…is an area drying out from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The H2, with a post on start meme up.

…is an area drying out from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The H2, with a post on start meme up.
It’s on. God, I wish we had a leader.

Kamala’s Katrina moment? Fed response to hurricane, port strike unsettles Dems before VP debate

It’ll be fine. With CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and the rest covering for them, the public will never know about this. “Katrina moments” are only for Republicans.
Pretty sure that’s not the reason for which FEMA was created.

FEMA Lists ‘Equity’ Among Top Goals Even As Americans Face The Aftermath Of Hurricane Helene
He’s checked out, Jack.

My thanks to our distinguished host, who when he saw that I was out of sparktricity due to the remnants of Hurricane Helene, jumped right in and kept my poor site running. Mr Teach is a good friend to have.
Nice country you got there.

Important but also easily replaced by robots or immigrants who are already in the USA and who will work for half what the ILA gets and be happy to get it. They are overpriced and obsolete. They don’t have nearly the bargaining power they thought they had. If they push this too far, their union will be broken.
I was worried for you too, Mr Dana, being as how you live in the newly created Hurricane Zone. I saw where Lexington took a hit.
I even asked after the volatile Mr LGB.
Hey, does anyone recognize the long gun the model is holding in today’s girlie pic? Thanx.
I was out of sparktricity from 7:48 AM on Friday, until 3:30 PM yesterday. But, thanks to our preparations, installing a propane range, water heater, and fireplace, during our 2018 remodel, we could cook, and shower, and, had this happened in January, been warm as well. Damage here was primarily tree limbs and power poles.
My daughter’s home in Lexington was out of power for almost no time, though parts of the city lost electricity for a couple of day.
I was reduced to playing Thomas Jefferson, writing by oil lamp light. Fossil fuels to the rescue!
JD Vance: Donald Trump saved Obamacare!!
Governor Walz: “Did he (Trump) lose the 2020 election?”
J.D.: “Tim, I’m focused on the future.”
Governor Walz: “That is a damning non-answer. I’m pretty shocked by this. He lost the election. This is not a debate, it’s not anything anywhere other than in Donald Trump’s world.”
J.D. Vance was his slick, smarmy, lying self, but avoided saying the krazy things he’s famous for. For sure, he was much better on the debate stage than Trump was.
Mephisto Walz allegedly said that he’s befriended school shooters? Tampon Timmy looks like Uncle Fester and all they needed was to jam a lightbulb in his mouth. But if we can’t rely on the patriotism of a guy who visited Communist China more than Biden has the storm damage who can we rely on?
Even with both “moderators” pimping for Timmy Vance wiped the floor with him.
Certainly not Biden/Harris.

Tampon Tiananmen Timmy said he “misspoke”.

