A grand total of four people in California got it, so, that means a doomsaying article
California faces ‘unprecedented’ local spread of dengue fever, possibly driven by climate change
California last week clocked its fourth case of locally transmitted dengue fever this year — an alarming rise in a sometimes-deadly disease that experts fear could be fueled by climate change.
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health confirmed the newest incidence of the mosquito-borne illness in a resident of Panorama City, a neighborhood in Los Angeles’s San Fernando Valley. The department noted that the individual had not traveled to areas where dengue is endemic, and that the case appeared unrelated to three others, also locally acquired, that were reported in the county earlier this month.
“We are seeing the local transmission of dengue, which is unprecedented in Los Angeles County,” Muntu Davis, Los Angeles County health officer, said in a statement.
Obviously, it has to be the mosquitos, rather, than, say, all the migrants/illegals coming from the Caribbean, particularly Haiti, and Venezuela, right? Or, all the ones flowing through areas of Mexico and Central America, right? Areas of high transmission risk. Transmission directly from person to person is almost unheard of, but, it can be through blood, like reusing drug needles. Or, say, when someone is imported to the US from an area where they caught dengue, then, a mosquito bites them and then bites someone else.
The incidence of dengue has risen sharply in recent years, surging from 505,430 cases worldwide in 2000 to 6.5 million in 2023, WHO reported.
The global health agency attributed that increase to a shift in distribution of mosquitoes that carry the virus, weather phenomena and climate change. The latter, according to WHO, has brought higher temperatures, rainfall and humidity — conditions that are generally favorable to mosquitoes.
Or, more people who are living in squalor in countries that are getting worse as they try socialism. A minor 1.6F increase in global temperatures since 1850 is no big deal.
Prior to the incident on Sept. 25, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health announced two cases in the city of Baldwin Park on Sept. 18 and one in the same city on Sept. 9.
“This year and last have been two of the high-burden years of dengue on record around the world, and climate change is likely playing a large role in this,” Erin Mordecai, an associate professor in biology at Stanford University, told The Hill in an email.
It’s not a science, it’s a cult.

I thought I saw this last year too. Activists must be recycling DOOOM content.
isnt diversity great? sharing the diseases of the world to make everyone equitable
As of March 2023, dengue is endemic in more than 100 countries with cases reported in every continent except Antarctica.[1][68] The Americas, Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific regions are the most seriously affected
LETS SEE……Southern California, where they are letting in 100’s of thousands of migrants from THESE 100 countries.
Who needs to travel? Notice that AMERICAS is highest on the list for DENGUE FEVER.
Get used to it. Now that the radical left is slowly turning us into a third world shithole we will be seeing more and more similarities between us and say, Somalia.
Do you really “believe” the “radical left” is importing Aedes spp mosquitoes into the nation?
Global warming is causing shifts in the distribution of plant and animal species, including noxious insects.
Dengue is endemic in Southeast Asia, Western China, India, Australia, parts of Africa and South/Central America. The mosquito species responsible for the spread are also migrating into subtropical zones as they “warm”.
Please understand – Dengue is spread when an infected A. aegypti or A. albopictus mosquito bites a human. No Aedes spp mosquito, no infection.
Dengue is not increasing in more northern regions even with millions of undesireable immigrants!
It’s nearly impossible for a Somali-American in Minneapolis can give you Dengue!
Actual data can be your friend.
Teach repeats: A minor 1.6F increase in global temperatures since 1850 is no big deal.
Ask the people of Ashville NC how they feel about that.
The mosquito species Aedes aegypti and A. albopictus carry the causal virus of Dengue fever. These mosquito species also carry the Chikungunya and Zika viruses. In patients not receiving treatment Dengue can have a mortality rate of 10-20%.
The distributions of both Aedes species have increased in the subtropical regions of the southeastern US, likely a result of global warming. It’s unlikely immigrants are bringing tropical mosquitoes into the US. According to the NIH, 75% of infected individuals are asymptomatic allowing for significant potential for spread.
If you live or visit areas with Aedes infestations be careful to avoid mosquito bites. Light clothing, long sleeves and repellents (30%+ DEET).