Of course, most of the Democrats pushing for this have still failed to give up their own use of fossil fuels
Democrats Want ‘Climate Literacy’ In Schools As Actual Literacy Slips
The Democratic Party is pushing to increase “literacy” on climate change-related material in America’s schools while students are performing poorly with respect to actual literacy.
The party’s education platform mentions the importance of “climate literacy” for American K-12 students several times, emphasizing the purported need for students to be able to understand and interpret information relating to climate change. Meanwhile, the average reading score for both fourth and eighth grade students in 2022 had fallen by three points relative to 2019, according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
“We will equip students with the knowledge and skills to understand complex scientific issues, counter the rising tide of denialism by promoting environmental and climate literacy, and reverse the Trump Administration’s cuts to the National Environmental Education Act,” the platform states.
What they’re really doing is simply indoctrinating the kids, who already have trouble reading.
Less than 50% of all fourth grade students were able to read at or above the standard for proficiency in 2022, with only 17% of black students and 21% of Latino pupils meeting the mark, according to the NAEP.
NAEP data “consistently” demonstrates that about two in every three American students cannot read proficiently, and about 40% of all students are effectively non-readers, according to an analysis published by Scientific American in September 2023.
Sadly, reading is way down. The kiddies just stare at their phones, flipping from video to video about every 30 seconds or less. I do not know many GenZ or Millennials who read books. It’s sad. Believe me, I spend a lot of time on the laptop, phone, and tablet. Cruising the ‘net, playing games. Twitter. But, I also play my guitar (not well), play some golf here and there, and hit the gym (where I will also read my book between sets). And read. A lot. I’m a little behind for getting around 85 books in this year, at 55 and almost done with another, but, I’ve also read a lot of books this year that were over 400-500 pages, where they’re usually around 250-300.
Actually learning to read and going out and doing their own research is bad for the climate cult, because the kiddies might run across something that counters their cult propaganda.

The left are not stupid: they know that if they can control the language and education, they’ll eventually win the debate. It’s only by resisting their control of education and language that they’ll lose.
In 2023, socialist and public education advocate Helen Gym Flaherty campaigned for the Democratic nomination for Mayor of foul fetid, fuming, foggy, filthy Philadelphia, and one of her campaign events had her standing in front of the Edward T Steel Elementary School, which she claimed that she saved from “going charter.” The trouble with that is that the students at Steel Elementary were morons, with 8% testing grade-level proficient in reading, and a whopping 1% testing grade-level proficient in math.
Mrs Flaherty was, of course, supported by the Democratic Socialists of America, the Working Families Party, and the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers. Fortunately, she wasn’t supported by the voters, and finished third in the primary, and is now a private citizen.
Where was Mrs Flaherty’s support? The precinct-by-precinct voting maps showed her greatest support, as measured by precincts she won, in the neighborhoods around the University of Pennsylvania and Drexel University, and in the wealthier Center City high-rise areas. The wealthier while liberals, whose children were not affected by the rotten public schools in Philly, and who have the money to survive socialist government, voted for her, while Cherelle Parker Mullins won the primary with a tougher-on-crime approach, and carried the heavily black precincts which were the primary victims of crime.
White liberals have been very supportive of policies which won’t hurt them, which won’t hurt their wallets, and so it is with the leftist plans for fighting
global warmingclimate change. They can afford the virtue signaling of pushing for electric cars — which not that many of them buy for themselves, but think that you should have to drive, if you’re allowed to have a car at all — and seem blithely unconcerned that people who have less money than them might be made porer by their policies.Let them eat cake!
Neither of the two most important and sacred documents in human history – The Christian Bible and The American Constitution – mention global warming!! Therefore, it can not be real.
As Mr Teach and Mr Dana convincingly demonstrate, global warming is part of the larger left/lib/Dem/commie long plan for CONTROL!! Once THEY take your guns, your religion, your gas vehicles, your electricity, education, reproduction and your CHILDREN they will have TOTAL control! Only Donald Trump clearly sees this!!
Mr Dana MISTAKENLY waxes poetically about elections, while ignoring the FACT that they are all fixed by Democrat machinations!!
WAKE UP sheeple!! Did you not watch SOYLENT GREEN?
Mr Teach, like conservatives in general, correctly derides literacy and education as the indoctrination of the “chidren”!!
He correctly favors teaching our captive children the benefits of Christianity as The Constitution clearly permits, even encourages.
But note that he relied on the totally untrustworthy US government NAEP and thoroughly discredited Scientific American magazine for some of his information!!
Mr Teach also boasts of his extensive reading and “doing his own research”!!
96% of NOAA weather stations have failed audit. Its been a few years, and no activity has been seen of them correcting the defects. They are not recording accurate data, any temperature trends cannot be determined by these faulty weather stations.
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