Remember, this is totally not real
Springfield, Ohio, man reported Haitian migrants snatching geese out of park just 2 weeks ago
A Springfield, Ohio, resident on his way to work called 911 to report spotting four Haitian migrants snatching geese near a city park just two weeks ago, according to a newly revealed recording.
The call to a Clark County Sheriff’s Office dispatcher, obtained by the Federalist, appears to support a viral claim about some members of the migrant community eating animals in city parks.
Former President Donald Trump blasted the story into the mainstream Tuesday night when he claimed migrants in Springfield were “eating the dogs.”
Local cops and officials denied that anyone has reported pets being taken for food — but residents have previously claimed that ducks and other fowl were being eaten.
“I’m sitting here, I’m riding on the trail, I’m going to my orientation for my job today, and I see a group of Haitian people, there was about four of them, they all had geese in their hand,” the caller told a dispatcher.
All those reporters and Kamala supporters and supporters of unfettered immigration, bringing the 3rd World (is Haiti the 4th World at this point?) have said it’s a hoax, but, have any of them left their cushy offices and traveled to Springfield and interviewed residents? Done some investigation and set up cameras to watch? Of course not. Reporter these days is reading Twitter and Facebook, sending a few emails for comment right before publication, and just making it up based on their political beliefs.
On Tuesday, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced he was sending Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers to help local cops, and was also earmarking $2.5 million to fund the city’s overburdened health system. (snip)
Residents attending a Springfield City Commission meeting last month shared a variety of horror stories involving migrants doing everything from harassing locals to throwing mattresses on front lawns to consuming anything on four legs.
You can thank the Biden-Harris administration. The next city experiencing this could be yours if Kamala is elected.

Not to be overly pedantic, but (getting just the right amount of pedantry)… First/Second/Third world labels are Cold War artifacts not labels associated with wealth or levels of social development. First world is the Capitalist West and their Allies (Japan, South Korea). Second world is the Eastern Block (Warsaw pact) and places aligned with them, like Cuba. Third world are the nations that are unaligned with either communists or Western nations, regardless of wealth or development. So, by definition, no nation can be “fourth world”. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Western diplomats created new terms like “undeveloped world” and “emerging economies”. Haiti would be properly classified as a “failed state” since it has no recognizable government or institutions capable of performing even the most basic acts of governance or international cooperation.
It does cause one to wonder though what the Haitians must have been feeling watching the Biden/Harris/Obama/(unknown unelected oligarchs) administration spend $300 million on a failed attempt to build a pier for Gaza and deliver aid to Gazans on the other side of the planet while continuing to do nothing for Haiti.
And how many billions has the US spent on Israel the past few years?
We have invested over $300 mllion in aid to Haiti.
Rimjob: And how many billions has the US spent on Israel the past few years?
Since Rimjob hasn’t the faintest understanding of the ROI concept maybe he could look it up and take note.
The investors in Galera Therapeutics certainly understand the concept.
Mr Teach stands with the geese!! Were these pet geese? LOL.
I saw of picture of a black man carrying what appeared to be Canada geese. The picture was labeled as a Haitian carrying ducks. And they opined that “Haitians” were “feasting on their remains” as a dragon might on roasting an explorer!
Wild geese, even those annoying ones that don’t migrate, are not the same as pet dogs and cats. People even raise geese for as food! I’ve shot and eaten geese. Kudos to these men for snatching the “shit everywhere”, ill-tempered birds by the neck! People kill invasive pigeons, European sparrows and blackbirds all the time. Granted they don’t eat them. Geese used to be migratory, but now many areas have nuisance permanent populations.
Did Mr Trump and Mr Teach confuse Subspecies or Species? No. Genera? Nope. Families? Nada. Orders? Nay. Classes? Yes!! They confused mammals with birds!!! Mammalia vs Aves. Birds are genetically closer to dinosaurs than they are to mammals!!
Nice try, Mr Teach, nice try. Excuse us if we don’t take a MAGAt’s word for anything.
Chicken Little Karen Man
The goose came from the city park where, while not tame, he geese and ducks are easy to catch because they have found the park to be a safe area.
The point is that these birds are there for the viewing enjoyment of the TAX PAYING CITIZENS not as food for illegal aliens who shouldn’t even being there.
“Media assures illegals haven’t killed any cats, just women and children…” Whew…
And white Americans kill even more women and children!!
Most of those school shooters are white citizens!!
And just like those legal Haitians in Ohio, hardly any white Americans kill and eat dogs and cats! It WAS reported that Alexis Ferrel, a US citizen in Canton OH, DID kill and eat a cat!
Robert Kennedy Jr, a close associate of Donald Trump, was reported to have eaten a dog, but overseas. He has hinted to eating various roadkill.
Chicken Little Karen Man
The goose came from the city park where, while not tame, he geese and ducks are easy to catch because they have found the park to be a safe area.
The point is that these birds are there for the viewing enjoyment of the TAX PAYING CITIZENS not as food for illegal aliens who shouldn’t even being there.
“And white Americans kill even more women and children…” That’s simply because there’s more white people. On a per capita basis, that’s not true at all
You believe Haitians kill more women and children per capita than do white people?
Another Rimjob franchise opportunity.

Haiti has about 12 million people or about 4% of our population. Last year nearly 5,000 murders were counted last year. You do the math Elwood.
Haitians in the US killed 5000 Americans? Do you have ANY evidence?
Only Donald Trump can make his opponents work overtime to appear so irrelevant.
Bwaha! Lolgf