I’m not sure why anyone would be surprised that a climate cult member would also be viruently anti-Israel and anti-Jew while also going pro-Hamas: the majority of Warmists are Leftists. The only surprise here is that Greta and other Warmists haven’t managed to put the whole thing under the banner of the doomsday cult. Yet
Greta Thunberg labeled ‘antisemite of the week’ amid anti-Israel activity
Climate activist Greta Thunberg has been labeled “antisemite of the Week” by the Jewish watchdog group StopAntisemitism following her arrest at an anti-Israel rally. The group criticized Thunberg for aligning with protesters who oppose Israel, accusing her of turning her activism into a platform for anti-Semitism, the New York Post reported.
“She has sadly transformed her activism into a platform for vile Jew-hatred,” the organization said.
Thunberg, 21, was arrested on September 4 while demonstrating with Students Against the Occupation, who called on Copenhagen University to cut ties with Israel, including climate change programs. StopAntisemitism founder Liora Rez condemned Thunberg, accusing her of prioritizing hatred for Israel over environmental activism despite Israel’s efforts on climate action.
“Sadly, Greta’s hatred of the world’s only Jewish nation eclipses her love of the environment. Despite Israel being a global leader in tackling climate disasters and rushing to aid in crises worldwide, Greta sides with their homicidal terrorist enemies,” StopAntisemitism founder Liora Rez said in a statement.
No one should be surprised. Remember the octopus?
Think about this, Greta Thunberg and her friends went out, bought an aquamarine octopus stuffed animal for their big Instagram photo shoot. Carefully placed it casually next to her thinking they’re being cheeky and no one would notice in the era of the internet.. pic.twitter.com/tqr57OxHdM
— EducatëdHillbilly™ (@RobProvince) October 20, 2023
It was never some soothing plushie for Greta, it was intentional. Meanwhile, the IDF took out one of her buddies
(Jerusalem Post) Key Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist Ahmad Ayesh Salama al-Khashash was eliminated by IDF forces in the humanitarian area of Khan Yunis, the IDF reported on Tuesday morning.
During an operation in Khan Yunis, IAF aircraft, guided by the Military Intelligence Directorate and the Southern Command, identified and eliminated Khashash, who held a significant position within the terrorist organization.
Khashash was responsible for managing the PIJ’s rocket unit in the Rafah region, with a role involving managing and directing rocket fire towards Israel’s home front from within the humanitarian zone, the IDF noted.
“Humanitarian zone”. Is it any wonder civilians are killed when terrorists attack from within civilian populations? Usually with the support of those same civilians.

Mr Teach continues his verbal war on Islam, this time accusing Greta Thunberg of being a Jew-hater for opposing the Israel’s genocidal war on Palestinians.
Mr Teach is a Muslim-hater and Islamophobe who continues to support the genocide of the Palestinian people.
He also is a global warming denialist who opposes and and all efforts to mediate the effects of climate change. Thus, he smears Ms Thunberg, a global warming activist, as a Jew-hater.
Conservative Christians had long been Jew-haters but discovered after 9-11 that they were more afraid of Muslims/Arab who were also conveniently “browner” than Jews. The enemy of my enemy is my friend even if my friend believes Jesus is a false prophet!!
You are the most religiously bigoted person I’ve ever run across. You also have the nasty and very immature habit of immediately calling anyone you disagree with nasty names. That’s why few here believe anything you say. It’s all tainted with prejudice, bigotry and hate.
You do realize that conservative Christians give more aide nationally and internationally to people of all religions and races than any other political or religious group. They support every noble cause from abandoned children to Alzheimer patients and give aide on every continent. Who do you communist atheists help? Oh that’s right. You help yourself to every other persons money!
CarolAnn: You are the most religiously bigoted person I’ve ever run across.
I don’t find that surprising. My view is that most religions are irrational and even harmful.
As the Sun-worshippers say: “At least the Sun is real”.
By all means practice your religion just leave me alone! My wife is a Luheran (Catholic-lite they’re called) and we have cohabited peacebly over 50 years!
I applaud any group coming to the aid of the poor, displaced and sick. As I’ve said many times, I find the teachings of Jesus to be compelling! I give generously to the Lutheran Church! I contribute generously to many charitable causes and pay generous state and federal taxes with help finance Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, WIC, public schools etc (programs that you likely oppose). I am leery of the talk of Christian Nationalism for the US. Our esteemed Founding Fathers were also leery of a national Christian religion, hence the First Amendment.
Understand that I’m a retired scientist and try to approach most issues with reason, based on known truths. As such, I’m agnostic. As Bertrand Russell said if he were face to face with God, and God asks why Russell didn’t believe – “Not enough evidence, God. Not enough evidence”.
