Well, not really, the NY Times is focused on all you little people, and how to get government to force you to make those individual changes
What if Everyone Did Something to Slow Climate Change?
Researchers are looking at the impact that individuals’ actions can have on reducing carbon emissions — and the best ways to get people to adopt them.
Make more beef-free meals. Compost food scraps. Replace a natural gas stove with an electric one.
These are all fairly simple ways people can help combat climate change in their own kitchens. Still, most Americans don’t do it. Why?
Because it means changing lifelong habits. Because they believe it won’t make a difference. Because they think their friends and neighbors aren’t doing it.
Research shows that it is not easy to motivate people to curb their emissions, but some strategies do work, and experts are trying to identify the best ones.
I’m confused: why don’t Warmists do this voluntarily? They believe that the climate has warmed mostly/solely do the actions of Mankind, right? So, they should be happy to change their lives. Also, this NY Times article fails to mention what changes the company has made, nor those that climate cult member and writer Alina Tugend has made in her own life.
Magnus Bergquist, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, said widespread behavior transformation is difficult, as people often have contradictory goals. For example, changing habits or buying energy-efficient products, “can conflict with people’s goals of seeking comfort, saving money and gaining social acceptance,” he said in a video interview.
In other words, they’re climahypocrites. They want to force That Guy to change, to go after corporations. Skipping all the way to the end
Political actions, such as voting and pressuring elected officials, can help, Ms. Guenther said in a video interview.
“Our true responsibility is to use our choices as political agents in the world to try to shift power, take power away from the people who are blocking the transition away from fossil fuels and give it to people who will lead into a livable future,” she said.
That’s not personal actions: that’s forcing your beliefs on everyone else when you refuse to practice those beliefs.

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Mr Teach admits: “I’m confused”
His strategy of name-calling and instilling hatred isn’t working either.
He believes individuals that understand the genesis of global warming (he slurs as “warmists”) should bear any and all burdens.
A Caribbean hurricane has caused extensive damages in western North Carolina! This typhoon blew up out of nowhere into a category 4 over just a few days by tracking through the 88F autumn ocean. Scores of dead Americans are a small price to pay for 1.5 more hamburgers a week.
In a hospital in Tennessee patients and staff evacuated to the roof to be rescued by helicopters. Hurricanes in Tennessee??
Using LEDs, reducing beef consumption, composting and recycling, electric stoves, efficient appliances, higher mpg autos, smaller houses, better windows… is just too much to ask.
What Mr Teach refuses to realize is that all humans are hypocrites to varying extents, allowing strident scolds such as Teach to ridicule and mock his perceived “enemies”. No one is perfect.
“You use fans instead of A/C? But electricity powers your fan? Climahypocrite!!”
Science “deniers” such as Teach deny the reality of global warming, giving themselves a free pass.
The weekend rant from the imbecile, Rimjob, laying blame on others for his own miserable life.
As usual he doesn’t make a lick of sense.
As usual instead of asking people you disagree with what they think you go about “telling” them. That’s a loosing proposition even for a dishonest scoundrel like yourself. Frankly, I believe Teach thinks individuals that “understand the genesis of global warming” are just wrong, but those who try and impose the costs of their wrongheadedness onto others should be forced to pay the price themselves. Now, that wasn’t hard was it? And it was nice and civilized too.
You say that like he invented name calling and hatred when in fact it is your team that insists upon calling us everything from “deplorables” to “Hitlers” to “deniers” yet recoil aghast that he “slurs” you as “warmists”. Why how touchy one can be. Here’s a small poll about who instills hate in who.
Our “perceived enemies” are communists, socialists, moslems, and any other group who wants to end America. We don’t make our political opponents “enemies” though you leftists sure have done your best to fit into the definition.
You keep coming here claiming “we get it”. Well, you are singular not plural and YOU DON”T GGET IT. Not even close when you make a statement like “You use fans instead of A/C? But electricity powers your fan? Climahypocrite!!” None of us ever would use logic that twisted. That’s not the point. You’re free to choose a/c or fans or both if you like just stop making us criminals for making our choice and PLEASE stop using our own money to stop us! If you want something you “should bear any and all burdens.”
you once again (or should I say “as usual”) falsely and knowingly claim Teach and we are science “deniers” because we disagree on man’s contribution to warming. You can’t prove global warming by man in fact you can’t even state what the “correct” temperatures should be.
So when is Teach’s apology coming?
Science is not infallible. It’s a process conducted by humans and humans are fallible! Humans are not always motivated by the betterment of society. They can be vain, greedy and deceitful. The system of the scientific method relies on review, reproducibility, multiple approaches and scientific consistency to reach a consensus. But every consensus is tentative! Always.