He fucking lied.
“I misspoke.” — Tampon Tiananmen Timmy
Uh huh. From “The Office”.
The “Jim” look.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Chris Kratzer – 2022
The Conservative Evangelical movement is harming America AND Christianity. What happened to you?
Keep your beliefs. Lose your hate.
I see you found another fallen Christian to commiserate with. Good for you since misery loves company and this commie sounds as miserable as you do. More excuses for people who won’t carry the burden of being a Christian. You all seek each other out.
I love when he writes: ” but it’s hard when I survey all the hurt, harm, and darkness that comes in the wake of your beliefs and presence.” He should read some of the hurtful shit you spout out here. You’re not just fallen Christians you’ve become anti Christians. No different than anti Semites with a different target.
Mr White,
You are partly right. I have become anti-far-right Evangelical Christian. If you condemn and hate gays, trans, immigrants, atheists, Muslims, Hindus, foreigners etc, yes, I oppose your efforts. After all, we hate the sin, not the sinner.
The bigger problem is that the far-right political movement has taken over the far-right Evangelical Christian movement. It’s an exclusive movement, promoting caucasian, conservative, christian, hetersexual support only.
Most of my beloved friends and family are Christians and Jews with some atheists, agnostics. But none voice their hatred of gays, trans, lesbians, Blacks, Muslims, foreigners etc.
Do you believe in the Rapture or 2nd Coming when all “good” Christians go to heaven, but one’s less-than-good wife, parents, children, dear friends are abandoned on Earth?
Conservative Evangelical Christianity (CEC) falls in line with the better-than-you, white, christian, straight ideology of MAGAtism. You’re being used. Sure, it’s a sugar high, but WWJD?
How wonderfully soft and cushy you are. Except it’s all a lie. I can’t tell if you were quoting another of your “secret” sources or if that tripe was your original writing but I do know that you wrote this:
All that hate, spite and animosity towards others then you comment this shit today? You must me a schizophrenic or off your meds.
Pastor Chris Kratzer was quoted.
Why do you find my harsh criticisms of Trump and his worshippers such as you inconsistent with Pastor Kratzer’s writing?
As I’ve described before, I appreciate the teachings of Jesus but not the teachings of far-right Evangelical Christians who hate: queers, gays, lesbians, trans, Blacks, Jews, Muslims, atheists, agostics, Browns, Hispanics, Native Americans, foreigners…
Is that what Jesus taught? Hate?
I pointed out how parallel the teachings of Conservative Evangelical Christianity and the MAGA philosophy are. White, conservative, christian and straight! No others need apply. According to CEC, the “others” are sick, infected, perverted, lazy, stupid, communist, primitive, sinful, dangerous, violent animals undeserving of grace.
Do you believe America has room for Blacks, Muslims, immigrants, atheists and LGBTQ peoples?
Preach to us about hate, dipshit.
As long as you insist upon calling those of us who support Trump as “Trump and his worshippers” we will neither listen nor respect one snarky word you write. We no more worship Trump then you do Kamala. Although with your proven propensity for projection perhaps you do. We are conservative Patriotic Americans who support Trump for president because we support most of his policies. We are God fearing Christians who worship our Lord Jesus Christ as our savior. The former is our political view the latter our religious views. Unlike radical leftists and communists we do not conflate the tow. Also unlike brain washed democrat sheep we do not agree with nor endorse everything our political leaders say. We are not mindless morons.
As usual through your eyes of projection you believe we ‘worship” Trump. We do not. We worship Christ. Apparently since you worship your political leaders as you showed with the adoration of Obama you automatically assume we do the same. Lose that idea because we only worship God unlike you who do not and so it seems you have replaced God with whoever is the current leader of your warped political party at the time.
You have also replaced objective and logical science with the religious worship of political cults like man made global warming. You are twisting science to force a political agenda. That’s exactly what the communists did when they refuted God. Welcome to their world. You are no different than a moslem in the way you debauched God and government. I guess that’s why you accuse us of wanting some silly Christian nation which is just stupid since if that’s what we want that’s what we would have created in 1776. After all, it’s you guys who want to “fundamentally change” America.
There is no point in arguing with a person whose religion is his government.
I apologize for claiming you worship Trump. You support Trump, just with zeal. We’ll leave it at that. I support Democratic candidate(s) because their policy proposals or more in line with my social beliefs.
Mr Trump supports harming gays, trans, immigrants, women, rape victims, Muslims and Blacks.
Do you see where your religious beliefs parallel Mr Trump’s political beliefs?
BTW, why do you fear God? Isn’t God love?
More from Pastor Kratzer:
I hope I support Trump with at least the same zeal you support Harris. I support Trump for the same reasons you support Harris. It’s how a free republic works.
No he doesn’t and it’s both Ludacris and disingenuous to say something that demonstrably nasty. Neither Trump nor we his supporters have ever indicated we back harming anyone other than enemies to the United States. Ever.
No I don’t but I can ask that of you and Harris too.
When we say we fear God we don’t mean that as we would fear a murderer or a robber. We mean we fear disappointing Him and the love He shows us. It’s not like He’s gonna beat the shit out of us it’s like it hurts us to hurt Him. Kind of like the fear of the sadness you would bring on your wife if you cheated on her.
Those two additional paragraphs from Kratzer calling white and right wing religious people out for their view is interesting. Does he feel the same about Black Lives Matter, The SPLC and other leftist organizations supporting people and policies not looked upon as “woke”?
The avowedly agnostic Mr Dowd wrote:
More from Jesus Christ!
So, whose words should I trust more? Chris Kratzer, a pastor and author of 25 years, or the only begotton Son of God?