Fundamentalists (Muslim or Christian) seem to want everyone to obey their religions’ tenets. It’s not enough the schadenfreud you experience knowing us heathens will suffer in hell for eternity, you also insist we abide by your religion while on Earth!!
So yes, I’m agnostic, meaning I could be wrong about Gods, angels, demons, prayer etc. Could you? My position is that there is no evidence of gods, angels, demons, miracles etc. If you find that stance offensive and demeaning, that is your issue.
I am not a communist, but do tend toward more socialist policies than the modern US nuConservative. Do you believe Israel, Germany, France, Australia, Japan, Switzerland, Canada, South Korea and the UK are communist nations? I subcribe to many of their social policies, but NOT Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, China, Norh Korea or even the Russian remnants of the old Soviet Union.
The agnostic Mr Dowd wrote:
We radical traditional Catholics extremists, who would certainly fit your description of “Conservative Christians,” about whom the FBI was so very concerned and believed we should be put under surveillance, have, as our first reading every Sunday at Mass, something from the Old Testament, the ancient Jewish scriptures. After the first reading, we sing a passage from Psalms, most of which were composed by David, the King of Israel 3,000 years ago. The Order of the Mass was set long before the September 11th attacks, and it has not changed.
Sadly, there are a few antiSemites remaining among conservatives, but their numbers pale in comparison to the vocal and virulent antiSemites among the left in America.
Now, where does the distinguished Mr Dowd get his notions? While I have been explicit about my faith, our distinguished host has said nothing about his religious faith, or, if he has, I have missed it. Mr Dowd wants to frame this as a matter of religion, but it really is not. Rather, the esteemed Mr Teach has been, as I have as well, defending Western civilization against barbarism.
Jews, both in Israel and the diaspora, are more than a religious group; they are an ethnic group as well, and have been treated as such for hundreds of years. Der Führer wasn’t going after just the Jews who went to synagogue, but anyone he could find who was of Jewish descent. In this, he was following old, old European tradition. Ethnic Jews might or might not be religious, might or might not go to synagogue, but in one aspect they are almost wholly united: they support Western civilization!
Muslims? Arabs? If there’s one thing they hate, it’s Western civilization! They hate you, a self-proclaimed agnostic, just as much as they hate me, a Mass-every-Sunday Catholic! They hate Christians and Jews and atheists in the West because we are Westerners, and they feel the tremendous inferiority that non-Westerners have because their culture has proven to be socially and economically inferior.
A final point. Our distinguished host had long been very, very opposed to illegal immigration, and if I have not been quite as vociferous as him on the subject, I have opposed it as well. Well, the vast majority of illegal immigrants in the United States are Catholic, or come from Catholic cultures. They’re my co-religionists, but their culture is different from American culture.
These days Christian Conservatives are motivated to conflate their beliefs with the Constitutionally secular laws of America.
Conservative Christians tend to dominate the pro-gun (i.e., pro-mass murder) segment of American society. Sure, sure it’s clear that fewer guns would result in fewer murders but our Constitution guarantees that almost every American “bear” almost whatever “arm” they desire. We have to live and die with that. The Supreme Court has also made clear that this belief IS Constitutional. For now, totally automatic weapons (machine guns) are restricted, land mines and IEDs to protect your property are illegal, explosives are regulated and you can’t even use booby traps to stop trespassers – but almost every American can bear whatever personal firearm they can afford or steal.
It has been proposed to re-restrict the availability of semi-automatic assault rifles (i.e., AR-15 platform rifles). Christian conservatives consider these restrictions, if enacted, to be the so-called “camel’s nose under the tent” leading to a national ban on all firearms. Of course, such a ban would be unConstitutional based on the 2nd Amendment, confirmed by multiple Supreme Court decisions. Of course, mass murderers will use semi-auto pistols, or shotguns to kill school children.
Personally, in a better world I’d like to see no semi-auto firearms. This would reduce both mass murders as well as black on black murders. Without making Americans less safe. But this is unlikely to happen. Semi-auto rifles (AR-style) and pistols are each billion dollar industries.
We Americans purchased some 17 million firearms in 2023!!
LOL! Did the distinguished Mr Dowd understand what he wrote?
Mr Dowd wrote that “Christian Conservatives are motivated to conflate their beliefs”, and, in his very next sentence, he conflated people who are “pro-gun” with being “pro-mass murder”. It’s almost as though Mr Dowd didn’t actually understand the definition of the word; if he did, he would have thought better of his choice of verbs.
So are you under the impression that Rimjob ever thinks before ranting?

It’s also clear that fewer blacks and other minorities who have murder rates far exceeding their population levels would also result in fewer murders. We are amused that you believe the volume of guns determine the murder level almost as if the guns themselves run around killing people. They don’t. Not even AR-15’s. It takes a person, usually a minority, to make guns kill. Black males in particular who constitute about 6% of the US population commit 60% of the murders. With or without AR-15’s. That also would mean since most minorities are democrats that democrats are murdering Americans en masse. The good news is they usually murder other democrats.