Scientific deniers prefer being called skeptics. Fair enough. They all use similar techniques to refute or deny a scientific consensus, usually withoug referencing their motivation. They cite fake experts, cherry-pick data, demand “proof” instead of overwhelming evidence, accusing scientists of fraud or having a political agenda.
You deny the scientific consensus on global warming. You deny the overwhelming evidence. That’s your right. You do not have to accept scientific evidence. You have every right to deny the legitimacy of the evidence.
Science deniers of various stripes deny that the Earth is a sphere, is older than 10,000 years or that biological evolution is real. Some science deniers believe in voodoo, mindreading, miracles, gods and demons, reincarnation, witchcraft, levitation, clairvoyance, ghosts and that aliens walk amongst us!
Not all “magical” beliefs are equal. Many capable scientists are religious (e.g., former NIH Director Francis Collins) separating their supernatural beliefs from their scientific endeavors.
Elwood, you seem to always drag religion into every discussion on science be it abortion or global warming. Why is that? Believe it or not we do know the difference, do you?
Man made global warming is as “magical” as things get. Separating evidence from proof there is not enough of either to verify the AGW theory. For your information we have often referenced our “motivation”: truth. The fact is what you call science deniers are sacrificing their jobs, money, family and sometimes whole careers by taking that view while the pro AGW guys risk nothing. In fact they get paid the more insane and preposterous their claims seem to become.
You leftists turn everything into politics. That’s why when we challenge AGW you scream we are citing “fake experts”, cherry picking data etc. BTW, we don’t need to reference their motivation because they are the ones being threatened financially and employment wise. The reason we so often accuse truth deniers there is no AGW of scientists of fraud or having a political agenda is because other than they being paid to produce that rubbish what other reason could it be.
There is very little scientific evidence of MMGW. We all know the earth warms and the earth cools that’s not news. But up until about the 1970’s nobody thought of the MMGW grift and since then they just won’t let it go. Regardless of how often they are proved wrong by failed models and silly predictions.
Excuse us if he have little regard for your opinion on science.
Theories, including “AGW” are not verified. They are always tentative. You can invalidate the theory of “AGW” with contrary evidence!
Until you do, the supporting evidence continues to accumulate.
We get it. You dislike the proposed solutions so you attack the theory. This is not a new ploy. Religious zealots have been anti-science for centuries. Ancient religious texts missed dinosaurs, the universe, evolution, cell theory, atomic theory, that the Earth circled the Sun etc etc. Thiw was understandable based on the lack of knowledge at the time.
And of course you re-introduce a conspiracy – people who understand the science behind global warming are all on the take! It’s a grift!
And you do USE fake experts. 95% of actual climate scientists find the evidence of global warming convincing. Groups like the Heartland Institute create lists of dentists, MDs, oil company geologists, biology teachers, chemists etc as “expert” evidence.
You deny that scientific evidence exists supporting human-generated CO2 as the cause of the current bout of global warming. That’s just untrue. You’re hardly worth the argument.
The Earth is warming.
CO2 is increasing.
Ocean pH is decreasing.
The increased CO2 is from burning fossil fuels.
CO2 absorbs infrared radiation (heat).
Less infrared radiation is reaching the stratosphere.
Nights are warming faster than days.
Ice sheets (Greenland & Antarctica) and glaciers are declining.
Arctic sea ice is declining.
Distributions of flora and fauna are changing.
Actually, life is good for me and mine. Free, white, rich, retired, healthy surrounded by memories, friends, kids and grandkids! I wish EVERY American had my opportunities.
On the negative side, as a nation, we have Donald J Trump, a demnented, selfish, hateful, narcissitic, authoritarian, racist, angry, spiteful, dishonest, cruel, ignorant, clever, manipulative, felonious, cheating, immoral traitor trying to become our next President!
Trump’s internal driving force is for adoration and acclaim, that is, to be recognized as The Greatest*. He exists in a fantasy world, a psychological bubble of his own making, devoid of realism. Only He can save America, Western civilization and the planet!! He doesn’t really believe that, nor does he care about real events. He just wants to be adored, revered, “loved”, respected and feared, as the Greatest.
He is clever to tell the susceptible of his illusion that he will solve THEIR problems which they see as Muslims, Mexicans, Jews, queers, wokies, fags and trannies, athiests and nig… er, Negroes who are trying to replace the moral, hard-working, white Christians who created and maintain the American way of life!!
*The Greatest, of course, was Muhammad Ali.
Someone needs to throw a net over you, you’re just not right boy.
Your red hot hate for a man you’ve never met and who has done you no harm id psychotic. Your firearms should be removed from you immediately before your insanity causes harm.
