This kind of governmental interference in private companies goes way beyond socialism
Congressional Black Caucus releases corporate accountability report on DEI
A majority of Fortune 500 companies have maintained their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) despite growing political and legislative attacks on such practices, according to a new report from the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) released Monday.
The report, “What Good Looks Like: A Corporate Accountability Report on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” is the first-of-its-kind report to grade such companies on DEI commitments and racial equity investments since the 2020 murder of George Floyd.
Following Floyd’s killing, a host of U.S. companies pledged to invest in efforts to reduce racial inequities across the nation and to strengthen their DEI efforts.
Would these be some of the same companies which were robbed, looted, set on fire during the mostly peaceful but fiery protests?
The report follows months of the CBC leaders meeting with CEOs and other C-suite executives in Fortune 500 companies. It also includes a ranking report card of each sector.
The financials sector had the highest response rate to the CBC’s report and came in fourth on the report card with 34 out of 93 companies receiving a top score for their efforts.
Communications services had the highest ranking, with 9 out of 19 companies receiving a top score for their efforts.
First, by what constitutional provision are these sitting members of the National People’s Congress, er, U.S. Congress, interfering with the operations of private businesses? Second, it sure seems like these CBC members are saying that blacks are unable to succeed unless they are handed everything on a silver platter. Personally, I have a more positive opinion of blacks and their ability to succeed like everyone else.
This is government intimidation at it’s worst.

I can still recall one of their members leading a train of pack mules to Cape Kennedyy to protest the Apollo Moonshot.
I have often said that the two parties switch agendas every 80-100 years. The last switch was in 1932 when Roosevelt stole another Roosevelt’s progressive agenda, officially turning the Democrats to the dark side. As a result, the Democrats became the GRAND OLD PARTY that freed the slaves and fought a war against slavery.
Fast forward to today and:
They officially have become warmongers.
They love them some corporations now.
Kamala wants to reduce the tax on CORPS to 28 percent far from Joe Biden’s 40 percent.
Kamala loves Trump’s idea of no taxes on tips.
Bernie Sanders said in a public interview that Kamala is just saying what she needs to say to get elected. Meaning that her ideas SUCK to most of America, so she will LIE to get elected because winning is more important than principles or ideals.
Fuck the voter. It should be Kamala’s slogan for 2024.
The Democrats have attracted the Soccer Moms of the suburbs with their kool-aide while ignoring Hispanics and Blacks. Despite the fact they claim they are all for the blacks and Hispanics, they take their votes for granted and do nothing for those communities.
The Union workers are switching to the GOP, which is offering to bring their jobs back, while the left wants to have treaties with the Pacific Rim countries where they make stuff for pennies and sell it to us for dollars.
Remember the GOP used to be all for more and more immigrants to work in their factories and fields while the Democrats hated and fought against it. Now, the Dems are all for the immigrants while MAGA wants to curtail unfettered immigration.
DICK CHENEY just endorsed Kamala Harris followed by his delusional Daughter. Cheney used to be called GOEBELS by the left for his part in the IRAQ/Afghanistan war mongering. Leading us to invade Iraq with LIES told to us by the CIA. Now the left is rejoicing that so many GOP’hers are joining the left cause that they have forgotten the fact that WE, PEACE LOVING, WAR RESISTING MAGA don’t want anything to do with the WAR CRIMINALS GEORGE W. BUSH and Dick CHENEY.
WHY? Because nearly 20 years of endless wars have left us cotton-mouthed and emotionally drained.
The left loves them some BIG PHARMA. The new covid strain is more likely to infect those who have had the shot or have had covid then those who have not. That is the CDC’s words. Not mine. Yet the left continues to push a vaccine that literally needs to be reworked and restudied but why? Big pharma is making trillions and funneling lots of that to the LEFT for their unfettered support.
TLDR: THE DEMOCRATS know precisely what they are doing. Everyone has always said that if Trump gets 40 percent of Hispanics and 20 percent of the black vote the Democrats can never win a national election again.
