But, is it enough to get people to vote for Trump in the states he needs to win for 270?
Gallup: Almost Every Indicator Favors GOP, Making Election Trump’s to Lose
A new Gallup poll shows Republicans leading on nine out of 10 key issues the pollster uses to determine which side has an advantage ahead of the election. Gallup said the GOP trails only on the approval of Congress, and voters don’t like either party on that.
“The political environment suggests the election is Trump’s and Republicans’ to lose,” Gallup said. “Nearly every indicator of the election context is favorable to the Republican Party, and those that aren’t are essentially tied rather than showing a Democratic advantage.”
Party identification has traditionally been a strong indicator in predicting election outcomes, Gallup said, and this year, 48% say they are, or lean, Republican, versus 45% who are, or lean, Democrat — a GOP advantage not seen in decades.
The second highly predictive measure is which party voters believe will better handle big problems. In this, too, Republicans outgun Democrats, by 46%-41%, mostly on the view they are better suited to handle the economy. The poll finds that respondents view the GOP as the party that will make American prosperous by a 50%-44% margin.
Those are, per Gallup, those are the two biggest drivers for elections.
I’m not clear on why all the articles are saying 9 of 10, looks like 8 of 10 to me. Regardless, the question now is, can they keep this? Can Trump keep the crazy down? Because Trump needs to win for the GOP to keep the House and Senate. I really do not think a Harris win will allow either of those to happen.

The story here demostrate two very clear conclusions:
1. The power of the Democratic party. They can literally run a baloney sandwich and guarantee the support of 43% of the vote without even working for it. With just a little effort, they can pull off a tie that is too close to call and the margin of fraud deciding the outcome. There is nothing good or special about Harris that could possibly have accounted for her rise to the top of the Democratic party ticket, just as there was nothing good or special about Biden. Everyone knew Biden was already senile back in 2015 and he was an angry old stupid man with a long history of lying long before that. Yet the democratic party could not only make him their candidate, but also win with him.
2. The American political system is broken. We pretend to have a government of, by, and for the People, but year after year, we get elected officials who jam policies down our throats that the clear majority of Americans clearly do not want. Since Republicans dominate 8 of 10 issues most important to voters, this should be a landslide election in favor of Trump and other Republicans. But instead it will be another close call in the electoral college and in races all up and down the ballot. 75% of Americans did not want the Federal government in charge of health care, but we got it anyway. 90% of Americans do not want the whole LGBTQ agenda, not even in California. We got it anyway. 90% of American do not want a war in Ukraine,(or Syria, or Libya, or Iraq, or Yemen, or Somalia, or Afghanistan, or Russia, or China, or Mali), but we got or are going to get all of those too. 75% of Americans want an actual border that prevents people from other countries just walking into the USA and staying here. Even more than that are against the US, state and local governments using tax money to foot the bills for all these newcomers. But we are getting all of that anyway.
I have always tried to refrain from calling people names, but in this case, I will make one small exception to make a point.
It does not matter if the GOP is leading in all 12 categories, and is running against a BOX OF ROCKS and JEEPERS CREEPERS himself.
The amount of cheating that the DEMS do is mind blowing. I am now thoroughly convinced that in 2012 when Romney held a national lead and an electoral lead going into the election in almost every poll, only to get curb-stomped, alarm bells should have been set off. But this was, of course, the mighty Barak Obama. A very popular president, even if his policies were not mainstream at the time.
HRC in 2016 was so far ahead in the polls over Trump that the cheatin’ machine was convinced they did not even need to turn out the ace in the hole machine to win vs. Trump. It is why the Democrats were stunned into unfathomable anger and immediately turned on the anti-war machine to become anti-Trump so that 2016 would never happen again.
So 2020 arrived…..poop…Trump gone. 2022 came and POOF the lead the GOP enjoyed…..gone.
2024. Anyone who thinks that Trump is going to win is brain dead. I surmise that the Democrats will just plain pull out all the stops since 2020 showed that every judge in the country was terrified to look at cases of evidence showing lack of standing as the reason they would not take up election fraud.
Pull out all the stops. YES. They will curb-stomp the GOP in the House, Senate, and across the country as they ballot harvest, switch votes with dominion, which can be done at a flip of the switch with no evidence of the deed, and then just depend on the same judges who are afraid for their lives if they take on the cases brought by the GOP.
Commenter: in 2012 when Romney held a national lead and an electoral lead going into the election in almost every poll
Not sure what the “electoral lead” before an election means, but President Obmaa led Romney in the polls taken in the week before the election. He was up by about 1% but won by 3.9%. Turnout was key, once again. Mr Romney did close the polling gap in the last couple of weeks – being some 4% behind for a couple of months before.
NuRepublicans (MAGAts) sound a lot like fans of losing NFL teams. “The winners cheated and the refs let the get away with it!”
Hillary “didn’t think she needed to cheat in 2016” and lost (although winning the actual vote handily)! Other than that, all the others since 2008 have cheated to win!! BTW, she lead in polls before the election! Maybe Trump and Russia cheated!!
Do youse guys realize how ridiculous you sound?
Do you not understand how psychotic you sound?
The Democrats really have only one issue: Orange Man Bad! They think that’s enough, and maybe it will be, but they have no coherent policies except more of the same failures that they’ve had before.
Americans either hate or love the Orange Messiah.
A handful of “swing” states will decide the election. North Carolina, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada…
The key for Vice President Harris is to be able to tell Americans battered by the economy what her administration can do for them. It’s the economy, stupid.
Chicken Little Karen Man
The key for Vice President Harris is to be able to tell Americans battered by the economy what her administration can do for them. It’s the economy, stupid.
In case you missed it Biden/Harris has been Prez/VP for the past 4 years…
Why haven’t they fixed it????????????
Trump in GA yesterday.
“People say ‘It was God, and God came down and saved you because he wants you to bring America back'”.
Trump bashed electric cars – except those made by Tesla – odd considering the ongoing construction in Savannah GA of a $7.6 BILLION Hyundai electric car and battery plant that will employ 8,500 workers.
Donnie Darko keeps inflating the number of Haitians from Hayshuh… now it’s 30,000!! By next week it’ll be a million!
He claimed the imvading migrants taking over entire American cities have weapons so sophisticated that our military doesn’t even know about them!!
The Gallup poll clearly shows that if the Repubs had run anyone other than Donnie Darko they would win in a landslide in November. Their “stacked” primary system, which favors the extremist wing, has hurt them, big-league.
Some nuCons lie about what Americans want. 75% of Americans do not oppose universal healthcare. 90% of Americans do not oppose the “whole LGBTQ agenda. 90% of Americans do not oppose Ukraine defending itself against a Russian invasion. It IS likely that 75% of Americans want more effective border control but Trump aborted legislation to address that.
75% of Americans oppose universal healthcare run by the federal government. They are not stupid and do not want the equivalent of the DMV controlling their health. 90% of Americans do oppose the whole LGBTQ+ agenda and furthermore resent having it shoved down their and their children’s throats by tyrannical leftists with a commie agenda.
Actually 99% of Americans do not oppose Ukraine defending itself against a Russian invasion as long as they include us OUT! We don’t care if they blow each other up just keep our money, our men and our equipment OUT!
It IS likely that 75% of Americans want more effective border control but Trump aborted legislation to address that. Funny, Trump wasn’t president. Only democommies under no-brains/shit pants and the dick licker could have addressed the border. THEY FAILED MISERABLY!!