…is a horrible, evil, no good fossil fueled truck at a fossil fuels station, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on JD Vance fact checking Dana Bash on air.
It’s truck week.

…is a horrible, evil, no good fossil fueled truck at a fossil fuels station, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on JD Vance fact checking Dana Bash on air.
It’s truck week.
Love it in the cited article above how J.D. shoves it up her ass and bitch slaps Bash after she constantly interrupts him after asking him for answers.
donniespuppy must have watched a different video of the Jaded McSmarmy.
McSmarmy’s McDonnie’s lies about cat- and dog-eating Haitians has led to bomb threats at schools, hospitals and gov’t facilities in Springfield, regardless of how much he denies it. He said he was only repeating what his “constituents were telling him”!
The entire ordeal started with a neo-Nazi rally in Springfield. Is it surprising that the neo-Nazis are in league with the MAGAs? LOL.
It’s not so much the ignorance that people find so annoying about Rimjob’s comments but it’s the sheer arrogance of his stupidity that is truly irritating.
A neo-Nazi rally in Springfield and you missed it? Shame!! Your people marching around tellin everyone how superior they are to MAGA’s and you weren’t there. How sad. Are you trying to say that Obama was a neo Nazi when he was eating his dogs? I don’t believe you. He was always a fukin commie and so were his pissant parents.
Do you eat dogs and cats Elwood? I mean just to show support for all the Haitian dem voters. I assume you guys have them all balloted up already. That’s another 20,000 votes from MO.
Sorry ass wipe the neo nazis are in bed with the commies like YOU.
Sorry ass wipe the neoNazis love fascists like YOU. And Trumpolini.
Another Kumala lie.
Where’s the fact check? Anyone?

Cannot be denied.
Remember kids.
The whole idea that mental illness can be treated is a fallacy. Sure, humans have discovered ways to monkey around with brain chemistry and some of that monkeying around seems to be beneficial on a case by case basis. But mostly, it is done by trial and error to see what drugs and dosages levels produce the right amount of brain high and lows that the patient agrees to accept. Psychiatry is not a real medical practice based on science. That is why there are so many “untreated”, “self-medicated”, and people marginally in trouble with the law constantly and having multiple types of personality disorders that make it hard for other people to interact with them on a daily basis.
I sense a whole lot of airbrushing/photoshop/AI imagery going on in that picture.
Another guy with an assault weapon (this time a Russian AK-47) was captured at a Trump golf course by the SS/FBI. No shots were fired and Trump was uninjured.
Donnie Trump Jr (46) was caught making out with model/socialite Bettina Anderson (37) and not his fiancee Kimberly Guilfoyle (55) at a Palm Beach eatery in August. Like father, like son!!
Ya know Elwood, you come up with more bullshit rumors than an old lady. Why do you spread unsubstantiated lies just to harm someone you don’t even know and who has no effect on your life? Is that some left wing program? Ruin other people for fun and recreation? You are one of the cruelest and most insensitive people I’ve ever run across. Why do you enjoy hurting others for no reason? Why is harming another’s reputation so important to you?
Perhaps you’d be better suited trying to keep your fellow traitors from assassination attempts.
We report, you deride!
Unlike Hunter Biden, Donnie Jr is not charged with a crime, only with cheating on his fiancee.
No biggy.
I didn’t take the pictures or write the story. It’s unlikely to be reported on FOX, so you likely won’t hear of it.
You tell me.

Nobody cared when illegals were killing people in DUI crashes, raping them in shelters, strangling them on college campuses, beating cops in Times Square…
But you eat one cat…

Why is Donald Trump accompanied by a 31 year old woman who openly adores him? Asking for Melania.
There are pictures of Trump and Loomer “together”. Where’s his wedding ring?? He takes her everywhere on Air Trump One! She spends time at Mar-a-Lago.
“She’s a wonderful woman!” “Where is she? You look beautiful as usual.” He gushes.
Like son, like father!!
We get it. Old men are highly susceptible to the attentions of young women. Stay strong Donnie!!
Jefferson, Cleveland, Harding, FDR, Ike, JFK, LBJ, Bill, Donnie and undoubtedly many more, likely had and have “issues”.
Karen Man
We get it. Old men are highly susceptible to the attentions of young women. Stay strong Donnie!
Hey, we get it! Clinton taught us that blow jobs don’t count.
On Sunday, Jaded Vance explained that the plight of the “good people” in Springfield OH justified his “story” about cat and dog eating by Black immigrants. He admitted that he and Donnie were lying but it was for a good cause.
Vance is slime.