Well, they blew all credibility
For only the second time in our 179-year history, the editors of Scientific American are endorsing a candidate for president. That person is @KamalaHarris. | Editorial https://t.co/dOsFW8BQCn
— Scientific American (@sciam) September 16, 2024
From the link
In the November election, the U.S. faces two futures. In one, the new president offers the country better prospects, relying on science, solid evidence and the willingness to learn from experience. She pushes policies that boost good jobs nationwide by embracing technology and clean energy. She supports education, public health and reproductive rights. She treats the climate crisis as the emergency it is and seeks to mitigate its catastrophic storms, fires and droughts.
Good jobs, eh?
Good stuff. Nice that SA approves of unfettered abortion on demand
Harris said pointedly during the September debate that climate change was real. She would continue the responsible leadership shown by Biden, who has undertaken the most substantial climate action of any president. The Biden-Harris administration restored U.S. membership in the Paris Agreement on coping with climate change. Harris’s election would continue IRA tax credits for clean energy, as well as regulations to reduce power-plant emissions and coal use. This approach puts the country on course to spend the authorized billions of dollars for renewable energy that should cut U.S. carbon emissions in half by 2030. The IRA also includes a commitment to broadening electric vehicle technology.
Weird that SA failed to note that Harris fails to travel in an EV herself. Not even a hybrid. Just a big, fossil fueled SUV and big fossil fueled jets. She has a massive carbon footprint, and it would only get bigger if she is elected.
Anyhow, SA is also enthused by her gun grabbing beliefs, so, yeah, SA is a joke.

I was already aware that SA had become a fiction magazine.
Scientific American ceased being a magazine about science decades ago. It became politically correct and that’s when I cancelled my subscription after have been a subscriber for 25 years.
Checking a recent issue shows me it is now so woke that it has little, if anything to do with real science anymore.
The woke destroy everything they touch, hence the “Get woke, go broke” describes how they have damaged or destroyed so many businesses.
Scientific American has been a useless rag for over a quarter of a century now. Fifty or sixty years ago it was a respected source of science reporting. No longer. It was captured and ruined by quasi-ignorant journalists and woke editorial staff. Nothing that it publishes should ever be treated with serious consideration. Not one article. Not one word.
Based on their statement, they are just another corrupted institution run by Democrats who use the corpse of what they didn’t build as a sock puppet for the Party.
In other news, The Teamsters union for the second time in their history has decided to not endorse any candidate for president. What does that tell you when the Teamsters are less politically partisan than Scientific American mag?
Translation: the lovely Mrs Emhoff plans on raising taxes and lowering American lifestyles for middle and working class Americans, and Scientific American heartily approves.
Everything has a cost, and adding regulations and restricting choices have costs. The left will not tell you, but, in the end, those costs are paid by the consumers and taxpayers.
Every person or organization that supports Donald Trump “need to have their heads examined”.
So Rimjob, is that what y’all do over there at DJThree CONsulting… insult people you disagree with?
Just curious.
My Lil Stalker,
It’s what Mr Porter Good over there at Leith Honda do.
So Rimjob, do your partners over there at DJThree CONsulting approve of you spending all day, every day insulting people at the Pirates Cove?
So, “Hot” Rod,
Does your dad’s employer, Leith Honda of Raleigh NC, approve of Porter Good spending all day, every day insultig humanity at The Pirates Cove?
So Rimjob you avoided answering the question.
Have no idea about Leith Honda or where you got that from.
So does the D in DJThree stand for Dennis and the J for Jeffery? Not sure about the T yet.
Seems this is the same group that founded Galera Therapeutics and somehow um… “lost” over 70 million dollars in less than 5 years.
So, “Hot” Rod,
Don’t be coy, dog.
Does your daddy’s employer, Leith Honda of Raleigh NC, approve of Porter Good spending all day, every day insultig humanity at The Pirates Cove?