Kratzer is real, here and now.
The Bible was written by and rewritten by men thousands of years ago.
So Rimjob, are you now a member of the “Knuckleheads for Jesus” club?
Governor Walz’s approval went up, Jaded Vance’s went down. Pundits loved JD, The People loved Tim!
JD is a slick, slimy, smarmy, smooth, arrogant, Ivy league lawyer turned venture capitalist, viper-like, lying chameleonic faker. Everyone recognizes that except MAGAts. He is LESS popular than Krazy Donnie!!!
His good “friend”, gay billionaire Peter Thiel, “groomed” JD to be a venture capitalist and then bought him a Senate seat in Ohio.
JD has called for an absolute national ban on abortion. Without exception. Too wrongs don’t make a right, he cried!! Until last night.
He has criticized women as childless cat ladies. Until last night.
He called Krazy Donnie an America’s Hitler. Until last night.
He blamed women for leaving and divorcing abusive husbands. Until last night.
He said legal Haitians were eating pet cats!! Until last nignt.
He called Democrats “childess sociopaths”. Until last night.
He proposed giving people with children more votes!! Until last night.
Last night he did call legal Haitians “illegal” and whined like a baby when corrected. “It was my uderstanding there would be no fact checking.”
Last night he claimed Krazy Donnie saved Obamacare!!! Donnie tried to kill and replace Obamacare but failed.
He claimed that Krazy Donnie left Harris/Biden a great economy!! (6.7% unemployment; now 4.2% ) (DJIA 30,600; now 42,200) (Trump lost -2.7 million jobs; Harris/Biden gained +13.4 million and nearly +1 million in manufacturing!)
JD claimed then-Senator Harris censored Americans during Covid???
N.B. – Republicans have longed blamed their poor economic performances on the previous Dem administrations and claim the Dem successes result from the previous Repub admins!
Yeah, go with that Rimjob.
Twelve of the last sixteen years have seen democrats in power. They are totally responsible for whatever exists right now in America. Prices have skyrocketed over the entire consumer markets since 2000. BTW the stock market was $13000 twelve years ago. It is currently $42000. That is called inflation people since nothing has actually increased in real value by 350% in the last 12 years. They are lying to us and their useful idiots (Elwood) are here to keep hammering their lies daily. The debt was 15 trillion, now it’s 35 trillion. Again 300% increase.
Stop lying Elwood.
Stop lying Mr White. Stop being a useful idiot for Trump aka Felonious T. Facts are facts.
Political power in DC has been divided this century. Although Republicans have attempted (and in some cases succeeded) in increasing presidential powers, it still takes Congress and the Supreme Court (and other federal judges) to affect great changes.
White House
WBush 2001-2009
Obama 2009-2017
Trump 2017-2021
Biden 2021-2025
????? 2025-2029
That’s 12 years Republican and 12 years Democratic. The national debt has increased steadily under all administrations. You must reach back to the Clinton years to see even a tiny dip in the debt. We’ve had two recessions this century: The Great Recession (2008-2009) and the Covid Recession (2020).
Congress has been largely divided this century with Repubs having complete control there for 8 years, Dems for 6 years, divided the rest.
Our Supreme Court has tacked strongly right this century.
You ARE correct we had a bout of inflation post-Covid and the response to the pandemic. Employment and the stock market have recovered. Prices are still too high. The US still has the world’s largest and importantly, strongest, economy.
We do still have problems post-Trump and post-Biden. Partisanship has crippled our government. Putin is still in Ukraine. Global warming is ongoing. We have no comprehensive immigration plan because of Congressional inaction. The gap in wealth and income between the rich and poor is too large. The middle eastern “troubles” threaten the world economies.
BTW, the stock market increased over 400% from 1990 to 2000! Nearly 300% from 1980-1990!! Why is this bad?
Is there a punishment for not pleasing God? Can an unrepentant lesbian Christian go to heaven?
How about Pastor Kratzer?
Some Republican legislatures have banned all abortions. Doesn’t that harm rape victims? The 10 year old incest victim in Ohio had to travel to Indiana to receive an abortion. Isn’t that a “harm”. Should other raped women be prevented from obaining an abortion?
Should same sex marriage be banned?
Should America block the immigration of Muslims? Should Muslims, Hindus, atheists be forced to read the 10 Commandments in school?
BLM and SPLC attempt to lift up those the far-right attempt to keep down.
Any Black supremicist organizations deserve the same criticism as the Trump movement.
Harris (and Dems in general) tend to support those oppressed and with fewer advantages. They tend to support freedom for everyone.
Rimjob just loves him some rhetorical questions, don’t he?
Unless you’re an unborn baby. Then you are fair game for murdering abortionists and unapologetic democrat politicians. The most immoral people no morally better than communists or nazis are claiming to support the “oppressed and “freedom for everyone”. And none of them will even notice their complete hypocrisy and degeneracy.
It’s true that most pro-choice individuals value existing women over the not yet born.
Noting it rarely happens, if a husband had to choose between the loss of his wife or of the fetus, would you condemn him for choosing his wife?
A majority of “unborn babies” are lost without the potential mother even knowing she was a potential mother. Why does God murder these zygotes and embryos without even a chance?
Is it murder when a woman has an abortion at 13 weeks gestation, a time by when 93% of abortions have been performed? Most later abortions are to preserve the potential mother or from a severe abnormality in the developing fetus.
It’s a real world. What is your “stake in the ground” position on abortion?
Mr Trump and Mr Vance, while wavering in general, have said they do NOT support a federal ban on abortions, leaving it to the states. For example, abortion is banned in Missouri, except for “medical emergencies” (although it’s likely to be voted down in Nove with an Amendment). NJ currently permits abortion. MIssouri’s is a “heartbeat bill”. Electrical activity in the precursor heart can be detected around 6 weeks gestation.