AOC’s House Office Tagged With Fake Blood, She Seems Upset

It’s just property, right?

She’s seriously citing DOD documents, and continued citing more. But, that’s the US military, not the Israeli military, which is fighting terrorist groups designated as such by the US State Department

(The Hill) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said her House office was “tagged with blood-splattered signs accusing [her] of supporting terrorism” after she condemned Israel for a series of explosions across Lebanon involving pagers that targeted members of militant group Hezbollah. (snip through her yammering about the pager attack)

Ocasio-Cortez, an outspoken critic of Israel’s government amid increased tensions in the Middle East, included an excerpt from the Department of Defense Law of War Manual that prohibits using apparently harmless devices as objects that are designed and constructed with explosives.

It’s interesting that she says she “doesn’t take well to bullies”, yet, really said next to nothing when Jews were being bullied, harassed, and assaulted on college campuses and on the streets. She’s pretty much fully taken the side of enemies of the United States Of America, the nation she swore an oath to.

Meanwhile, AOC, all her Comrades in the Squad, and so many other Democrats are freaking out over this

That cartoon could have been made with hundreds (thousands?) of elected Democrats. I’m seeing federal reps, Senators, state elected officials, state governors and Lt. Governors.

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3 Responses to “AOC’s House Office Tagged With Fake Blood, She Seems Upset”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Senator Forghorn Kennedy (R-1950) “questioning” Ms Maya Berry, Executive Director of the Arab-American Institute”

    “You support Hamas, do you not?” Kennedy, a Louisiana Republican, asked Berry.

    “Senator, oddly enough, I’m going to say thank you for that question, because it demonstrates the purpose of our hearing today in a very effective way,” she replied, before Kennedy cut her off and asked to respond with a yes or no.

    She said: “Hamas is a foreign terrorist organization that I do not support, but you asking the executive director of the Arab American Institute that question very much puts the focus on the issue of hate in our country.”

    “I got your answer and I appreciate it[…]You support Hezbollah, too, don’t you?” Kennedy then asked, referring to the Iran-backed Lebanese militant group.

    “Again, I find this line of questioning extraordinarily disappointing,” Berry said, before Kennedy cut her off again, noting that his time was limited and pressing her for a yes or no.

    “The answer is I don’t support violence, whether it’s Hezbollah or Hamas or any other entity that invokes it, so no, sir,” she said.

    Kennedy went on: “You just can’t bring yourself to say no, can you? Do you support or oppose Iran and their hatred of Jews?”

    Kennedy then talked over Berry as she attempted to respond. She then said: “As a Muslim woman, sir, I’m going to tell you I do not support Iran.”

    Kennedy then noted Berry’s past criticism of Congress for cutting funding to The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNWRA), which provides services to Palestinian refugees amid allegations that some of its workers were involved in the October 7 attack. Berry defended her support for the UNRWA’s relief work.

    “Let me ask one more time, you support Hamas, don’t you? You support UNWRA and Hamas, don’t you?” Kennedy asked.

    Berry said: “I think it’s exceptionally disappointing that you’re looking at an Arab American witness before you and saying, ‘You support Hamas.’ I do not support Hamas.”

    Kennedy interrupted her again, and said: “You know what’s disappointing to me? You can’t bring yourself to say you don’t support UNWRA, you don’t support Hamas, you don’t support Hezbollah and you don’t support Iran. You should hide your head in a bag.”

    Senator Foghorn Leghorn should hide his head in a plastic bag.

    Sheila Katz, the CEO of the National Council of Jewish Women, called the treatment of Berry “heartbreaking.”

    The “only Muslim witness faced biased questions about supporting Hamas & Hezbollah despite her clear condemnations,” Katz wrote on X. “This hearing should combat hate, not perpetuate it. The Senate must do better.”

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Senator Foghorn Leghorn should hide his head in a plastic bag.

      Promoting more violence against Republicans? Not enough killing for ya? We understand it’s important you insult his Southern accent (it makes you feel superior), but calling for his murder by suffocation is too much.

      You radical commies aren’t happy unless Americans are at each other’s throats.

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    The ex-bartender sure knows how to draw attention to herself.

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