Your cyberstalking skills are deteriorating.
Again, Does your daddy’s employer, Leith Honda of Raleigh NC, approve of Porter Good spending all day, every day insultig humanity at The Pirates Cove?
Mr Teach types: Nice that SA (Scientific American) approves of unfettered abortion on demand.
Neither Vice-President Harris nor Scientifc American apporve of unfettered abortion.
Just the other day, in an interview with the National Association of Black Journalists, that she supports the constraints of Roe v Wade.
but later the Court revisited Roe:
So no. Unfettered abortion is not a thing. No, post-birth abortion is not a thing, Donnie.
Lying right from the start.
Abortion Survivor Tells Her Story:
You should like this Elwood. It’s about killing born alive babies that you swear never happens.
Anyone can put anything on YouTube. Try harder.
Anything you don’t agree with you deny. You have been a denier for years. Yes, anyone can put stuff on YouTube, so what? So because you don’t like what the lady has to say you claim she’s a liar? Only unscrupulous radical leftists lie to make a point.
You act like it’s some kind of joke to kill babies. A political statement. A choice only a woman can make and the men involved have no say.
You stated that “Viability is usually placed at around seven months (28 weeks), but it can be as early as 24 weeks.” So why not make it a law no abortion after 24 weeks? Just to be safe. You said it.
You’re a very wicked person. No heart, no care, love or compassion. Just a empty soul less beast.
I have no idea what the woman said, and even if I did I would have no evidence to support it being true.
You men that inseminate women take NO responsibiity. The women end up raising the children. You men can cum and go as you please.
I agree with Vice-President Harris on abortion. The original, Roe v Wade, i.e., abortion permitted in the first trimester – after all – even today 93% of abo rtions are performed by 13 weeks gestation.
A federal law restricting abortions to the first 24 weeks of gestation would be acceptable to almost every pro-choice American as long as you permit 3rd trimester abortions based on fetal non-viability or the physical health of the mother. Let’s do it.
But doesn’t that violate your “moral” argument that fertilized ova are “persons”?
Killing a baby after birth is murder.
The problem is that the far-right wants to ban all abortions. Some states have now let woman die rather than having a D&C to save her life. (We’re talking about you, Georgia).
It’s hardly surprising that nuConservatives oppose scientific endeavors.
Science often confirms what conservatives dislike.
What’s in the anti-God, anti-white September issue?
Researchers Seek New Solutions to Ease Sickle Cell’s Extreme Pain (Eek! Negroes!)
Chickadees Show How Species Boundaries Can Shift and Blur (Miscegenation!)
Moral Judgments May Shift with the Seasons (Global warming against God!)
Ultra-Precise Particle Measurement Narrows Pathway to ‘New Physics’ (attack on God!)
This Elegant Math Problem Helps You Find the Best Choice for Hiring, House-Hunting and Even Love (Math replacing God!)
Black Men Should Start Prostate Cancer Screening Earlier (Eek! Negroes!)
Why Have Record-Breaking Rains Drenched the Carolinas and Europe? (Duh! Warming!!)
The Arctic Seed Vault Shows the Flawed Logic of Climate Adaptation (Warming!)
It’s worth repeating. Science is a method, not a collection of facts. In fact, science does not establish facts but contributes evidence to support or refute theories. Science, done right, is agnostic. Exceptional claims require exceptional evidence. Discuss.
Wrong again, dimwit.
Which is exactly why anthropogenic climate change isn’t science – and if you leave off the first term, you are attempting to mislead, like calling illegal aliens “migrants.
One of the survivor stories describes an illegal 1977 8th month abortion where the baby survived and was put up for adoption. The doctor and nurse involved should have been prosecuted for breaking the law!! The survivor says her 19 yr old mother was forced to have an abortion – also illegal!
Third trimester abortions were limited to cases of severe fetal abnormality (e.g., anencephaly) or for serious threats to the physical health of the mother. Few women knowing they have a first trimester pregnancy would wait until the third trimester for an abortion.