Well Trump has those numbers in poll after poll. So the Democrats have gone after the base of the GOP, attracting dumb-ass soccer moms, and they have succeeded, thus offsetting the loss of blacks and Hispanics.
The parties are switching agendas. It will take a few more years, but in 10 years, neither side will recognize their old parties as the ambivalent RINOs jump on the Dem’s ship and the moderate Dems jump on the MAGA ship.
I like you D&G and agree with you on many issues. But the CDC did not say:
The new covid strain is more likely to infect those who have had the shot or have had covid then those who have not. That is the CDC’s words. Not mine.
“But this is a distortion of the CDC’s current understanding of BA.2.86. The agency has not said that those who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 are more likely than unvaccinated people by the new variant. Rather, it said those who’ve been vaccinated or previously infected may be more susceptible than they were to prior variants”
IOW, the new variant can overcome the immunity provided either naturally or vaccine.
Nothing new there. Viruses mutate. This years flu strain aren’t protected well by last year’s vaccine.
The sad part is hoping that the CDC is just incompetent and not willfully evil and deliberately misleading the public.
Please read Mr Lewis’s response, demonstrating that Doom & Gloom misrepresented the information.
Ya mean Lil Ol’ Shithead?

I treat Mr Lewis decently when he acts decently.
Mr Lewis,
You get this issue correctly, that is, truthfully.
Chicken Little Karen Man
To understand D&G’s comment it is helpful to know the background.
In 2019 the Left attacked the vaccines development because they could not let Trump have a win. This poisoned the minds of many people against the vaccines.
When the vaccines were released in 12/19 it was very carefully explained that, like all vaccines, they were not perfect. Pfizer and Moderna, mRNA based, had an efficacy of around 92%, Johnson & Johnson around 75%. Efficacy is the TRIAL results. So it was expected that the effectiveness in the outside world would be lower.
This was mostly ignored by the media who spoke as if the vaccines were a Silver Bullet. At the senior management level of the federal government, this was also pushed. This has been explained as they felt that if the public knew that it wasn’t perfect people would not opt for the vaccine.
Another case of the feds not believing in the smartness of the citizen.
As the vaccinations were initiated it soon became clear that yes, they didn’t work for everyone, only 85-90% for the mRNA based, around 70% for J&J’s traditional, which also soon showed serious side effects. J&J has since been withdrawn.
The denials, claims, plus thousands of Internet experts, many who never got past 9th grade general science, produced a cauldron of hate, fear, disbelief and reluctance. Thousands, mostly elderly and the immune compromised, died needlessly.
The Left happily seized on the crisis to demand shutdown. They do love themselves some total control.
It was and still is a crime against humanity that no one will be punished for just as many German Nazis were not punished.
But we can place start of the fear clearly at the feet of the Left who initiated the attacks on the vaccine in development just to try and hurt Trump.
Damn their souls.
Refuses to give Trump a dime and spent 40 million for Haley and others not named Trump.
Why these people? Those that the Kochs endorsed are all war-mongering Neo-Cons, which is precisely what the DEMS are becoming, though the average Dem doesn’t realize it quite yet.
So why support wars abroad? Koch owns fertilizer plants, and Ukraine and Russia have vast resources needed for fertilizers.
Koch has a huge stake in building special glass for Electric cars, robotics and AI. You can see whose side they fall on with that one.
One thing to remember. The MAGA movement does not enjoy a lot of corporate support. Even from the GOP. This should be all that we need to know.
The left has spent 20 years sending thousands of their soldiers to A Business college, which is the main breeding ground for new blood pouring into corporations at the ground level. Those people have grown up and are now in control of these corporations. It is no wonder that MAGA stands alone as a grassroots movement.
The tides are turning for both Parties. I am not sure it will be called the GOP in 10 years. Just like MSNBC should change its name to MSDNC, so too will the GOP cease to exist in a decade, as will the democratic party.
That I guess is moot since the asteroid set to miss up in 2029 now has been recalculated with a 50/50 chance of sending us the way of the Dinosuars, so all of this might be moot in 5 years. All it will take is a small impact by a 100 meter asteriod and you can kiss your 401k goodbye.
