We know she plans to hit companies that “price gouge”, but, how? What’s the plan? What’s the definition? Why do most economists and even Democrats say this is a bad idea? She says she will rescue the middle class (from 3 1/2 years of the Biden-Harris administration): how?
Harris has economic plan Goldman Sachs loves — but voters not allowed to see it
Vice President Kamala Harris did not trip on the debate stage, smack her head on the lectern, pass out or vomit on herself Tuesday night. She cackled only once.
So for her, it was a ringing success.
But her big, insurmountable political problem remains. Will voters cast their ballots based on a fairly unmemorable debate in which she said nothing? Or will they cast their ballots based on whether they are better off today than they were nearly four years ago when Ms. Harris and President Biden took office?
She then claimed to have a plan for an “opportunity economy” — a plan she said is approved by Goldman Sachs and Wharton School of Business. But, apparently, the plan is so super secret that she will not let voters see it until after the election.
But we know Goldman Sachs loves it!
“It’s like four sentences,” Mr. Trump joked. “Like ’run, Spot, run.’”
Well, in fairness, it is more than 4 sentences, but, it really doesn’t say much. It’s not even as detailed as the underwear gnomes plan.
As always, it was Mr. Trump against everybody else. The only one on his side Tuesday night was Lady Luck, who won him the coin flip so he got the last word.
He wondered why if Ms. Harris has all these great secret plans to fix everything she doesn’t get immediately to Washington right now and fix them since she is the sitting vice president.
Then he answered his own question. It’s because Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris are “the worst president and worst vice president in history.”
No worries, Kamala Harris will totally rescue us from the Biden-Harris administration.

The worst spanking since the Stormy Daniels affair! Vice President Harris beat him up and he had no response.
Donnie looked and acted old, tired and weak. He didn’t want to be there.
Donnie’s economic plan is a 20% tariff on all imports, except for Cjhina where he wants 60% or more. Once again, King Donnie insisted that the exporter pays the tariffs, not the consumers.
There is nothing Donnie can say or do to lose his minions, but it’s doubtful he recruited any new voters. So it could be of little consequence.

Those biased ABC moderators gave Mr Trump 5 minutes more talk-time than Vice-President Harris.
That might sound like an advantage for Mr Trump, but the more he spoke the worse it got.
They also gave him 100% of all the “fact checks”. Saying that I think she won the debate but I really think he lost it. There were several things she should have been called on like that project 2025 nonsense, the eating pets when we all saw pictures in the news and heard reports of it, the “fine people” hoax, the “bloodbath” hoax, the abortion ban hoax, the lies about crime going down when many of the large cities did not report their numbers. All of these have been debunked yet they allowed it to be put out there.
BTW, do weak minded democrat women actually believe Trump can stop abortion?
Also she may have won the debate but she didn’t tell us what he plans were. At all.
What they believe is that given the opportunity Republicuns would ban abortion, just as they have in several “red” states. Would Trump sign a bill banning abortion? I believe he would sign it. Wouldn’t you support a national ban?
Trump is running from the Heritage Project 2025. Note that Trump has no plans aside from massive tariffs. Heritage will dictate who staffs his administration.
No, Haitians are not eating pets. In August, a non-immigrant woman, Alexis Ferrell, was arrested in a town over 100 miles from Springfield for animal abuse. “The Defendant did torture, kill, and eat a cat in a residential area in front multiple people,” the police report said.
No, Trump didn’t win the 2020 election.
The clumsy Trump DID make the “fine people” quote.
Yes, the “bloodbath” comment was taken out of context.
The peak in violent crime was in the early 90s. Since then, the rate of violent crime has been going down through 2022. Crime data since has not been reported.
Oh my!

The hell you you say.