Islamist Rashida Tlaib Accuses Michigan AG Of Having Pro-Jew Biases

Rashida Tlaib continues to show her Jew hatred. How did it come to pass that a Jew hater and supporter of Islamic extremism and terrorist groups was elected to the US House of Representatives? I guess when the US government brings in large groups of refugees from areas of Islamic extremism and makes them citizens they’ll keep voting their own into office

Nessel accuses Tlaib of antisemitism amid controversy over pro-Palestinian protest charges

Michigan’s Jewish attorney general has accused the state’s Palestinian-American congresswoman of antisemitism, in a war of words between two prominent Democrats that could upend an already tense battleground state.

The exchange between Attorney General Dana Nessel and Rep. Rashida Tlaib, formerly friends, stems from Nessel’s decision to file charges this month against 11 pro-Palestinian protesters at the University of Michigan. In a Sept. 12 statement, Nessel emphasized the right to free speech but accused the 11 protesters at the university’s encampment last spring of “violent and criminal behavior,” including obstructing police and trespassing.

In an interview with a local paper the following day, Tlaib likened the campus protests to other demonstrations against racism and for immigrant rights. She told the Detroit Metro Times that Nessel chose to prosecute the 11 because of “possible biases.”

“It seems that the attorney general decided if the issue was Palestine, she was going to treat it differently, and that alone speaks volumes about possible biases within the agency she runs,” she said.

Considering that most of the pro-Hamas demonstrators were either Middle Eastern or upper middle class whites, how is that racism? And, I thought Democrats were all against “hate speech”, and yet all they were doing was saying how much they hate Jews and want Israel destroyed. Oh, and harassing Jews, attacking them, taking over buildings, committing vandalism and acts of destruction.

Nessel’s office confirmed to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that she took that remark as a reference to her Jewish identity. In a social media post on Friday, she condemned a political cartoon that suggested Tlaib was affiliated with Hezbollah — and also called out the congresswoman for antisemitism.

“Rashida’s religion should not be used in a cartoon to imply that she’s a terrorist. It’s Islamophobic and wrong,” Nessel said on X, formerly Twitter. “Just as Rashida should not use my religion to imply I cannot perform my job fairly as Attorney General. It’s antisemitic and wrong.”

Of course, Tlaib is trying to say that it is about Nessel’s “anti-Palestinian” biases, as did Tlaib’s Islamist supporters. But, Tlaib has a long history of being anti-Jew and supporting Islamic extremism, so, we all know that is BS. The two were actually friends, or, at least, friendly, at one point, but, Nessel learned the reality of Tlaib

But as in so many other relationships, the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war last October 7 marked a shift. In November, Nessel took Tlaib to task for defending the phrase “from the river to the sea,” which many Jews see as a call for the destruction of Israel but which Palestinians say is a call for equality.

“Rashida Tlaib, I have supported and defended you countless times, even when you have said the indefensible, because I believed you to be a good person whose heart was in the right place,” Nessel said then. “But this is so hurtful to so many. Please retract this cruel and hateful remark.”

If you did, you will find just about all of these Islamists to be Jew haters and supporters of destroying Israel and replacing it.

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4 Responses to “Islamist Rashida Tlaib Accuses Michigan AG Of Having Pro-Jew Biases”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    At least Bush and Bowman are gone.

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    Wonder if Rimjob will call them “MAGAts”.

    Mayor of first US city with all-Muslim city council endorses Trump: ‘Right choice for this critical time’

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    And Dana is a Jewish lesbian, prosecuting straight pro-Islam protesters!!

    Representative Tlaib said, “It seems that the attorney general decided if the issue was Palestine, she was going to treat it differently, and that alone speaks volumes about possible biases within the agency she runs.”

    That is not necessarily a criticism of Nessel’s Jewish heritage but could argue there was anti-Islam bias in the agency.

    I didn’t know that AG Dana was Jewish until today! I DID know she was a lesbian. She is married to Alanna Maguire and they have 2 children.

    BTW, the cartoon about Rep Tlaib’s “pager” WAS funny, while also being insulting by accusing her of being a member of Hezbollah. Mr Routh was not intending to assassinate Mr Trump but just shoot him in his left ear so The Donald could wear a full set of earrings! Is that funny?

    Anyway, nine protesters in U of Michigan Ann Arbor were arrested:

    Two of the nine were charged with trespassing, a misdemeanor with a maximum 30-day sentence, for “failing to vacate the encampment” despite being given “ample time following clear lawful orders to do so.

    Even more serious:

    Seven of the pro-Palestinian protesters on May 21 were charged with trespassing and an additional count of resisting or obstructing a police officer, a felony with a maximum two-year sentence. The seven demonstrators “attempted to halt or push back the police by making direct contact with the officers’ bodies or physically obstruct an arrest.

    Two other pro-Palestinian protesters, one a Michigan alumnus and the other not tied to the university, were arrested for attacking a pro-Israel counterprotest on April 25. The two pro-Palestinian protesters are accused of attacking Israeli and American flags at the pro-Israel rally.

    Are these charges out of line compared to those seen in other violent protests that included physical confrontations with police?

  4. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    “Tlaib was rushed to the boys room at the nearest elementary school where she had her giant blown up vagina stuffed with 140 super tampons to slow the bleeding. Sadly she lost a lot of blood because the doctors had to call in a landscaper with a chain saw to trim her pubes before they could see the cavernous opening. She is recovering now strapped spread eagle on two hospital beds with a commercial oscillating fan blowing on her to temper down the stank. The prognosis is she will recover just in time to use the new radioactive tampons the Israelis have surreptitiously shipped through out the Palestinian population.”

    The International Organization of Christians and Jews plan to distribute Geiger counters this Ramadan.

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