Let’s not forget that Kamala Harris wants a mandatory gun buy back, ie, forced confiscation of your legally purchased firearm
Report: FBI Affidavit Indicates Alleged Trump Assassin Had SKS Rifle
An affidavit in the criminal complaint against alleged Trump assassin Ryan Wesley Routh indicates he had an SKS rifle with him, according to reports.
CNN pointed to FBI Special Agent Mark A. Thomas’s affidavit, indicating the gun found in the bushes where Routh had allegedly been was a “loaded SKS-style 7.62×39 caliber rifle with a scope.”
In a press conference shortly after Routh’s arrest, Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw described the gun as an “an AK-47 style rifle with a scope.”
An AK-style rifle and an SKS-style rifle bear some resemblance to one another, in that both are Soviet-era guns and both firearms run off 7.62×39 ammunition. However, whereas AK-47s can be had in automatic or semiautomatic versions — the former used on battlefields and the latter available for the civilian market — SKS rifles are strictly semiautomatic.
The SKS has been made in China and the old Soviet era Yugoslavia, but, it doesn’t matter to the gun grabbers, because it is a gun, and they want to ban all guns from private ownership. At least for the peasants. The Elites will get to keep theirs, including for their security.
???? JUST IN: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is REFUSING to hand Trump shooting suspect Ryan Routh over to the Feds.
The FBI has DEMANDED custody of him but DeSantis REFUSED, saying Florida will conduct its own investigation.
THIS IS THE WAY ???????????? pic.twitter.com/PIwbgaxYMl
— Proud Elephant ???????????? (@ProudElephantUS) September 16, 2024
Good. Because Routh’s story just keeps getting weirder and weirder, what with all his contacts with Credentialed Media reporters, his time in Ukraine and apparently trying to funnel fighters into Ukraine to fight against Russia, to taking lots of flights around the world on $3,000 a month, to appearing with World Chef Jose Andres, whose crew was also consorting with Hamas, and had cooked for Kamala.

Another shooter who was in A Blackrock commercial along with the shooter from PA two months ago.
This shooter, a not-so-wealthy roofer, managed to fly from Hawaii all the way to Ukraine and then back to Florida, possessing two homes. Not just one but two. One in Hawaii and one in NC all the while having a RAP SHEET a mile long.
Que the Twilight Zone music.
Donald Trump must not get into office. He is an open threat to the deep states’ VERSION of democracy, which means their bread and butter, gravy train, a war machine that is destabilizing a dozen countries as we speak, so the billionaires who play that game can get more prosperous and richer and richer off of others misery.
And Donald Trump is the Threat. <<<<<Open sarcasm here.
Another mental patient on the LGBTQ spectrum predisposed to violence to get his way as well as undisclosed sources of income.
What a coincidence.
What is the over-under in Vegas on how long this guy lives in police custody?
When the Soviet Union fell, formerly communist countries sold boatloads of these guns in the American markets. At one point, they were going for about $100. At about the same time boatloads of older Russian made Mosin-Nagant bolt action rifles were dumped into the USA. Both of those were actual weapons of war, manufactured by nation states for the purpose of fighting a war and issued to their armed forces. I remarked at the time that so many of those rifles were bought, it would be ironic if the next American revolution were fought with the same rifles that were used to fight the Russian revolution. Shortly after that, the USA starting importing ammunition from old Soviet era ammunition factories who, learning about capitalism, retooled and started churning out medium quality 9mm, .45, 5.56 and .308 ammunition. It was an amazing thing to see. The Old eastern bloc, selling Western capitalists the ammunition they would use to shoot communists with.
Despite Democratic party platforms of getting “weapons of war” off our streets, Democrats seem to be maintaining quite a few of them in their own collections. It’s almost as if they believe the rules they promote they don’t think should apply to themselves.
It is also interesting that in this case, the attempted shooter is alive and well and is available to answer all those nagging “why did he do it” questions. I suspect the involvement of Jodie Foster in there somewhere.
A previously convicted felon, now charged with being a felon in possession of a firearm, and in possession of a weapon with the serial number filed off.
