If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled boat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on Rashida Tlaib’s hissy fit over a cartoon.

It’s boats week.

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5 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    I have yet to meet a man who supports cameltoe. I’m sure they’re out there, Elwood proves that but they aren’t around me.

    Like Chauncey Gardiner, cameltoe has found her way to the top of the political food chain courtesy of an overthrown President and without having to venture through the proving ground of primaries, which saw her early elimination as a candidate in 2020*. But now she’s back with her trademark word salads, hoodwinking liberal women into believing she is something of substance. She is not.

    *Election interference by failure to follow normal primary procedures.
    1. Ignoring constituents by installing a candidate without primary votes.
    2. Illicitly transferring legitimate primary votes to installed candidate.
    3. Barring challenges to incumbent candidate and installed a candidate.

    • Professor Hale says:

      If course, we don’t really know if Jeff supports Harris, only that he is loyal to The Party. I’m sure if The Party threw Harris under the bus, Jeff would forget she was ever there and change the subject to how terrible Trump is. Just like he did when Biden got unceremoniously ditched and suddenly it was ok for Jeff to complain about how old and frail Trump was.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      LGB is surrounded by “men” much like “him” so it’s hardly surprising that a collection of racist misogynists would support a Black woman. LOL.

      Like Chauncey Gardner, Feeble Donnie has found his way to the top of the Republicun food chain courtesy of a weak-minded and bullied electorate. Now he’s back with his trademark word salads, hoodwinking fascist men into believing he is something of substance. As he has proven over the decades, he is not.

      Donnie’s minions whine how unfair it was the Republicuns forced President Biden out, with the Dems replacing him with an intelligent, energetic Vice-President who absolutely destroyed the increasingly feeble Donnie in the only debate.

      Vice-President Harris is goading feeble Donnie into another chance to embarrass himself, but feebs is making excuses. Good judgement for once.

      Those champions of democracy, the Republicuns, are working to suppress turnout in “swing” states. They have even installed several of feeble Donnie’s fraudulent electors!! Will they file fraudulent documents again???

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    Another traitor in the Biden-Harris administration.

    An FBI spokeswoman said that the FBI would neither confirm nor deny the existence of an investigation into Malley.


  3. drowningpuppies says:

    Aw FFS. And she still fucked up. Thanks Oprah.

    Kumala had a teleprompter for the whole interview.

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