Monthly Archives: September 2024

Islamic Terrorism Supporters Fly Terrorist Flags, Preach Death To Jews In NYC

How are we allowing these people to stay in the United States? If they are not natural born then any legal status can, by law, be revoked, and then have them be deported? Why are we allowing terrorist supporters in to the US post 9/11? ‘From the water to the water, Palestine is Arab’: Hamas […]

“Experts” Say Climate Doom Will Make Bridges Fall Apart Like Tinkertoys Or Something

Another day, another prognostication of doom. Do any of the climate youts even know what tinkertoys are? Climate Change Can Cause Bridges to ‘Fall Apart Like Tinkertoys,’ Experts Say On a 95-degree day this summer, New York City’s Third Avenue Bridge, connecting the Bronx and Manhattan, got stuck in the open position for hours. As […]

Kamala Avoids Even Hearing Questions From Reporters With Earbuds

And, with the state of the Credentialed Media, will any actually push back on this? (UK Daily Mail) Kamala Harris continues to avoid facing the media alone, drawing derision for wearing earbuds as the throngs of reporters tried to question her as she got on a plane Monday. Harris – who took more than a […]

Your Fault: Hiker Deaths Increase In Grand Canyon

It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with more and more idiots trying to take selfies and vids of themselves for social media while hiking into areas they are unprepared for and/or dangerous, right, just like we’ve seen the “influencers” do for years now, especially post-COVID? Nope, you fault Hiker deaths in Grand Canyon rise […]

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on the Monday morning stimulus.

NYC Illegal Alien Shelter Overrun As A Fight Club

The local residents are pretty upset over this. How many have voted for Democrats and supported making NYC a sanctuary city? NYC migrant shelter overrun by teen ‘fight club,’ constant shrieking as residents rip disturbance: ‘Becoming unbearable’ Neighbors can’t help but talk about this fight club. The residents of a Queens apartment building say they’ve […]

Youts Have A Big Vote Decision: A Good Economy Or Climate (scam) Action

For a change, ‘climate change’ isn’t coming in last or almost last on a poll Economic issues, climate change, gun violence and abortion are top of mind for young voters Forty-one million members of Gen Z can vote in this year’s election, and money is on their minds. Economic issues — including inflation, cost of […]

Denver Police Searching For Person(s) Who Put Up Sign About Illegal Aliens

They aren’t working hard to deal with all the crime by illegals/migrants, including the gang members, but, boy howdy, put up a sign and you’re in a heap of trouble BREAKING: Police manhunt is underway over signs against illegal immigration in Denver Police are pursuing hate crime charges — End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) September 1, […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on how awesome green hydrogen is. It’s bike week!

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and my Pirates opened the season with a good win. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 Ace Of […]

Pirate's Cove