It was illegal for him to have at gun, so how could he possibly have had it?
I thought his post about Tulsi Gabbard was quite funny. New arrival to Hawaii demanding an indigenous person get off “His” island. “She doesn’t belong here”.
He was in Florida where felons can’t vote but CAN carry firearms!!
There it is.

Oh this is comforting.
No real surprise. Most of the professional class of government employees in the three letter agencies HATE Trump. Thus, it was easy for them to undermine the first Trump administration since all their friends were doing it and actively supported such behavior. The “Deep State” is a one party state and that means democratic party. The Democratic party allows them to mostly do whatever they like without oversight as long as they play along.
No real surprise here either.
Did Mr Teach have a point in his disjointed post?
What make AK-47 & AR-15 style rifles so popular with both mass murderers and infantries are: semi-auto action, large magazines, short barrels, pistol grip, low recoil, lighter, more maneuverability, lighter ammo (can carry more)…
Regarding the evolution of the US infantry rifle, e.g. M1903 Springfield (WWI, bolt action, .30-06), M1 Garand (WWII, semi-auto, .30-06), M14 (semi-auto, 7.62×51mm NATO), M16 (Vietnam, auto/semi-auto, 5.56x45mm NATO), M4 (auto/semi-auto, 5.56x45mm NATO) only the M16/M4 models are based on the civilian AR-15 platform with all the advantages listed in the above paragraph. The M4 is even shorter and lighter than the M16.
The SKS is similar to the M14, the AK-47 to the M16, although both the SKS and AK use the shortened 7.62x39mm instead of the 5.56x45mm round. The AK-47 and M16 are considered assault rifles.
For years, a friend used a Chinese SKS for deer hunting in southern MO. No serious larger-game hunter uses an AR-15 platform assault weapon for hunting deer.
So yes, it makes sense to ban AK-47s and AR-15 style rifles for civilian use while permitting SKS, Remington 700s, old Winchester 30-30 lever actions etc. No self-respecting mass murderer would use these to murder a score of first graders. We fully understand that the American Pseudo-Patriot (A Pee Pee) demands access to AR-15s to combat United States of America oppression.
If Mr Crooks had used a scoped sniper rifle in Butler instead of his “spray and pray” AR-15, the outcome could have been different. Of course, the objectives of a political assassin (single specific target) is primarily different from that of a mass-murderer (multiple random targets). The US cannot afford to station 100 Secret Service agents at every school, mall, movie theater and WalMart.
The Secret Service sniper teams do not use AR-15 style rifles.
Ron DeSantis announces his 2028 campaign for President without announcing his 2028 campaign for President. The Ron DeSantis vs Jaded Vance battle in 2028 should be epic! Ego-Mania 2028!!
Ron distrusts the United States DOJ to prosecute the armed camper at Trump’s Florida golf course.
As with our cars, Homes, foods, vaccines, and guns, it is certainly up to leftists to tell us what we will and won’t use in our lives. Dowd is here daily, telling us what we must and must not do to stabilize his worldview.
We must drive an EV, live in a high rise, take all the vaccines, including COVID-19, and give up most of our guns, allowed only to own a bolt action, single-shot rifle after a thorough background check, which could take up to 9-12 months.
They wonder why we call them communists. I don’t think they are communists as much as they are fascist authoritarian wannabes. They have suddenly taken a shine to large corporations telling the world what they will eat and drink, where they will sleep, and how they will get from point A to point B.
Corporations and businesses working closely with the government have earned the Democrats the title of Il Duce wannabes.
Good question actually. Modern communists have little in common with intellectual communists 100 years ago. Really the only things they have in common is the desire to steal everything that isn’t nailed down and the desire to lie about their true goals because no one would want what they are selling if they told the truth. Trad-communists wanted to steal the means of production from those who created it. They also wanted to steal political power from the entrenched hereditary authorities of Europe. Neo-Communists are satisfied to just regulate the means of production as if they own it and steal any profits the company might generate, as well as stealing the capital of the company if the revenues dip. Like their brothers the fascists, they see themselves as the ultimate authority on the distribution of power within society.
