They aren’t particularly worried about the American citizens of Springfield who had 20,000 3rd World (4th World?) Haitians dumped in their city of 60,000, bringing their 3rd World beliefs, violence and problems, raising rent, stealing, and so much more. They’re just worried about the Haitians
White House Says False Migrant Pet-eating Stories Put ‘Lives In Danger’
The White House on Thursday condemned debunked stories being pushed by Donald Trump about Haitian migrants eating pet cats and dogs in Ohio as “filth” and said they were endangering people’s lives.
“It is spreading filth that makes the lives of the communities that are being smeared here… it puts their lives in danger,” Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told a briefing.
Not a bit of concern for the Americans. None. And a President Harris would simply bring more into this country. People who will never assimilate, just like with the Islamists in Dearborn and Minneapolis. Venezuelan gang members in Aurora, Colorado. She and the rest of her Comrades want your child’s education disrupted by illegals who do not speak the language and care nothing about being an American, only to be given everything and force America to change for them.
(NY Post) Forget about the ducks and geese allegedly disappearing from public parks. In this beleaguered city, residents say the biggest problem, by far, is that wild-driving Haitian migrants — unfamiliar with US road laws — are turning the streets into combat zones.
And the result can be deadly. The family of Springfield grandma Kathy Heaton experienced this firsthand on Dec. 1 — a day after her 71st birthday — when a Haitian migrant ran her down while she was collecting her garbage cans.
And the driver got off scot-free.
Would an American have gotten off?
Mandy and countless other Springfield residents feel the problem is in the roughly 20,000 Haitian migrants who have flooded into this city of just 60,000 people in just a few years. Longtime residents say the immigrants are getting temporary driving permits without having to learn how to drive safely in the US — or even knowing how to drive at all. (snip)
“Haitians are going the wrong way down one-way streets, making unlawful U-turns in the middle of the roadways, damaging property by driving recklessly, there’s been some street signs taken out, people have had their garages wrecked,” she said.
How would the cops treat you?

Having personally experienced drivers in both Italy and France, I can tell you that even in those First World nations, the drivers are crazy. And watching bus drivers in London? I’m not crazy enough to try the s(tuff) they do!
I took a cab ride with a “gypsy” cabby in Milan years ago. Exciting stuff.
The pet eating stories are not “false”. They are being deliberately squashed by the leftist media to protect Kamilla. Across the river from me in PA they are having the same problems.
Migrant Population In Charleroi, Pennsylvania Explodes 2,000% As Crisis Unfolds
How would they know if the stories are false or not? They can’t even find their way to East Palestine OH to look at a train derailment.
They couldn’t (and wouldn’t) go to Springfield, because then they might have to face the wrath of the citizens who live there who were inundated with Haitian illegals.
Please. One Lie at a Time. We’ve noticed Trumpists now shifting from “eating dogs and cats” to car crashes and dead geese!
Instead of “false”, how about “unfounded”, “unsupported”, “lacking evidence” etc. Sort of like the election “Big Lie”.
Do YOU really believe Haitian refugees in Springfield OH are petnapping cats and dogs to eat? That’s what citizen Trump claimed.
BTW, zerohedge is unreliable. It was started Bulgarian Daniel Krassimirov Ivandjiiski after he was banned from hedge-fund work for insider trading. The domain is owned by Bulgarian Krassimir Ivandjiiski, Daniel’s father and a former Soviet-era Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Trade official. This explains the zero hedge pro-Russia positions.
The zerohedge screed did not support your claims about pet-eating Haitians.
I don’t know and can only go by what is reported. Unless one sees it one can’t be sure any more. And in you particular case we’ve shown you videos and pictures of vote fraud in 2020 and even your own eyes reject it. BTW, citizen Trump didn’t “claim” it, he repeated it. You repeated it also. As have I. Neither you nor I have any real reason to disbelieve the civilian reports. But being a faithful Party man you always choose to believe the Party (If the Party is yours). You still believe biden got 81 million votes but since 1/20 the people did nothing but try and get rid of him. He was a lousy and stupid president with a nasty attitude (seems to run in your leftist DNA) and no talent or intellect whatsoever. Couldn’t run a fukin car wash but he got 81 million votes (BS).
You just stated zerohedge is unreliable because you don’t like the guy who started it and now who runs it. You seem to hold a prejudice against Bulgarians or ex Soviets (current commie are acceptable by your presidential picks though).
I guess by what you have stated here many times you don’t trust anything not put forward by a fellow radical leftist.
BTW, zerohedge is unreliable. writes the totally reliable Rimjob. Bwaha!Lolgfy
[…] Also see: William Teach, in “Biden-Harris Admin Upset Over ‘False’ Pets Eating Stories“ […]
Besides eating pets…

