Seriously, there has been almost no election in the U.S. or other countries for which ‘climate change’ is the centerpiece. One of the few for it was was in Queensland, Australian in 2012, where people obliterated the majority party over their climate policies, wanting them rolled back. So, the complete reverse
The presidential debate proved that climate change is not at center of 2024 election, experts say
Climate change remains on the backburner of the 2024 election following little mention of environmental policy during the first — and possibly only — debate between the two presidential candidates.
Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump faced off for the first time on Tuesday night from the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, where neither candidate dedicated ample time to addressing what they would do to reduce the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions and bolster the clean energy industry.
“I think what we learned last night is that climate really is not on the ballot this fall,” Leah Aronowsky, a science historian at the Columbia Climate School, whose research has focused on the history of climate science and climate denialism, told ABC News.
It’s easy for the cultists to whip up support when things are going well: when you have much higher costs for food, energy, housing, and just about everything else, people don’t have time for the scam.
Climate change has not taken center stage this election cycle due to other topics — such as the economy, immigration and abortion — but that doesn’t mean that reducing greenhouse gas emissions is any less important, John Abraham, a professor of mechanical engineering at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota, told ABC News.
Important to the cultists. Even most casual Warmists find it important in theory, not practice.
But environmental advocates and policymakers will have to find a way going forward to help the public understand how climate change will affect Americans in their everyday lives, Aronowsky said.
“It’s becoming clear that talking about climate as a … standalone issue is a political dead end,” she said.
It mostly always has been, no matter how much the cultists push it. Especially since once you get down into the policy voters realize that making action happen requires government dictates in their lives, with higher taxes and fees, and a loss of life choices.

It is a bad thing that the Republicans are not hammering harder on the poverty-spreading plans the Democrats have when it comes to
global warmingclimate change. The government has already wasted billions on it, actually building very few public charging stations, and private investors have soured on them. Manufacturers have reduced production of plug-in electric vehicles because they aren’t selling as well as the rosy predictions claimed would happen. So many of our friends on the left want to see Other People but more EVs, without buying the silly things themselves.The voters need to know more about this, and the Dems are soft-peddling the issue, because they know that, if Kamala Emhoff wins the election, she’ll push her radical policies anyway.
If the media keeps covering for Harris like they have for the last three months and like the so called moderators did at the debate whatever the Republicans hammer about will never see the light of day. This is going to be another propaganda election and when America comes out the post election end of it all we will be a different country.
This is the far lefts last chance and they know it. They will pour every trick they have on to this election. Kill if necessary. Trump can’t win. Literally and figuratively.
We are at the same point in our republic that Rome was When Augustus took power. We are looking at decades of one party rule controlled by millionaire congressmen and billionaire patrons. Currently they admit to 75% of the rich being Democrats. It’s more.
They tell us that crime has gone down. It’s true when one considers leftist mayors and DA’s, leftist controlled police and the mass media refusing to report it.
Where are the 325,000 children?
Where is the 600 million spent on climate? The money spent on charging stations?
One last step to confiscate our guns and then it’s all over. From what we saw of the submission during Covid all they need do is ask and they shall be surrendered.
I predict a bad recession by the end of 25 or the beginning of 2026. It will be Trump’s fault no doubt. But a national emergency will be declared and never ended.
We are about to see who the real tyrants are and Trump ain’t one of them.
remember, the media covered for Biden for 4 years. Democrats in the media, including Jeff, still won’t admit they lied about Biden being senile all this time. They all knew it, but believed getting a (D) elected was more important.
remember, the media has covered for Trump for 9 years. MAGAts in the media, including perfesser hate, still won’t admit they’ve lied about Trump being insane all this time. They all knew it, but believed getting an (R) elected was more important.
What, more lies? If it weren’t for lies you would have nothing to comment about. You really need to get reprogrammed you’re getting stale.
Speaking of lies, mistruths, misinformation and disinformation…
Do you believe that Mr Trump won the 2020 election?
Do you believe the only way Mr Trump can lose in November is by Dem cheating?
Are Haitians dog- and cat-napping pets and cooking them?
Are foreign lands emptying their mental institutions and prisons, sending the people to America?
Do you believe many more than 21 million “illegals” have invaded America in the past 4 years?
Do you believe that tariffs are paid by China to America?
Do you believe that “Every legal scholar, every Democrat, every Republican, liberal, conservative, all wanted this issue (Roe v Wade) to be brought back to the states where the people could vote…”?
Would you be dissapointed if Trump vetoes a bill he receives from Congress banning abortion?
Mr White,
We’re sorry you are so negative on America.
Even with Mr Trump’s poor performance, and Vice President Harris’s strong performance, the race is still too close to call. So no need to give up hope. Ex-president Trump still has an opportunity to nail America’s carcass to the wall!
Mr Trump is interested only in getting elected. He cares little about governance, which he will turn over to others – sycophantic advisors, the Heritage Foundation, other crazies.
The worst of the MAGA movement will have America to play with! Taking control of reproduction! Making America christian again! Making Ukraine Russian again! Making marriage moral again! Making America the billionaire’s playground as God intended! Making America white again!
Hey Rimjob, STFU. You don’t speak for America.
Hey donniespuppy, STFU. You don’t speak for America.
