Because landslides never happened before fossil fuels, when the Earth was a huge 1.6F lower
Landslide triggered by climate change ’caused Earth to vibrate for nine days’
A landslide in Greenland that was triggered by climate change created a mega-tsunami that caused the Earth to vibrate for nine days, new research suggests.
The giant waves caused by the event sloshed back and forth across a fjord, generating vibrations throughout Earth, researchers say.
The study, which included UCL scientists, found that this movement of water was the cause of a mysterious, global vibration in the Earth which lasted for nine days and puzzled seismologists in September last year.
Co-author Dr Stephen Hicks, of UCL Earth Sciences, said: “When I first saw the seismic signal, I was completely baffled.
“Even though we know seismometers can record a variety of sources happening on Earth’s surface, never before has such a long-lasting, globally travelling seismic wave, containing only a single frequency of oscillation, been recorded.
And, because this is a doomsday cult, they immediately Blamed you
“Our study of this event amazingly highlights the intricate interconnections between climate change in the atmosphere, destabilisation of glacier ice in the cryosphere, movements of water bodies in the hydrosphere, and Earth’s solid crust in the lithosphere.
“This is the first time that water sloshing has been recorded as vibrations through the Earth’s crust, travelling the world over and lasting several days.”
It’s the first time it’s been recorded, so, they immediately went to ‘climate change’, without any scientific proof. That’s all you need to know to realize this is not science, but, a cult. The glacier melted and let go, as glaciers have done throughout the Holocene since the last glacial age ended, but, nope, it had to be due to carbon pollution.