Why does the Cult of Climastrology always have to mind Everyone Else’s business?
Restaurant Portions Are About to Get Smaller. Are Americans Ready?
Portion sizes in American restaurants shot up in the 1980s and never came down. The average serving of spaghetti and meatballs doubled. Bagels ballooned into six-inch-wide monstrosities. Burritos started to weigh more than a Harry Potter hardcover.
Nutritionists and policymakers haven’t had much success fighting portion creep, which has been linked to health problems associated with obesity. Attempts to legislate soda sizes were shot down. Calorie counts on menus have largely gone ignored and might even be harmful. Even celebrity-dusted public health campaigns from the White House didn’t move the needle much.
But today, a combo plate of economics, demographics and climate science may accomplish what years of official hand-wringing could not: loosening the grip that super-size restaurant portions have on the national diet.
For the most part, the article has nothing to do with Hotcoldwetdry, but, it’s incumbent on all NY Times writers to include something on the climate scam in most articles. But, most Warmists are Leftists, and most Leftists are happy to force Other People to do stuff, instead of just leaving them alone to live their lives.

Tropical Storm Helene gaining strength on path toward Florida | 4 p.m. Tuesday update
And THAT ladies and germs (test to see how old you are – otherwise you’ll have to look it up) is why I always order something my wife will eat! We usually just share a meal rather than have TWO leftovers that are not as good the next day, not to mention a bill that’s much higher! When you share a meal then you can share a DESSERT!!
Tracking Helene: Live continuous coverage as tropical storm heads for Florida
Once again, communists want the peasants to starve… for their own good.
The facts of the restaurant are that food is the cheapest thing on the menu. The most expensive item is the seat you are sitting in. Rents and leases account for the largest part of expenses. Then comes labor, then all other overhead like electricity, AC, laundry services, maintenanace. Finally is the cost of food itself. Restaurants started increasing portion sizes so that relative to the bill customers got, they would feel they got their money’s worth.
Truer words were never spoken. In other words, Obesity is linked to how much food you stuff into your face. It is the fat person’s fault, not the food merchants. Reasonable people now look at restaurant food as two meals that they either split at the table, or take home to eat the next day. Climate activists HATE leftovers and the people who eat them. Good thing this isn’t up to them.
This sort of story is what you get when you pay a full time climate activist to churn out content on a daily basis. Some of their stories will be mindless drivel. This is what they learned in Journalism school. Creative writing. Make something up, write 500 words about it, get your grade (get paid).