The United States is not at war today, having exited Afghanistan in 2021, as dictated by then-President Trump in 2020.
We ARE, with NATO companies, helping Ukraine fight the invasion by Trump’s mentor, Vladimir Putin.
We ARE, with rousing MAGA support, helping Israel destroy Hamas.
For the love of Putin, the new MAGA Party wants to give Ukraine to Russia. MAGA hates any and every thing Muslim or Arab. They don’t trust Jews but love the idea of Israel as the mother of Christianity.
Rimjob: The United States is not at war today, having exited Afghanistan in 2021, as dictated by then-President Trump in 2020.
WRONG! As usual.

Mr Teach on the Congressional Black Congress: This is government intimidation at it’s (sic) worst.
from the article: Following the Supreme Court’s 2023 ruling overturning affirmative action, more than a dozen Republican attorneys general sent letters to Fortune 500 corporations threatening legal action over such policies.
Are the actions of the Republican attorneys general also government intimidation of private businesses at its worst?
Conservatives attribute these disparities to differences in abilities, intelligence, attitudes and culture, while liberals blame over a century of discrimination.
Chicken Little Karen Man
Blacks are also overrepresented in low-paying jobs. Nearly half of Black workers work in the healthcare, retail, accommodation, and food service industries, and most of them are in lower-paying service roles.
They are also over represented in the NFL, NBA and FBI crime statistics.
So you think there’s something wrong in the culture? Maybe more emphasis on mariage, family and education?
Also overrepresented in government jobs at all levels. And totally dominating representation in commercial ads.
Yes, 18% of government jobs are occupied by Blacks, 61% by whites.
22.5% of female characters on commercial TV were Black.
Only 13% of Americans are Black!!!
And too many Blacks in advertisements?
Right-wing discussion groups claim Blacks are in 70% of TV commercials.
A recent study out of Northeastern University found that the total
daily Black actor share of ads, calculated as the percentage of the total number of Black actors’ appearances across airings per day, yielded a daily mean of 10.06 but with a standard deviation of 25.62, so highly variable.
It seems likely that sensitized conservatives “see” mostly the ads with Black actors. Note that the white “Jake” from State Farm Insurance was replaced by a black “Jake”!
Lil Ol’ Shithead,
Yes, Black Americans are overrepresented in sports and entertainment, two industries that rely primarily on performance. You go where they’ll hire you!!
And yes, Black men commit violent crimes at a higher rate than any other group. Yet, white men commit more non-violent financial crimes.
primarily on performance.
That’s a waffle statement. It gives the Left the right to admit low performers to Medical school, airlines to hire low performing pilots, etc., etc.
And had you rather have your wallet stolen or be shot in the ass??
Do you think people are tricked into paying money to watch NFL, NBA, the Olympics, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Kendrick Lamar, Michael Jackson, Sam Cooke, etc
Louis Armstrong became famous and wealthy in a time he couldn’t eat in a restaurant or stay in a hotel.
Low performers? How did low performer crooked dunderheads like Donnie, Donnie Jr, and Eric get into Ivy League schools or Georgetown? Money!!! This bullshit has been an excuse to discriminate for decades.
Donnie Sr only swindled his Trump U “students” out 10s of millions.
Although violent “street” crime continues to decline, white collar crime continues! And for some reasons Republicuns oppose the investigation of white collar crime. And of course Don the Con opposes enforcement.
“A century of discrimination” that ended a long time ago..
It did? That’s good to know!
I was with you right up until you said “moderate dems jump on the MAGA ship”. There are no moderate dems. They are now identified as radical white supremacists by dems just ask Elwood.
Mr White,
Of course there are moderate Democrats. In fact, most Dems are moderate. You just keep moving the goalposts.
Most Dems want what you want. A livable income, freedom, equity, a strong America, aiding the sick and poor.
Don’t let the radicals and reactionaries distract you.
