And they know this 2 months out how?
New York Times Says to Expect Election Results to Take a While
Expect election results in November to take a while, the New York Times told its readers Friday, a warning that appears to preempt an expectation that Americans should know who wins the presidential election on Election Night.
Before modern technology, close presidential elections often were decided in the early morning of the next day, such as the 1960 presidential election between Robert F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, which some political experts believe was stolen from Nixon.
Now, in the 21st century, close election results still take a similar amount of time or even longer, depending on the state in question. In 2020, election results were not determined until four days after Election Day.
Americans should not expect to know who won the 2024 presidential election on the night of the election because of “intense security measures required for counting mail-in ballots,” the Times reported:
Counting mail ballots takes more time because there are more steps involved. A variety of security measures, including signature verification and ensuring that voters did not also try to vote in person, are required. Election officials must open the ballots and flatten them out before they can be put in a tabulator to be counted.
Weird. Prior to 2016, and especially 2020, it was easy to count mail in ballots. But, are you really believing the Times’ rationale? It sounds more like they are looking for ways to stretch it out to make sure all the cheat by mail ballots get counted.
But, yeah, more are using it, and Republicans are trying to get those who wouldn’t usually go vote to do vote by mail. Perhaps it’s time to go back to the way voting was meant to be?
The problem is not that it could take a little time: it’s that the time stretches on beyond reasonable, and that Democrats attempt to hide what they’re doing as they’re counting.

The same things were being warned in 2020. Expect Trump to lead at the night’s end, but in a day or two, expect Biden (INSERT HARRIS HERE)to overtake and win was/IS the MANTRA.
How many votes do we need to beat Trump in these three states: MI, PA, and WI? I don’t think they will try these shenanigans in AZ and GA this time around since the polls are so tight.
It usually was just MI, PA, and WI that the D’s needed to cheat in to ensure a win. But in 2020, they so much wanted to CRUSH TRUMP and humiliate him that they chose to use these measures in GA and AZ. Incidentally, in Arizona, Kari Lake still fights and wins in court against the machine, forcing the DEMS to forget about cheating there in 2024. GA will be much more difficult this time around to cheat in than it was in 2020, when the pandemic forced everyone inside their homes while the machine did its thing.
The MSP or Main Stream Pravda laughs at Trumps lack of official ground game when they do not take into consideration that several people such as Charlie Kirk have enlisted hundreds of thousands of volunteers to get out the vote in the key swing states of WI, MI, PA, GA and AZ along with NV.
Trump is leading in the vote, and this time around, it is going to be a hard sell. That is why the October surprise could very well be war with Russia and Iran, as Countries in NATO are also losing their grip on unbridled power. SEE GERMANY’S latest election results to understand how desperate the deep state is becoming.
Wars are always officially good for 20 points for a few months. So expect Harris to be the next Deep State candidate to buy 500 billion worth of weapons from the MIC so the whores in DC can continue to kill your boys and girls in wars and get filthy rich in the process.
Conspiracy!!! It takes extra time for the Dems to cheat!! God and George Washington meant for us to vote on Election Day, not by the US mail!!
We hear that Dems want INTERNET voting. They want to make Election Day a National Holiday!
You sarcasm does not mean it’s not true. We all know it was done before (even as a few of us refuse to see the truth even as the photos are published).
The idea that you have lead an honest campaign let alone an honest election is laughable. It’s also childish to keep mocking people who show you sincere and honest concern and believe they are being fucked. You keep poking the bear and you’re looking for trouble.
The left in America today holds the same attitude as King George in 1775. That is fuk’em and keep showin them who’s boss. I don’t want to see a civil war but if one comes it will be the fault of the democrats just like the first one. The democrats today are just as treasonous and inhuman as they were in 1861.
Godless tyrants.
We apologize for America having a Democratic majority. This explains the relentless Republicum attacks on Blacks, women, LGBTQs, non-christianists, Jews and immigrant citizens. Nothing new…
Now you and your Cult Leader threaten violence if you don’t get your way! “If we lose 2024, you commies better be ready for war!!” Tampon Don may well lose. It’s a very tight race. On the other hand, because of our arcane system, He could lose by 10 million votes and still become president!! Republicums in red states are working overtime to suppress the votes in their home states.
Because of Diaper Don’s termination of Roe v Wade, pissed-off women will vote in record numbers across America. Here in Missouri, despite the efforts of Rush Limbaugh’s cousin (a MO judge), the Republicum Sec of State, and the Republicum effort to require a 2/3rds majority vote, the MO state Supreme Court is allowing a statewide vote for repealing the current abortion ban. If it passes, the gerrymandered Republicum majority in the MO legislature will work hard to overturn the will of the people.
Conservatives today are just as treasonous and inhuman as they were in 1861.
Godless tyrants.
What attacks?
Oh, you must mean the vitriol you spew here everyday.
Thanks for clearing that up, Rimjob.
Boy are you in denial. Democrats owned slaves. Not one Republican owned a slave. Democrats started the KKK, and every other grotesque form of anti black racial discrimination. IS THAT NOT TRUE???? Admit it you liar.
