…is a horrible fossil fueled boat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on Rashida Tlaib’s hissy fit over a cartoon.
It’s boats week.

…is a horrible fossil fueled boat, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on Rashida Tlaib’s hissy fit over a cartoon.
It’s boats week.
I have yet to meet a man who supports cameltoe. I’m sure they’re out there, Elwood proves that but they aren’t around me.
*Election interference by failure to follow normal primary procedures.
1. Ignoring constituents by installing a candidate without primary votes.
2. Illicitly transferring legitimate primary votes to installed candidate.
3. Barring challenges to incumbent candidate and installed a candidate.
If course, we don’t really know if Jeff supports Harris, only that he is loyal to The Party. I’m sure if The Party threw Harris under the bus, Jeff would forget she was ever there and change the subject to how terrible Trump is. Just like he did when Biden got unceremoniously ditched and suddenly it was ok for Jeff to complain about how old and frail Trump was.
Perfesser Putz is correct that I would support ANY candidate opposing Feeble Donnie.
Porter’s Putz suggests that if Vice-Presient Harris is replaced that we would change to criticizing Feeble Donnie. I guess we’ve not been clear to The Putz. Donald J. Trump is unfit to be a county councilperson, a dog-catcher, a garbage collector, much less President. He will go down in history as America’s worst President. P Diddy would be no worse than Feeble Donnie. Melania Trump would be a better President (IF she was a natural born American).
Porter’s Putz misses that President Biden CHOSE to leave the race and that it was the lies from Republicuns like The Putz that persuaded him!!
Feeble Donnie is old and frail. He mumbles and stumbles over words worse than before. He lies constantly. He displayed horrible judgement in selecting Jaded Vance (R-Sofa Mart) as his VP. If Feeble Donnie were to die in office (50% chance) Vance would be Prez with unfettered access to the Oval Office furniture!!
Feeble Donnie is a horrible person – a rapist, a felon, a traitor who attempted to overturn a US election – and horrible people like Perfesser Putz lionize him – as if he were normal!!
MAGA is a cult. Cults do not operate on reason or logic, but are driven by belief in a person or in a false ideal. When Feeble Donnie is gone, will MAGAtism still exist? What are the tenets of MAGAtism? Anyone?
Perfesser Putz does reveal (he didn’t try to hide it) that Republicuns support the candidate rather than a platform or party position. They support Feeble Don.
The Democratic Party supports labor, reproductive rights, equal rights, the working class, the environment, science, education, diversity, peace, trade, democracy, immigration, freedom of religion, public health, government, national defense…
I would support any candidate who supported those issues.
The Republicuns used to support some of those issues but the nuRepublicuns (MAGAts) have become a cult of personality. Balanced budget? Who cares. Deficits don’t matter.
The MAGAt Party needs to die with their leader’s defeat.
Dennis James Jeffery and Jeffrey.
LGB is surrounded by “men” much like “him” so it’s hardly surprising that a collection of racist misogynists would support a Black woman. LOL.
Donnie’s minions whine how unfair it was the Republicuns forced President Biden out, with the Dems replacing him with an intelligent, energetic Vice-President who absolutely destroyed the increasingly feeble Donnie in the only debate.
Vice-President Harris is goading feeble Donnie into another chance to embarrass himself, but feebs is making excuses. Good judgement for once.
Those champions of democracy, the Republicuns, are working to suppress turnout in “swing” states. They have even installed several of feeble Donnie’s fraudulent electors!! Will they file fraudulent documents again???
Gee Elwood did I upset you by insinuating your lack of masculinity because you support an empty headed sucking machine? We don’t look at that clown as a “black” woman. We see her as a commie bitch and a traitor to everything America stands for.
Again fascists are leftists and generally are your allies. It’s an historical fact.
What the hell are you talking about dummy? Republicans didn’t and couldn’t force Biden out. That was done by you fellow democommies trying to cheat an election again. “Intelligent”? You gotta be kidding me. The broad’s a fukin moron.
I don’t know how Harris could goad anybody since now is the time like no other time until we see the time tomorrow when we can get our yellow school buses and drive to our middle class neighborhoods where we all had nice lawns and see what can be if we let it be tomorrow. With JOY!!!!
Too bad she’s afraid to debate on FOX where the moderators would be fair. That’s why she bowed out before, right? When the “debate” is three to one she still looks stupid.
I do want to thank you for stealing my Chauncy Gardner bit. Shows you at least can recognize style.
All of us here realize you’re not too smart but even you can’t be dumb enough to follow an ill informed Marxist into oblivion. Or can you?
All of us here realize you’re not too smart but even you can’t be dumb enough to follow an ill-informed fascist into oblivion. Or can you?
In fact, yes you can! You’re member of a cult! You believe what Trump the Christ believes!
What are you to think about Speaker Mike Johnson disobeying Trump’s order to shut down the gov’t unless Mikie proposed a voter suppression bill?? Johnson appeared more concerned about America and the Republican Party!!! Has he given up on Trump’s chances in November?
LGB typed: you support an empty headed sucking machine
Why are so obsessed with blow jobs? Do you also speculate on how young Ivanka felt being forced to suck The Donald’s short, smelly mushroomy dick? Poor little girl.
What I don’t support is a deteriorating and demented child molesting, woman assaulting, adjuticated rapist and convicted felon with even WORSE charges pending who tried to overturn and election and led a violent coup against the United States.
But you do you, Tampa. You do you…
Another traitor in the Biden-Harris administration.
Aw FFS. And she still fucked up. Thanks Oprah.
Kumala had a teleprompter for the whole interview.

