German Government Cracks Down On Border After Knife Attacks

Good for them. Of course, it’s way too late

Germany Cracks Down on Its Borders Following Migrant Knife Attacks

Germany has begun a new border crackdown following two knife attacks attributed to migrants.

On Monday, Germany began random checks at it borders with five Western European nations expanding a system of controls that are already in place at four other borders.

Last month, a knife attack in Solingen killed three people and in June, a knife attack left a police officer dead and four other people wounded.

Police controls began on Monday at the borders with France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Denmark and are due to continue for six months. (snip)

In June, a knife attack attributed to an Afghan immigrant left a police officer dead and four other people wounded.

On Aug. 23, a man linked to Islamist extremism killed three people and wounded eight others in a stabbing rampage at a festival in Solingen.

A 26-year-old Syrian asylum-seeker who had evaded deportation from Germany to Bulgaria, was arrested shortly after the attack.

That’s nice, but, they’ve been letting in Islamic extremists for decades legally, even before 9/11, where several of the attackers were living in Germany. They’ve also seen them come in illegally for decades, and barely deport them. The nation has seen the Islamism rise, just like in France, England, Spain, and other EU nations. They’ve seen them take over neighborhoods and cities and institute Islamism. So, this is just too late.

Until the German government starts deporting them, legal or illegal, the knife attacks will continue, as the implementation of Islamism will continue.

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2 Responses to “German Government Cracks Down On Border After Knife Attacks”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Germany hasn’t had a border for years. There is nothing for them to enforce.

  2. James Lewis says:

    Yeah, but we gotta respect their culture……

    Seven members of a grooming gang have been jailed for a collective 106 years in prison for the systematic sexual abuse of two underage girls in the northern English town of Rotherham. The case has a Mohammed Coefficient of 43%.

    In other news, a new video has emerged that shows African migrants grilling what appear to be cats in Dayton, Ohio, just half an hour’s drive from Springfield.

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