“Republican majority in the MO legislature will work hard to overturn the will of the people.” You Nazi dog. If the Republicans are the majority IT IS THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. The people voted them into office. Isn’t that what democracy is all about? That’s the definition of democracy.
You’re so cute but so uneducated. Go read a book will ya. Bear on mind the conservatives in 1861 were religious Christians fighting against the cowardly rebels. Just like today the leftist rebels wanted to control the blacks and the government and when they lost the election they rebelled. Now you can cheat. Same shit different century.
The burden of proving an election was honest should be on the people who carry out and want to rely on the results of that election. This, rather than the burden of proving a dishonest election by those who dispute it. The initial assumption should be the election was rigged. Now prove to me it wasn’t, if you want me to accept it. Independent audits and complete video/CCTV coverage of the vote-counting would help. So would voter ID and proof of citizenship. Also audits of voter rolls.
The only people with access to the data and vote-counting are those who ran the election. The burden of proving it was honest should be on them, just as the only people responsible for honest financial disclosures are those people who compile and audit a corporation’s books.
Any other approach is an invitation to dishonesty, fraud, and tampering. IF you want people to trust the system, prove that it is trustworthy.
Denigrating people who raise questions is not a way to grow trust. Just the opposite.
That’s all we asked ruralcouncel and we got the commie boot to the face. We didn’t want a “recount”. Who needs to count fraudulent votes over again? We wanted an audit and investigation and they refuse BECAUSE THEY CHEATED AND STOLE THE ELECTION!!
Prove to us that the 2016 election was free and fair. Can’t do it? So we have to assume it was fraudulent. How do you go back and correct that fraud??
Can even one of you describe what constitutes a “forensic audit”. We’ll wait.
Maybe going door to door with the ballots and confirming the DNA or fingerprints?
Should the forensic audits be conducted at the state of federal level?
Anyway, are you insinuating that the Republican legislatures in states like GA, AZ, MI, WI, PA, NC are cheating in favor of the Democrats? Or are the Dems just that much smarter than Republicums?
Yes. The election systems of all the states are rigged and fraudulent until proven otherwise. For every election. From now back until there were hand-counted paper ballots only.
But only idiots think we can have a redo on history. But going forward, we need proof they are fair.So why fight measures to insure that? Mostly Democrats are doing that.
BTW, Dems aren’t smarter, they are just more dishonest.
The Republicun plans are intended to suppress opposition votes, not to insure “fairness”.
There is scant evidence that Dems are more dishonest than Reps.
In fact it was the previous administration that tried overturn the 2020 election. It was in all the papers and courts.
We get it. You don’t like to lose. No one does. But the best way to win is not by cheating but by supporting policies supported by We, The People.
Bullshit. Grade A bullshit that voter id suppresses anything other than illegal fraudulent votes.
But keep telling yourself that, cheater.
First we are not “assuming” anything. We only asked for an audit of a queer election. Is that not reasonable in our Republic? Second, We don’t think Republican legislatures anywhere cheated in favor of anybody nor do we believe one iota democommies are smarter than we, just more crooked and untrustworthy. They have proved it over and over. For example when is it immoral to kill a baby? The very fact that you are all hypocrites shows your untrustworthy. Why should we trust a guy who owns several ATR-15’s but wants to confiscate ours?
I just saw a commercial where cameltoe stated that Trump will “make ALL ABORTIONS ILLEGAL. Now all you stupid dems will believe Trump can wave his hands and do that. Why would she lie like that if she knew you all are too smart to believe it? This is the commie kunt that wants our guns, to censor us and to regulate grocery stores that “price gouge”. You lefties are all stupid?
Why should we trust a man responsible for at least two abortions to determine abortion policy?
All you Republicunts do is lie. Although the Vice-President of the United States of America, Kamala Harris, was elected with over 81 million votes, she has no power to take your guns or to censor you unless she can somehow overturn the first two Amendments of the United States of America Constitution. On the other hand Diaper Donnie aka Don the Felon aka Felonious T only has to sign an abortion ban sent to him by Congress.
If Tampon Don wins, I will likely buy an AR-15 or three to defend my family from violent marauders such as you. Or maybe the new Sig Sauer MCX-SPEAR in 6.8 x 51 ammo. Just as handy but more deadly! And of course the old standby Mossberg 940 Tactical. 12g double ought buck will do.
By the way, it is never moral to kill a baby. But understand that a 2, 4, 8 or 16 cell embryo is not a baby. Some 15% of embryos are lost BEFORE reaching the uterus. About 50% that start implantation are lost. So over half the “babies” die after conception by natural causes!
I never said “forensic” did I? I was asking for a physical audit of all the counted ballots for inspection. Surely you can understand that can’t you?
As usual kameltoe lies!
William Teach: it’s that the time stretches on beyond reasonable
It’s always been quite common for states to take several days to determine the final results of an election. The mainstream media will often call the election when enough results have been counted to make a statistical judgment, but that’s not the state procedure.
L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon!: I was asking for a physical audit of all the counted ballots for inspection.
All states have audit procedures. Georgia even did a full hand recount of every ballots, which confirmed the original results with very high precision.