Just another lie from the MAGAts… Lies are the lifeblood of MAGAts. They use their lies to destablilize the people. “America can’t trust elections, scientists, the media, education, government… you can only trust The Trump!
BTW, Oprah used a teleprompter for her closing.
But liars gotta lie.
Rimjob: But liars gotta lie.
Perhaps we need some consulting from DJThree CONsultants on how to lie properly. Maybe get a few tips on how to swindle investors to boot.
My Lil Stalker “Hot” Rod,
Check with your buddy, Mr Porter Good of Leith Honda in Raleigh NC about swindling. Do you need his telephone number?
Why would I do that?

Do Dennis, James and Jeffrey know that you spend all day every day here spouting your imbecilic nonsense?
Do you want their telephone numbers?
My Lil Stalker, “Hot” Rod,
I don’t know, you should contact them and see!!
Do Todd, Manny, Sheila, Shavar, Jason and Garret know that Porter Good spends all day scouring the internet for right-wing BS?
So Rimjob do Dennis, James and Jeffrey know they have an imbecile for a partner over there at DJThree Consulting LLC?

Do you think that Todd, Manny, Sheila, Shavar, Jason and Garret know that they have an imbecile for a salesbot there at Leith Honda in Raleigh.?
Well Rimjob, I’m not familiar with those people. Nor with Leith Honda. Should I be?
But then again you are familiar with your partners Dennis, James, and Jeffrey at DJThree Consulting LLC right?
Do ya get it ye
Even if that boat sinks, she’ll still float.
The National Hurricane Center (NHC) used computer “models” (Mr Teach hates model!) to “predict” that Potential Tropical Cyclone nine (PTC-9) will develop in the Caribbean and threaten the Gulf Coast (GC)!
It COULD hit Tampa by Thursday with 170 km/hr winds! Saying COULD is NOT science!!!
The Deep State is using the warnings to support Big Sand (BS) who donate to Harris.
So relax, it’s all part of the scam.
Propaganda much? The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:
Americans, and almost all of our esteemed host’s readers are Americans, use miles per hour, not kilometers per hour, and 170 KPH is equal to 105.6 MPH, which would put this projected hurricane as a Category 2. But Mr Dowd chose to use the KPH number, possibly because the 170 figure is scarier than 105.
The dummkopf from Delaware reinstated the United States signature on the Paris climate agreement, from which the much smarter President Trump withdrew the US. Therefore, and
global warmingclimate change issues are Mr Biden’s fault.The inimitable Mr Dana misses that we were on the side of the science deniers!
The so-called scientists are predicting that a hurricane will hit the Gulf later this week. The current tropical storm has wind speeds of only 48 km/hr!
Even physicians, mostly conservative, use the metric system. mg/dL, mg/mL, L/min, mL/min etc
Athletes run 100 M, 200 M, 400 M, 10 K, etc. Wine and whiskey comes in 750 mL. Weightlifting classes are in kg.
If you haven’t seen it (we understand conservatives only find someone getting hurt to be funny) but watch the incredible Nate Bargatze (from Tennessee!) as George Washington explain weights and measures!
Do not let the youtube run on or you may be exposed to the uber-popular Chappell Roam and her lesbian pop (she grew up a few miles where I did in the Ozarks)!