Credibility WTF is that?
Gotta love dem “fact checkers”.

donniespuppy with another cut n paste with no citation.
LOL. There was a reason donniespuppy refused to cite the easily obtainable document.
She specifically stated medical care for those individuals in federal custody, including prison inmates and detainees. No, “illegals” free in the US cannot get gov’t paid transistion “care”.
Gotta love dem fact checker “checkers”
The New Yorker and CNN.
CarolAnn typed, regarding dog and cat eating Haitians: I don’t know and can only go by what is reported. Unless one sees it one can’t be sure any more.
There is no evidence to support the claim, but candidate Trump keeps saying it’s true.
Yes, Biden received over 81 million votes. There is no credible evidence of significant fraud. Turnout wass 66% of eligible voters in 2020. It was 59% in 2016.
Popular vote Biden/81,283,501 Trump/74,223,975
Percentage 51.3% 46.8%
I don’t depend on zero hedge because they have a history of not telling the truth. Do you trust the Daily Kos? I wouldn’t. Both sites are equally unreliable and equidistant from neutrality, just in opposite directions. Sites like Crooks & Liars and Epoch Times can be entertaining but not informative.
I don’t “depend” on any single source for information especially political information. From what I’ve observed since the turn of the century is the least dependable sources have been government at what used to be main stream media. Government lies to protect their positions and the media lies to protect their benefactors. I also don’t depend on any source that is wholly partisan or that has an obvious agenda without asking “why”?
People on the left never admit when they’re wrong and never apologize for anything. Haven’t you noticed even you refuse to apologize when you are wrong? You called Kye a coward even though he’s a decorated wounded war veteran and you called his wife a whore because she’s a Korean. Ever apologize? You Called LG Brandon an abortionist several times even knowing how cruel you were being because he suffers from having his son ripped from him and killed by the mother against his will. Ever apologize?
The fact that you never change your mind even in the face of doubts is why few if any of us here listen to what you spew. You can spew all the numbers and statistics you want about the election but your source is a partisan democrat government who has done nothing but gaslight the election results since day one. YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH and that is without a serious audit and review of the election shenanigans everything you bring to the table is just YOUR SPECULATION. The left, after being charged with cheating, rather than prove the election was fair and square preferred to ignore the people, the protests, the pictures, the videos and the affidavits attesting to wide spread cheating. We all saw it. We all knew it even you. But rather than “prove us wrong” you chose to ignore the steal and now you have a divided country half of which will NEVER BELIEVE YOU AGAIN. When all you had to do was instead of arresting and illegally jailing American citizens, charging our candidate with all kinds of spurious crimes that never would have seen the light of day had he not been Donald Trump, tried to bankrupt and destroy the mans business, riffle through his wife’s panties, invade his home, and shot him (so far only once). That’s how criminal, corrupt third world governments operate not modern first world republics. But you all got caught and rather than face the facts you chose to rip up the Republic. So piss on you.
Maybe after this election we can get the country back on track. Maybe not. But more power mad leftists running shit is not the answer. Putting a “Harris layer” of radical socialists on top of the 20-40 years worth of leftist bureaucrats won’t bring America back to power and prestige.
We need a new vision. A new way forward that does not include outdated and failed socialist/communist policies that have never worked. We need to reinvigorate the American people to love their children and not kill before they have a chance to be born or them or mutilate them because some movement has gripped the minds of those among us who need mental help not surgical mutilation. We need to welcome NEW AMERICANS as immigrants wanting to become one of us not illegal aliens looking to cash in on our generosity (or foolishness). We need to stop fighting everyone’s wars around the globe and use our military and our billions to protect ourselves. We need to reestablish the law as “justice” and not political revenge or ways to pervert the Constitution. And very importantly we need to stop the unholy collusion between political parties and the media or political parties with business. Those combinations only lead to communism or fascism and piles of dead bodies.
If we can’t rely on the honesty of our elections then we can’t rely on anything being honest. You can repeat the fake numbers put out by government operatives all you want but until you start being hones with WE THE PEOPLE we will never believe you and never rest till you’re in the trash heap of history.
CarolAnn typed, amongst her vitriol: If we can’t rely on the honesty of our elections then we can’t rely on anything being honest.
We agree!
And this is the what Mr Trump teaches you. “The only honest elections are those we win”.
Mr Trump additionally teaches you that whatever he does is legal. The same as Nixon.
Mr Trump teaches that only He can “fix” America.
Mr Trump teaches that only He has the “truth”. Not “the media”, not “the government”, not the FBI, not the Courts, not the CDC, not the Pope, certainly not our military, not the scientists, not the teachers… ONLY HE has the “truth”.
HE won the debate! HE knows Haitians are eating dogs and cats!! HE never cheated. HE never stole. HE never had sex with all those women. HE didn’t take those documents and refuse to return them. Only He can stop inflation. Only He can make America the dominant energy producer. Only He will permit Christianity to be taught in public schools. Only He will deport 21 million blackish “illegals” and legal dog-eating Haitians. Only He has the god-like qualities to deliver us from evil!
And YOU declare that those with whom you disagree must end up on the trash heap of history.
The onus is on YOU to PROVE the election was fraudulent. The courts, even with judges appointed by, and faithful to Mr Trump, saw the “evidence” over 60 times and rejected His claims. EVERY close state had recounts, often more than one. The Trump-supporting CyberNinja team recounted the AZ votes. Trump still lost. All but one legislature of the “swing” states were controlled by Republcuns! It was Mr Trump who promoted fraudulent electors. It was Mr Trump who threatened His own Vice-President. It was Mr Trump who incited His supporters to attack the US Capitol. You know all this.
The other night Mr Trump taught you to say that His cases were rejected because of “standing”. Now all Trumpists repeat it.
If I called Mr Kye a coward, I apologize. If I called his wife a whore, I apologize. If I called anyone a pedophile, embezzler, thief, rapist, murderer, a communist or a baby killer, I apologize. If I mocked or threatened another’s spouse or children or grandchildren I apologize. If I cyberstalked anyone here, I apologize. If I hurt Mr LGB feelings, I apologize. If I’ve hurt your feelings, I apologize. If I suggested you should be SWATTED, I apologize.
What is this “if” bullshit, Rimjob?

