In a sane world the Credentialed Media would demand that Kamala ask questions about her policies, make her actually answer. But, that’s so 30 years ago.
Report: Kamala Harris’s Aides Are Unsure of Her Policy Positions
Not even campaign aides are sure of what Vice President Kamala Harris’s policy positions are, Axios reported Friday, fueling concerns that Harris is an empty political shell with intentions to do or say whatever is needed to get elected.
With only 60 days left until the presidential election, time is running out for Americans to learn about Harris’s ambiguous plans. She has only sat for one pre-recorded interview since joining the race seven weeks ago on July 21, 2024.
In those seven weeks, Harris allegedly changed her view, outright flip-flopped, or has an unknown position in nine areas:
Like this
Notable that these changes were ALL announced through unnamed staffers – not from her and not on her website.
So we have to trust she’s flipped completely on positions – many of which she held even before 2019/2020 – based on anonymous campaign sources in media reports.
— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) September 6, 2024
And then
“Harris and her campaign haven’t provided many details explaining her policy shifts,” Axios admitted Friday. “[E]ven some of her own staffers aren’t sure where she stands on a range of issues.”
Axios reportedly asked the Harris campaign six days in a row about her unknown policy positions before getting a “no comment” from aides.
Super! It’s like watching Seinfeld: a show about nothing.

They don’t care about her position.
The Kamala Voter has one overriding objective: DENY THE EVIL ORANGE MAN another four years in the White House. They voted for a senile old man who hid in his basement in 2020 and would vote for Chairman XI if he were running against Trump.
They have been lied to about Trump since 2015, and almost nothing will change their vote.
Are the Russians funding The Pirates Cove, Breitbart, Tenet Media, Gateway Pudendum, PJMedia, Trump, the RNC, Heritage etc??
How ironic…
Recall the Tucker Carlson (aka Mother Tucker aka Liar Tuck) worshipful visit to Russia? Yep, promoted by Tenet Media (a Russian front).
Tuck found that a Moscow supermarket had carts AND bread!! The Moscow subway system was clean!! What a tool.
Putin has millions of MAGA useful idiots!!