Of Course: UK Foreign Office Thinks ‘Climate Change’ More Dangerous Than Islamic Terrorism

A little bad weather and they think things like citizens getting knifed in the streets, attacked with machetes, bomb attacks, rape gangs, grooming gangs, taking over the streets, heck, turning the UK into an Islamic caliphate, is no big deal

Net Stupid: Climate Change a ‘More Fundamental’ Threat Than Terrorism, According to Leftist UK Gov’t

Britain’s top diplomat has claimed that climate change represents a greater threat than terrorism or Russia to the national security of the United Kingdom.

In his first major address since the left-wing Labour Party won the general election in July, Foreign Secretary David Lammy said Tuesday that the supposed climate crisis will be “central” to his remit, despite holders of his office traditionally focussing on international relations and foreign affairs.

“While I am foreign secretary, action on the climate and nature crisis will be central to all the Foreign Office does. This is critical given the scale of the threat, but also the scale of the opportunity,” he said according to the BBC.

“The threat may not feel as urgent as a terrorist or an imperialist autocrat. But it is more fundamental. It is systemic, it’s pervasive and accelerating towards us at pace,” Lammy claimed.

Perhaps he should talk to MI5

Of course, ‘climate change’ allows the Elites to institute their Fascism on everyone.

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3 Responses to “Of Course: UK Foreign Office Thinks ‘Climate Change’ More Dangerous Than Islamic Terrorism”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    I suspect their point is that Islamic terrorism does not threaten the existence of human society, unlike thermonuclear war or catastrophic global warming.

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