WWIII Watch: NATO Training For Potential Baltic Sea Showdown

If Kamala wins, will she be the first woman to get the US into a world war?

US, NATO allies train with naval missiles for potential Baltic Sea showdown with Russia

NATO troops, vessels and aircraft took to the frigid North Atlantic Ocean last month to sharpen their skills for a potential future war at sea, whether in the tumultuous Atlantic or in waters closer to their hypothetical Russian adversaries.

The drills — led by U.S. Naval Forces Europe and the U.S. Navy’s 6th Fleet — “focused on the strategic waterways and airspace surrounding Iceland,” a NATO press release said, an area it described as “a vital hub in the North Atlantic.” NATO forces practiced tracking enemy naval forces — including submarines — and responding to mass casualty events.

But one part of the exercise was designed with a different region, though the same hypothetical enemy, in mind. (snip)

The North Atlantic, though, is not the expected hunting ground.

“We almost always perform our exercises in the Baltic region,” Gryglewski said, “protecting the Baltic Sea region from the enemy” as part of Poland’s coastal defense system.

In fairness, NATO militaries are always having exercises, but, it is rather concerning that the media is concerned about these current ones. There was less concern over them during the Cold War. When you have a wackjob like Putin in power, and absent, ineffective, and doddering POTUS like Biden, leaders in other NATO nations cheerleading for Zelensky to continue hitting Russian territory, well, things can go downhill very quick. Because we’re still getting headlines like

Fun times, eh?

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2 Responses to “WWIII Watch: NATO Training For Potential Baltic Sea Showdown”

  1. Dana says:

    Current President Jill Biden might beat her to it.

  2. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    Another democommie coup???? Why is DR Jill sitting at the head of a Cabinet meeting????

    Do you believe this klunt? Do you hear this retarded newsman Pardon, pitchman slobbering all over this pig?


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