America has problems, but working together we can address them. Therein lies the problem. Those who don’t want Americans to work together, who benefit from division, are winning.
Everyone is called either a “fascist” or a “communist”. Few are either.
Our Presidents are not kings and should have limited powers. In a perfect world Congress makes laws for all Americans and the apolitical Supreme Court rules on the Constitutionality. The President should work WITH Congress.
Chicken Little Karen Man
And everyone who disagrees with a Democrat Leftie is called a Racist. So, your point is what?
Our Presidents are not kings and should have limited powers. In a perfect world Congress makes laws for all Americans and the apolitical Supreme Court rules on the Constitutionality. The President should work WITH Congress.
You display your misunderstanding.
Congress makes laws that apply to “all” as defined in the Constitution. We are a Republic, not a Democracy.
No institution composed of individuals can be purely apolitical. We on the Right have suffered through years of decisions applauded by the Left. The people, through Congress, have spoken. Our turn.
The 10th Amendment exists specifically to show that the States have the powers not specifically given to the other two branches.
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
On the Presidential level the people also spoke but saw their will stolen by thieves at the ballot box. We shall see what happens this time.
Biden has acted unilaterally in several scenarios and had them overturned. So has previous Presidents.
Name 5 moderate democrats. Nobody’s moving goal posts except when you call conservatives “radicals” and Christians white supremacists.
Most dems are being snookered. Note: We don’t want “equity”. Ever! We want equal opportunity. If elections are stolen America is not free. If the government uses lawfare, censorship and misinformation against its political rivals we don’t have Freedom. Dems want a DEI military with gay overtones, not a strong America. If the sick and the poor are not being aided then where is all the trillions going for welfare and Obamacare?
I bet you typed that with a straight face too. The only people who separate Americans into black vs white, thee state vs Christians, rich vs poor, and who insist on ferreting out the winner from the looser in every category are dems. Lately it’s women vs me, Of course it’s the evil repubs against gays, trans, blacks, Hispanics, Jews, and every other category you can think of. Right now every dem operative is panicked by the how many blacks, women, or whatever are leaving the party and how to replace them with illegals without being caught.
I don’t think that’s true. Usually the dems call the repubs fascist because they must think we want a dictatorship. We call many leftists commies only because they have become such. Not our fault.
I call extreme conservatives “reactionaries” not “radicals”.
And many, many conservatives have seen the potential power in being MAGA member so they’ve taken more extreme positions. Many extreme conservatives are white supremacists. GOP leadership refuses to criticize Christian nationalism.
Let me ask you.
Can anyone who believes Roe v Wade was good law be a moderate?
You typed the following, and there’s a lot of misinformation to unpack…
Note: We don’t want “equity”. Ever! We want equal opportunity. Equity is equal opportunity -so we agree.
If elections are stolen America is not free. That;s untrue. The 2020 election was not stolen.
If the government uses lawfare, censorship and misinformation against its political rivals we don’t have Freedom. Mr Trump is having and will continue to have his days in court. Even with our 2-tiered justice system, Mr Trump is not immune.
Dems want a DEI military with gay overtones, not a strong America. That’s being silly. All Americans have the right to serve, even gay men and women.
Trillions are not going for welfare and the ACA. Trillions ARE going to defense, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. It’s a fact that we still have sick, poor and hungry. We can do better.
Can anyone who believes the US needs a comprehensive immigration plan be a moderate?
Can anyone who believes that billionaires should pay more taxes be a moderate?
Can anyone who believes that the nation needs universal healthcare be a moderate?
Chicken Little Karen Man
Social Security and Medicare is user funded. Don’t confuse it with Medicaid.
I think everyone should pay 12% Fed income tax on their income. You okay with that?
I believe we need to close the border, round up all the illegal aliens and send them back.
-Haitians in Ohio eating cats.
-Venezuelans in Colorado holding apartment buildings hostage.
-Congolese in New York raping their way through the cities.
It’s like we’ve imported all the worst of the third world.
Diversity is not turning out to be our strength.
Thanks Joey.