So deporting all black men makes more sense to you than restricting semi-auto weapons?
How you going to do that?
Anyway, most mass shooters are white men. We know you don’t care about black gangbangers shooting each other.
As long as you have no children to get murdered and live in your gated community (thanks dad!!) you’ll be ok.
Karen Man
Troll this
A significant minority (21%) of Muslim Americans say there is a great deal (6%) or a fair amount (15%) of support for extremism in the Muslim American community. That is far below the proportion of the general public that sees at least a fair amount of support for extremism among U.S. Muslims (40%).
“Israel’s genocidal war on Palestinians”. What? As said before, when you start a war and are losing it doesn’t make you a victim. This is all on them
On top of that, never has there really been a state of Palestine. The British mandate of Palestine was established by the League of Nations after WW1. It was not a Palestinian state but rather a British controlled territory with both Jewish and Arab populations. For 4 hundred years before the mandate the area was part of the Ottoman emperor-there was no independent Palestinian state during that time
if anyone knows a lot about genocide, its the muslims. they have been doing it for 1400 years.
The Christian Nationailsts of Nazi Germany were good at genocide, killing millions of Jews, Roma, Poles, LGBTQs…
The Soviet communists were good at genocide starving millions of Ukrainians to death in the 1930s.
The Khmer Rouge communists were good at genocide murdering millions of Cambodians.
The Christian Hutus slaughtered half a million Tutsis in Rwanda.
Ottoman Sunnis murdered a million Christians in Armenia and Assyria.
Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes (mostly Tengrist/folk religion) murdered 10s of millions of Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists.
European Christians murdered millions of North and South American indigenous peoples.
Easter Orthodox Russian Empire wanted the Caucasus regions so murdered almost all the population there.
Pakistani Sunni murdered a million Bengali Hindus.
They called themselves Nationalist Socialists not Christian Nationalists. The operative word being socialist. You constantly accuse Christians of atrocities when it is invariably the political environment that causes it. Look at all the murders of innocent unborn babies in America. It’s the democrats doing that even if many are titular “Christians”. Christians do not genocide people as a matter of religious doctrine like other religions do. But there are Christians that get involved with murderous politics like nazis, commies or democrats that drink their kool aide. Even Christians have some weak minded followers of shit political dogmas. Can’t be helped.
There was a time in America where every slave was owned by democrats and most were Christians. It was their politics not Christianity that made democrats slavers. The Christians in the North didn’t own slaves because they were moral republicans. And Christians too!
The Nazis were Christians. We’ve all heard repeatedly the conflation of Nazis with socialism.
You conflate socialism with authoritarism and fascism. Do you find the “socialist” aspects of Israel, Australia, Canada, Germany, Switzerland etc be a threat to American freedom? Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Benefits, public schools, SNAP and WIC, ACA, roads, parks and libraries are all social programs without employing public ownership of businesses.
Do you know of anyone arguing for the government takeover of private businesses??
Babies are not being murdered in America, despite what “Pope Donnie the First, of America” says.
Have you ever answered at what point a fertilized ovum becomes a person with the rights of a human baby?
Over half of fertilized ova (zygotes and embryos) die naturally. Are these babies that have died? Why are you not apoplectic about millions of babies dying?
Conservatives owned slaves. Racism is still a defining trait of conservatism. Previously America had conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans. The Republican Party was formed in the US north in the 1850s in opposition to slavery! You should be pro ud! It was President Lincoln, a Republican who signed the Emancipation Proclamation freeing the US slaves.
We can’t criticize you for holding on to one of the few positive characteristics of historical Republicanism. Todays Dems should recognize that southern conservatives calling themselves Democrats supported slavery AND the Civil War! When did the Republicans become social conservatives and Democrats social liberals? Gradually in the 1930s to 1960s.
Today the Democrats are uniformly liberal and the Republicans conservative.
Even if someone were intentionally and methodically exterminating every man, woman and child living in Gaza, and their pet cats and ducks, it would still not be “genocide”. That is not what that word means. As long as there are still plenty of other Arabs alive in Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the emirates, and Iraq, the Arab people are in no danger of being swept from the Earth. At most, the anti-Israel crowd could claim the Israelis are trying to murder a tiny fraction of a percent of Arabs. half a Billion Arabs. Nearly 2 Billion Moslems. They will easily repopulate faster than Israel is killing them. Worst. Attempted. Genocide. Ever. (Worst as in worst at actually accomplishing a genocide).
The commenter is a cunning lieguist wanting to quibble on what qualifies as a genocide, or maybe even the “concept of a genocide”.
Karen Man
Words have meaning. Try to use them correctly.