First off, isn’t this the kind of yammering that leads to people trying to assassinated The Donald?
EXCLUSIVE: Postal Union Sends Letter Calling Trump ‘Existential Threat’
If former President Donald Trump wins November’s election, he would pose an “existential threat” — at least according to a letter apparently from the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), obtained by The Federalist.
“If Donald Trump wins the upcoming election, it could prove an existential threat to our union and our contract,” the letter reads. “Your vote matters: consider how the consequences could affect you, your job, and our union when deciding how to vote.”
The letter appears to be signed “in solidarity” by Georgia NALC President Don Griggs. It takes issue specifically with Trump and Project 2025, leftists’ favorite catch-all bogeyman.
“Donald Trump and his allies have put together an extensive plan for the next year, if he takes office and appoints anti-union allies throughout the executive branch,” the letter reads. “Our union cannot afford to risk the proposals in Project 2025 becoming a reality.”
The letter claims Project 2025 would “ban all public employee unions and replace private-sector unions with company-controlled unions,” “let states opt out of federal overtime and minimum wage” requirements, and repeal the Davis-Bacon Act, which places wage requirements on government projects.
Second off, does it make you feel good that the people who will be delivering mail-in ballots to citizens and then back to those who count them are taking a stand against someone running for president? Do you trust them?
Third, public sector unions do need to be abolished. The main purposes of unions originally were to bargain for wages and benefits and better working conditions, and to protect workers from poor working conditions and problem bosses. Why is any of this necessary for government jobs? They aren’t working in factories, and few work with dangerous materials.
Griggs told The Federalist the letter came not from him, but from the AFL-CIO — without his permission. “They told me they were going to send me some information as we got closer to the election, and I had no idea they were sending out a letter with my name,” Griggs said. “I never would have sent anything out like that.”
BS. He’s trying to cover his ass. The letter, which you can see at the link, has his signature.

Our esteemed host wrote:
In the private sector, unions have to be at least somewhat partners with businesses, because they cannot demand wages and benefits that force companies out of business. After all, if a union wins a $100 per hour wage, but the company goes out of business, how much do the workers really get for their $100 per hour wage when they get zero hours?
But government can’t go out of business, though much of it clearly should. Thus, government negotiators are not really bound by the upper limits of what they can afford, because rather than having to compete, they can simply force their “customers” to keep paying them, by raising taxes, which are enforced at the point of a gun.
Of course, the United States Postal Service actually does have competition, in the form of FedEx and UPS and other parcel delivery services. More, the utility of the USPS has significantly declined, as people have mostly stopped writing personal letters. Our Post Office Box — the USPS contract carrier will not deliver to our house, but would require us to build a box 100 yards away — gets filled with bills, most of which we pay electronically anyway, and advertising circulars and yet more offers for Medicare supplement plans, and it’s mostly useless. It could easily be privatized.
Mr Teach typed: isn’t this the kind of yammering that leads to people trying to assassinated (sic) The Donald
So don’t criticize The Donald? Got it.
And Mr Teach wants to block government workers from forming a union? When did Mr Teach become a shill for the feds?? Oh, he hates unions more than he distrusts the feds. The Federalist Society calls for the abolition of even private labor unions.
A 3 day letter by FEDEX is $9.75, but by mail $0.73
If true (after all the source is The Federalist (aka Project 2025)), the head of the Georgia NALC said “If Donald Trump wins the upcoming election, it could prove an existential threat to our union and contract” (sorry, but he is).
To be accurate, the letter did not call Mr Trump an existential threat, but that his election could be a threat to their union. A position seconded and thirded by Mr Teach and Mr Dana!
The issue is the participation of these union members in collection and delivery of mail-in votes, which really is a conflict of interest when their union endorses a candidate. The potential for fraud is too great. The real solution is to ban mail-in voting.
Whether public sector unions should be legal is a separate issue. Contract negotiations are held between the union and politicians’ agents. The real party with an interest is the public, which is NOT properly represented by the politicians, who are captive by the unions political influence.