s fairy tale propaganda and lies.
Trump doesn’t have to persuade anyone who is honest and intelligent. The facts speak clearly for themselves so that even a 6th grader should be able understand..