You did it.
Do you apologize for squandering over 70 million dollars of investors money while there at Galera Therapeutics?
Anyway, it never hurts to say you’re sorry even if you don’t mean it.
donniespuppet aka My Lil Stalker… I’m so, so sorry if I ever hurt your feelings.
So Rimjob you’re not sorry for squandering that 70 million dollars?
Them’s the breaks, huh?
Bitch please!

Here’s another photo of a Haitian taking a goose you can deny.
The latest cat eater.
Please try to keep up.
On August 16, Alexis Ferrell, born in Ohio, was arrested in Canton Ohio for mistreatment of a domestic animal. Canton is about 150 miles NE of Springfield.
She entered a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity. Duh!
She is being held in the local jail with bail set at $100,000.
Who cares but you?
You should care, since it’s the truth.
Are you not interested in truth?
We realize you strive for accuracy. This is not “another” example. Please note this is the same picture that Mr Teach originally ran labeling the geese as ducks. I noted at the time that these looked like geese, not ducks. I at no time denied that Haitians were taking ducks and geese. I even accepted the picture as evidence!
Taking geese from a public park, while still illegal, is NOT the same as eating people’s dogs and cats. Agreed?
Many cities would look the other way if one were to help their nuisance goose problem!
You can come up with an excuse for anything if it furthers your propaganda. If one is hired to eliminate nuisance geese one is employed. If one just takes one he’s a fukin thief. You support thieves.
You have a picture of a black man carrying what appears to be a goose and use that as evidence that Haitians are killing and eating dogs and cats.
And you wonder why we don’t believe a word you say…
The Blood Tribe, a neo-Nazi group, marched through Springfield OH in August carrying rifles and swastika flags, protesting the “invasion” by Haitians. Along with Jaded Vance (R-OH) and later Mr Trump, they pushed the falsehood that Haitians (here legally) were eating pet dogs and cats.
To his discredit, Mr Trump has never heard a racist meme he doesn’t repeat, so in a televised debate before nearly 70 million Americans, he blurted out the lie.
Trump, Blood Tribe, Vance, Teach and the Neo-Nazis are spreading this lie because the “base”, frightened racists at heart, eats it up.
This is what Trump is doing to America. He lies to you every day and you lap it up because you WANT to believe it. I am stunned about how 48% of American adults are so inattentive, ignorant, gullible or evil.
Rimjob, it seems like you’re the only one here post8ng and spreading this nonsense.

Kn9ck i5 off!
Rimjob just knock it off.
Stop it with the libtard paranoia.