It’s utterly delicious, and hypocritical, of this prognostication, along with others from different world leaders, after they all took private fossil fueled flights to the UN. How many flew in, a couple thousand? Ten thousand?
Head of United Nations warns of ‘unsustainable world’ during annual meeting of leaders
U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres warned world leaders Tuesday that impunity, inequality and uncertainty are creating an “unsustainable world” where a growing number of countries believe they should have a “get out of jail free” card.
“We can’t go on like this,” he said as the General Assembly’s annual debate among presidents, prime ministers, monarchs and other leaders began.
Citing deepening geopolitical divisions, wars with no end in sight, climate change and nuclear and emerging weapons, he said humanity is “edging towards the unimaginable – a powder keg that risks engulfing the world.”
But, he said, “the challenges we face are solvable” if the international community confronts the uncertainty of unmanaged risks, the inequality that underlies injustices and grievances and the impunity that undermines international law and the U.N.’s founding principles.
See, if all the leaders of the nations would just institute taxes and fees and life controls on their citizens, we can totally stop this! It’s so easy! There’s nothing that a little Authoritarianism won’t solve, you know! Say the people who make zero changes in their own lives and have carbon footprints far outstripping even those citizens of the 1st World. It’s just so weird that these leaders all have the same idea in imposing Modern Socialism.

The authoritarians all seem to believe that they and their lifestyles won’t be affected, it’ll all fall on some other people.
That’s because they’re right, Dana. Are the top 1% in China, N Korea, Cuba starving? Do they not drive Rolls Royces and drink Louis XIII? It’s true wherever commies rule. The pinkos at the top make sure they are insulated from the misery they cause. Even in America were the bread lines or the soup lines during the depression filled with government employees, generals or congressmen? Hell no! It was, is and will be average folks under Camella Harris.
None of the democommie donors will suffer. None of the leftist propagandists in the media will be jobless. Joy Reid will still be spouting her anti white racism and the klunts on the Five will still be bitchin about how unfair it all is for women, minorities and trannies. It’s all they got!
Wealthy Repubs like the hateful LGB imagine that only wealthy Dems are selfish, LOL! (Why is he so angry all the time? Like Trump, he’s had a life of leisure backstopped by a wealthy daddy.)
He IS correct that wealthy donors are much less likely to suffer than are working class Americass in any downturn. Duh!
He IS wrong to blame only Democrats for the plight of working class Americans. Both parties have allowed America to become a plutocracy. Policies largely benefit the wealthy, not the workers. Since the days of Reaganomics, Republican politicos have been worse than the Dems. Trump not only supports the bad ideas of Reaganomics, but makes them even more damaging.
MAGAs have no ideas that help the working class. Immigration STIMULATES the economy. Unions help the working class. Corporate tax cuts do not help the working class. Massive tariffs are inflationary (and are not paid by exporters).
Chicken Little Karen Man
Since the days of Reaganomics, Republican politicos have been worse than the Dems.
In the last 32 years we have had a Democrat as President for 20 years. Why haven’t you guys fixed the problems?
Both parties have allowed America to become a plutocracy
Just in case you missed it, Trump has is an avowed opponent of the deep state.
Don’t ask Rimjob. The perpetual whiner there at DJThree Consulting LLC is on a roll.
Just sit back and wait for the inevitable and unoriginal sophomoric comeback in 3, 2, 1… 
A percentage, 0 to 100%, of all taxes and tariffs applied to a corporation, are paid by the customer.
Tariffs are applied to the exporting corporations to protect the importing country’s corporations.
This can be good or bad, depending on the situation.
“Fair Trade” has never been fair.
“Massive tarrifs are not paid by the exporters..” Just like corporate tax increases aren’t paid by corporations..
Talk about anger and hate! You just called me “hateful” because I called out the top 1% in commie countries as well as here? Does that make sense to you? Then, knowing I’ve had a career as a fireman and EMT, you call me out as having a life of leisure? Are you the stupidest guy here or what? A fireman and EMT you call “backstopped by a wealthy daddy”. Do you think my dad paid someone else to go into a flaming house or burning building to save someone? Or maybe he tipped a guy to swim out to the drowning kid or the folks in the boat crash?
While you were figuring out how to steal people’s investments in Galera I was risking my life in my work regardless how wealthy dad or I am. How many lives have you saved in the last twenty years?
You are correct that neither party really has helped the working man but going all in communist with a Marxist like Heels Up ain’t gonna fix that. There is currently nothing put out by either the DNC or Harris that shows the least interest in the working man. BUT TRUMP DOES.
Like it or not your automatic response to any problem is to turn to government to solve it. Trump turns to the market and individuals. The reason so much is fuked up is because the Dems have place so much control and trust in government solutions along with the Reps not fighting for other options we have dug our self into a huge social hole.
Immigrants CAN stimulate the economy. Twenty million illegal, unvetted aliens do not and can not stimulate anything but our taxes to pay their support. You should know that. Or are you trying to conflate migrants with illegals to blur the line for political purposes?
These people are afraid that their globalist scams are not sustainable and they will be thrown out of their cushy useless positions, lose all their privileges and influence, and placed back into the population of peons and serfs that they have been bleeding for decades.
Nationalism and populism is a threat to their self-appointed authority. The natives are getting more and more restless. And that could disrupt the near-exclusive access these elites have to the planet’s economic and resource wealth. All these “sustainability” arguments are just the method the elites are using to pry ownership of natural resources away from the people who worked to develop them. Like squatters claiming your home, they claim they need to control energy, food, water, and transportation and limit everyday peoples’ access to those things.
Chicken Little Karen Man
Since the days of Reaganomics, Republican politicos have been worse than the Dems.
In the last 32 years we have had a Democrat as President for 20 years. Why haven’t you guys fixed the problems?
Both parties have allowed America to become a plutocracy
Just in case you missed it, Trump has is an avowed opponent of the deep state.