Brilliant comeback, Rimjob. You were told to STFU. Hurry up with another one cuz recess is almost over there at the Affton Middle School.
Brilliant comeback, donniespuppy. You were told to STFU. Hurry up with another one cuz break time is almost over there at the Georgia Reformatory.
Your cybersleuthing skills failed you again. What kind of stalker are you?
There is no such place as the Affton Middle School. Try harder, pissant.
Your ramblings sound like a sour old Marxist looking at the the communist state that could have been. Nobody should want to go backwards and put your party in power. We’ve been there and it doesn’t work.
You obviously haven’t noticed but America has been the billionaires playground for some time now. You just don’t care because 75% of the rich are demsocommies.
You democrats make money off the backs of the working men then bribe the poor to vote for ya and keep you in power. You really amaze me with your snobbishness.
Mr White,
Actually the United States has fared relatively well with Democratic administrations. America beat the Great Depression with the New Deal. America beat the Nazis, Fascists and Imperialists in WWII. America was rebuilt under Democratic and moderate Republican presidents and Congress. Universities, highways, public schools, bridges, dams, airports, and importantly the most powerful middle class in human history!!
Busy Americans even found time to address civil and voting rights!! And reduced the WWII debt to near zero!! America DID make a wrong turn to Vietnam. And Richard Nixon. President Reagan has had enough of the growing middle class and those high taxes on the wealthy and started adding to deficits and debt. Poor H.W. Bush had to raise taxes to keep the ship afloat and paid the price! Clinton had 8 peaceful years and even balanced the budget with a Republican Congress!! The US survived 9/11 and invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and “survived” the Great Recession adding new trillions to the debt. Barack Obama pulled us, but slowly, out of the Great Recession, got us out of Iraq but DID NOT get out of Afghanistan. Then Trump, then Biden. Trump pushed leaving Iraq into the next term in 2021.
Anyway, America has done OK with Democratic leadership. The nuConservatives (MAGA, Trumpists) whine and complain about much, but focus mainly on social issues – abortion, same-sex marriage, church-state separation, the media, Blacks getting all the breaks, Mexicans taking all the jobs, Blacks, gays and Hispanics in TV shows and advertisements, DEI, critical race theory, guns, tax support for churches and church schools, liberalism and “wokeness”.
And we have more guns than ever!!
America beat the Great Depression with the New Deal.
Mr Dowd was unintentionally (?) funny:
First, Do No Harm! Anyway, Mr Dana has no measure of how lucid is President Biden.
The rest of his treatise is his opinion. Should we be electing every government position? Most are held over from one administration to the next.
We understand that modern conservatives despise government employees.
There is something morally wrong with the left:
There is something morally wrong with the MAGAts:
Using the tragic death of a man’s son for poltical points. Shame on you.
There’s something wrong with Rimjob preaching about morals.
Ya know with selling that snake oil at Galera Therapeutics and costing investors over 70M dollars in less than 4 years.
Yeah, talk to us about morals.
That poor guy is so propagandized his brain is fuked up. The Haitian that murdered his son was here because of leftist policies and he and you blame MAGA?
Nathan Clark, father of Aiden Clark asks the politicians to stop using his son to generate more hate.
“To clear the air, my son, Aiden Clark, was not murdered. He was accidentally killed by an immigrant from Haiti. This tragedy is felt all over this community, this state and even the nation. But don’t spin this towards hate.”
“Did you know that one of the worst feelings in the world is to not be able to protect your child? Even worse, we can’t even protect his memory when he’s gone.”
“I said to Aiden that I would try to make a difference in his honor. This is it. Live like Aiden. Thank you.”
Oh like you really realy care, Rimjob.
Spare us the faux concern, hypocrite.
Also Nathan Clark:
“I wish that my son, Aiden Clark, was killed by a 60-year-old white man.”
You know, a normal parent would wish his child not be killed at all.
Chicken Little Karen Man(?)
Do you believe that Mr Trump won the 2020 election? Yes, he was always blocked out of the courts on such technicalities as “no standing.”
Do you believe the only way Mr Trump can lose in November is by Dem cheating? No doubt. Of course they may kill him first.
Are Haitians dog- and cat-napping pets and cooking them? Yes. We’ve seen and heard the proof.
Are foreign lands emptying their mental institutions and prisons, sending the people to America? No doubt about it Castro showed them how.
Do you believe many more than 21 million “illegals” have invaded America in the past 4 years? That’s probably a low number.
Do you believe that tariffs are paid by China to America? Yes.
Do you believe that “Every legal scholar, every Democrat, every Republican, liberal, conservative, all wanted this issue (Roe v Wade) to be brought back to the states where the people could vote…”? Many of the more knowable did.
Would you be dissapointed if Trump vetoes a bill he receives from Congress banning abortion? That will never happen.
Karen, if you are as educated as you make out, various cultures eat things that the others do not.
In Vietnam dogs and cats are fattened, slaughtered, cooked and ate. Do you want our culture to be like Vietnam? Do you want us to be like Vietnam?
So quit being a dork and showing how stupid you can be.
Mr Lewis,
We have nothing to discuss further, as you are out of touch with reality.
I’ll ignore you from now on.
How about making that pledge to all the commenters here at the Cove, Rimjob?
But we all know you won’t keep it anyway.