Just so we get this straight. Pro-lifers call any abortion “baby murder” but will now compromise permitting abortion through 24 weeks gestation???
Agree to anything to get Trump elected, right?
Missouri currently has a near absolute ban (serious threats to phyxical health of woman). As we’ve seen recently in Georgia, this does not always work. Doctors are afraid to lose their license and go to prison for acting too quickly. Missouri ALSO has a Constitutional Amendment on the Nov ballot to permit abortion – it’s likely to pass, and to bring a few Democrats with it.
You radical leftists must be the worst most evil people since Stalin, you think so little of everyone else. Your projection is scary. Ya know, everybody isn’t like you especially those of us who love life and want to save babies.
Let’s start with “so we get this straight” pro-lifers do believe any abortion kills an innocent human therefore any abortion is murder. However, I stated for myself and not “pro-lifers” that 24 weeks would be a place to start. A couple months ago I asked you for a place to start to compromise and I believe your response was a snotty “at birth”. Well, I’m committed enough to save American lives I am suggesting a starting place of 24 weeks. How many babies would be saved by that 4 week difference? I don’t know. But you and I both know tens of thousands is most likely the answer and who doesn’t want to save ten+ thousand American lives?
And throwing out your usual sarcastic nasty crap of just “trying to get Trump elected” is shallow and unnecessary. I’m suggesting it to save lives and frankly I have no idea how that or any other abortion compromise get Trump elected. Unless you are as stupid as your cat lady Karens and balless soy boys in your party you must realize the president does not determine the abortion laws. That would be the legislative branch. And it’s now a states matter anyway. Why does it bother you closed minded drones so much that the PEOPLE get to DEMOCRATICALLY vote on it?
All I was doing was trying to have an exercise to see if a hard line abortion kill the babies guy like you and a save all the babies life lover like me could at least begin to rationally talk. I’m still not sure if we have but I am sure what we say here has nothing to do with Trump or Harris being elected.
You know I was personally and forever deeply hurt by the abortion of my two babies. I was not even considered in the decision regardless of what I said. Ironically there was a man who was willing and by virtue of wealth quite able to take care of those kids and their mothers but was denied. The first, who today would be about 22 years old was taken, torn asunder and disposed of within a week of my refusal to marry the mother. That guilt will always be with me and I would like to try and prevent other mothers and fathers from feeling the utterly helpless sadness of loosing their baby.
Then we’ve reached a compromise! 24 weeks gestation.
Of course, Florida wants 6 weeks gestation or only a couple weeks after her last period. Many red states either have total bans or 6 week. Idaho even targets women who leave or people who let them leave Idaho for an abortion.
Almost every abortion performed after 24 weeks is because of a fatal fetal abnormality or serious physical danger to the woman. Few will disagree with your proposal. Write your Congress persons.
My point is that murder is illegal.
You make two unsubstantiated statements like those then presume to lecture us on science?
First off there are no nuConservatives you made that up. We are the same conservatives we’ve always been, you leftists just keep sliding back in time to the “good ole days of the Soviet”. We keep trying to give you clowns credit for progress but I guess you aren’t progressive any more. Maybe that’s why you stopped using that moniker. At least a few of you are now waving the socialist flag but you’ve gone past that old trope and directly into 1940’s style Nazism and communism. I guess we’ll have to wait another century till you own up to that.
The way things look today in America you either want to establish the Fourth Reich or remove the stars from the flag and replace them with your old friends the hammer and sickle. Every plan you have begins with “the government needs to…”. It could be mandate EV’s, abortions or force aliens into our neighborhoods and another thousand freedom killing abominations. Allowing people like us to be left alone to disagree never enters your collective minds. Everything’s gotta be your way or the highway.
Even when presented with “truth” you wave your hands and deny it. You are one well read yet ignorant dude.