This is the writing of a radical leftist communist and I believe it accurately reflects that of his political party and its leadership. Just remember if he thinks like that about Trump how do you surmise he feels about US? People with that much insane hate end up running death camps for governments.
I’m saving this rant for future reference or as evidence whichever comes first.
Don’t be surprised if we read about this nut case trying to kill Trump.
The difference between Trump and his disciples is that Trump is striving to be the king of America and enact his terrible ideas.
Trump is deranged and unfit. Even you realize that.
People like you have limited power beyond your vote. You may have bizarre bigotries but you seem to not want to assault Blacks, immigrants, gays, trans, libs or Muslims. Vote away!
By all means contact the authorities and tell them that you think I’m dangerous to Trump. Happy to talk with them.
Too funny- what “terrible ideas”? Deportation of illegals? No tax on Social Security? No tax on tips? Keep manufacturing jobs in America? A strong un-woke military, ect? Definitely sounds very fascist….
And please tell us how he strives to be “king of America”. Silly me thought he had to be elected to serve and has to abide by the Constitution…..
Granted, it’s an exaggeration to call any of Donnie’s oral ejaculations an “idea”…
Stupidly, universal tariffs + 200% on Chinese cars
Deporting 20 million migrrants
Firing thousands of federal employees and replacing them with Trumpian loyalists
Gutting the FBI and replacing with Trump loyalists
Giving Ukraine to Putin
Slashing corporate tax rate and tax rates on the wealthy
Replacing military commanders with Trump loyalists
Self pardons for all his federal crimes
He’ll be a dictator on day one
He’ll have the feds prosecute every opponent or “enemy”
Kamala’s internal driving force is for adoration and acclaim, that is, to be recognized as The Greatest. Unfortunately, she has to struggle to be Adequate.
Idiot child, didn’t you just complain about name-calling? Maybe you should practice what you preach in this arena as well.
Sorry; rhetorical. We all know that will never happen. You are far too sanctimonious for that.
Oh Stormy, you idiot old man,
So you believe it’s OK for you to name-call but not others. Typical sissy MAGAt.
He believes individuals that understand the genesis of global warming (he slurs as “warmists”) should bear any and all burdens.
No, dear idiot child, he believes they should practice what they preach. I realize detecting the difference requires too much nuance for you, but we already know you’re none too bright.
Yeah, there were no hurricanes before the last century.
Dear idiot child, the “warmists” predicted a record-shattering hurricane season this year. And just like every other time they’ve made that prediction, it hasn’t come true.
Oh Stormy,
Check the news. Over 50 southerners were killed by Helene. The dead included three firefighters, a mother and her 1-month-old twins. Moody’s estimates $15-26 billion in damages. More expected!
Biden/Harris admin has approved emergency declaration requests from the governors of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina, giving FEMA authorization to provide emergency response assistance. Some 1,500 federal disaster response personnel had also been deployed to the region.
Said Fat Donnie:
Elly, we already KNOW you’re not very bright. You are NOT required to keep proving it.
A hurricane KILLED people? Oh, no, THAT’S never happened before.
Sorry, dear idiot child, as inflation drives ever upward, the dollar amount will rise every year – even WITHOUT the Brandon-HARRIS administration’s contribution. Calling out the dollar amount – without adjusting for inflation, AND the increasing number of people placing themselves in harm’s way – is either stupid, because you aren’t aware of it, or evil, because you ARE aware of it and are actively trying to mislead others.
Which is it, idiot child?
Again, dear idiot child, this has ZERO to do with the fact that the “experts” predicted a much busier season than has actually occurred – again.
OH Stormy,
OK, it was only $27 damage in 1800 dollars. Feel better, dear idiot old man?
Unfortunately, the homes, roads, bridges, businesses, dams, schools, hospitals, fire stations will be replaced in 2024 dollars.
Only two months left in this hurricane season. Let’s hope you’re right. But you demonstrate you’re not too bright.
Americans in harm’s way, dear idiot old man? Are you suggesting Americans leave the southeastern US because of climate change? What a dolt. As insurnance rates in FL skyrocket (2024 dollars – was only 18 cents/$100 protection in 1800) people valuing their lives and property will vote with their feet.
[…] Pirates Cove notes that the Cult of Climate Change might want to kill us […]
It would make no difference at all. The billions of people in China, India and Africa will more than offset any saving you make in carbon release. They already are and they have zero willingness to play along with “climate change” except for the part where people in the West give them free money. Climate change is a white people’s problem, just like endangered species preservation and protecting the environment.
Because most Americans realize that it would accomplish exactly zero.
Because most Americans are smart enough to spot bullshit when they see it. Even BS prone democrats don’t “change their own kitchens” unless there is virtue signaling or cash rebates to be had. The dems support every dumb idea where there’s something in it for them.