Daily Archives: September 13, 2024

Global Boiling Is Terrifying To GenZ Or Something

It’s not terrifying enough for them to give up their own use of fossil fuels, often to just go take selfies, nor their fast fashion, nor constantly getting new smartphones, nor the enormous amounts of energy they use to stream everything on a constant basis. They won’t stop fighting, though, for government to raise their […]

If All You See…

…is horrible Bad Weather snow in the desert nation of Lebanon, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, with a post on age and temperament.

Australian Government Will Fine Social Media Companies If They Do Not Moderate “Misinformation”

What is misinformation? Is it like most major intelligence agencies saying COVID most likely leaked from the Wuhan Institute, not from someone eating something? That natural immunity was better than the vaccines? That lockdowns did nothing? That the vaccines would do nothing? That most masks do nothing? That Hunter’s laptop was, you know, actually Hunter’s […]

Fish Wrap Wonders When Climate Homicide Charges Are Coming

There was, believe it or not, a time when the NY Times was the most respected newspaper in the country, and one of the most respected in the world. Now? We get this insanity Good grief, this is a real article https://t.co/HDnRMbICjo — William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) September 12, 2024 It’s real Lawsuits against […]

Biden-Harris Admin Upset Over “False” Pets Eating Stories

They aren’t particularly worried about the American citizens of Springfield who had 20,000 3rd World (4th World?) Haitians dumped in their city of 60,000, bringing their 3rd World beliefs, violence and problems, raising rent, stealing, and so much more. They’re just worried about the Haitians White House Says False Migrant Pet-eating Stories Put ‘Lives In […]

Pirate's Cove