Daily Archives: September 19, 2024

Of Course: UK Foreign Office Thinks ‘Climate Change’ More Dangerous Than Islamic Terrorism

A little bad weather and they think things like citizens getting knifed in the streets, attacked with machetes, bomb attacks, rape gangs, grooming gangs, taking over the streets, heck, turning the UK into an Islamic caliphate, is no big deal Net Stupid: Climate Change a ‘More Fundamental’ Threat Than Terrorism, According to Leftist UK Gov’t […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled truck causing Bad Weather in the desert, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is bluebird of bitterness, with a post on international Talk Like A Pirate Day, since I totally spaced it.

Anti-Semitic United Nations Votes For Israel To End Occupation Of Palestinian Areas

Of course, there’s absolutely nothing about Palestinians giving up their terrorist ways. Anything saying that Hamas, Hezbollah, other Islamic terrorist groups, and individuals must stop attacking Israel, especially civilians. That they need to stop launching rockets and other weapons against Israel. It’s no wonder when the resolution was offered by the “observer state of Palestine”, […]

“Scientific” American Endorses Kamala Over Climate Crisis (scam)

Well, they blew all credibility For only the second time in our 179-year history, the editors of Scientific American are endorsing a candidate for president. That person is @KamalaHarris. | Editorial https://t.co/dOsFW8BQCn — Scientific American (@sciam) September 16, 2024 From the link In the November election, the U.S. faces two futures. In one, the new […]

Stupid: Crazy TikTok Migrant Ordered Deported Still Here

Our immigration system has become stupid with idiot laws TikToker, who went viral for guiding illegal migrants to ‘invade’ US homes, to be deported – but there’s a catch Earlier this year, migrant influencer Leonel Moreno tipped illegal immigrants on how to invoke squatter rights to their advantage and “invade” American houses without being a “public burden.” An Ohio-based immigration judge ordered […]

Pirate's Cove