How does D&G use his AR-15 in his daily life?
I want a selective auto M4 but the conservative govenment won’t permit it. That’s the line in the sand for conservatives. Maybe Mr Trump’s personal Supreme Court can reserve that error.
We agree that the forced immunizations for smallpox and polio and diphtheria and whooping cough harmed humanity by allowing the weak and vulnerable to reproduce. We should let nature take its course.
I ran into that question a couple years ago, Doom and Gloom. Elwood sounds like a nazi but supports American communists (while supporting Ukrainian nazi’s, go figure). He constantly puts forth the fascist ideas of government and business joined at the hip yet espouses the philosophy and anti-constitutionalism of a commie.
So after pondering I decided he’s a fukin commie. His parents (like cameltoes) were probably WWII Marxists so he grew up a red diaper baby in the 50’s. Besides, like a typical commie he does stuff he wants to prohibit others from doing like owning “assault weapons of war” and forcing people to get experimental injections because their body belongs to him. He also loves killing babies which the commie chinks are big on so I go with commie tinged with nazi barbarism. Of course he hates all religions except Islam which puts him with the nazis again.
The problem is there are so many similarities between commies and nazis they are difficult to separate. The nazis did have cooler uniforms though. Hugo Boss and all that. So after a while I decided to just go with commie but he’ll never admit to it. His anti freedom stance on about every topic kinda puts him in that camp.
It seems sometimes the dude wakes up in the morning pissed off at God and America and Trump and just can’t control himself. Of course that’s the way most leftist democrats sound these days. Unhinged! Like a fat, white, male Joy Reid.
There you go again.
There are no gods so no reason to be angry at what doesn’t exist! It’s like being afraid of dragons or vampires! All supernatural religions are silly. Angels, gods, afterlife, heaven, hell, demons, miracles, LOL. But you be you. Mental weaklings like you derive comfort from these delusions.
There’s more evidence that Fat Donnie rapes teens than for a god.
You can’t even define communist much less identify one.
You have caused at least two “baby murders”, I’ve caused none! Did you ever tell us when a zygote or embryo becomes a person?
Donald Trump is an authoritarian so almost every person who supports him supports authoritarianism. Both the Nazis and communists were and are authoritarinans. In general neither group believes in market capitalism. There are 5 surviving communist nations – North Korea, Cuba, China, Laos and Vietnam. Russia claims they are not communists but Putin is a former KGB commie. Trump admires Kim, Xi and Putin.
Are you on the government dole? How does that make you feel? For “men” who depend on image for their sense of self being disabled can be quite a blow.
I’m not on the government dole, I’m being paid from insurance. And it makes me feel fine. After all you’re on the dole aren’t you? If I can collect some of your money I will.
My image has not taken a hit as I’m still a hansom six foot two, blue eyed white man. I have two live in chicks tending to my every need and I own my house, boat(s), car(s) and owe nothing.
Still reaching down deep into your hateful soul which you claim does not exist (and you better hope so or you are fuked) you once again toss your cruelty and hate at me by claiming I have caused at least two “baby murders” which as I have explained I did not as I would have and tried to take my children at any time. In fact, it was the two women like you who insisted it was their right to kill my children.
Of course I can identify a communist-YOU. Even a moron like you can Google the definition so that’s no biggie.
Donald Trump is not now nor ever was authoritarian. You have lost all sense and the ability to reason. You do realize it is your party who APPOINTED cameltoe a presidential candidate. YOU HAD NO ELECTION. YOU ARE TYRANTS!!!
There’s more evidence cameltoe sucks Walz’ dick than Donnie ever raped anyone.
So now if you’re done with your hateful attack on me and your factless assault on the next president admit you want to kill him. How many times will you try and kill him? So far you’re 0 for 2.
Hippie also works. Boomers who tuned out, got stoned and then inherited the power, government, wealth and institutions they spent their youth rebelling against but that they didn’t build. They still hate the “establishment” but now they are the establishment, which makes them hate it even more.