Zillow Will Include Climate Crisis (scam) In Their Listings

There’s nothing the doomsday cult won’t get their claws into

Zillow adds climate risk scores to property listings

When Leslie Watson and her husband were searching for their first house in the San Francisco Bay Area, they had a few priorities. They wanted an enclosed backyard for a dog and a spare room for playing video games. Also on the wish list: low climate risk.

“The main thing that I was the most concerned about was the flooding, because there are a lot of creeks that run through the area,” Watson said.

Yeah, and creeks never flooded before CO2 went above 350ppm, you know

Watson is especially aware of the risks. She’s a high school science teacher whose classes address the climate crisis.

“My opinion is, if you’re looking for a home now and you’re not considering climate risks, you’re not really very in touch with what is happening,” she said.

Home buyers now have more tools to assess those risks. This month, Zillow, the country’s largest real estate search platform, announced it’s adding information about climate hazards, and how they might grow over time, to all of its property listings. Users will be able to scroll down to see a risk score for flooding, wind, wildfire, extreme heat and air quality, along with insurance recommendations to protect against related losses.

In a recent customer survey, the company found that more than 80% of potential home buyers said they consider climate risk in their decisions. More than half of new listings on Zillow are at risk of extreme heat, Olsen said. Meanwhile, 17% face major wildfire risk and 13% major flooding risk — risks scientists say will continue to grow as average global temperatures rise.

In other words, they want to know what the weather is like in the area, which they can obtain with a quick search. Though, lots of people don’t. I can’t tell you the number of people who move to NC and are shocked by the heat. Seriously, it can be 50F outside but it feels much warmer with the sun out. That there are years were you might turn the AC on in February, because it’s high 50s low 60s and the sun is sending the thermostat up. There are many days where the heat never turns on during the day when the sun is shining in the winter. They’re shocked by pollen season. They’re shocked by thunderstorms. That’s the weather. It happens. It’s not climate doom

She and her husband ended up buying a place in San Leandro, California, and they did pretty well with the information they did have.

According to Zillow’s newly added climate information, their house faces minimal flood and fire risk — one out of ten, according to First Street’s scale. The biggest risk was air quality — seven out of ten — but that didn’t surprise Watson. They’re near an industrial area and the Oakland airport.

Air quality is environmental, not climate, and, not surprising being an urban area. But, the climate cult has placed all true environmental issues under their banner. Anyhow, I took a look at a Zillow listing near me, which would be very representative of my location. Hilariously, for all the big deal being made about it, you have to scroll almost all the way to the end of the listing

Not one of those is ‘climate change’. Even thought the river is right there, I’m not even in a 1,000 year flood zone. Fire? Not really. Nor is it climate. Wind? Well, yeah, it’s the South. Air quality? It’s actually pretty good here on the edge of Raleigh. Nor is that climate. Heat? Well, sheeit, y’all, it’s Raleigh. It gets hot. Duh.

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3 Responses to “Zillow Will Include Climate Crisis (scam) In Their Listings”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    This is great. They should have a political risk score too. Like the risk of your city burning down if Democrats don’t win the next election, or the risk of getting nuked by Russians because Democrats elected a senile old man with 50 years in politics and no real accomplishments.

  2. Dana says:

    And what would the climate risks have been for Asheville?

  3. Dana says:

    No place is safe from natural disasters. Left coasters are vulnerable to drought, wildfires, mudslides, and earthquakes. The mountain west is vulnerable to deep freezes, wildfires, and drought. The central states are in tornado alley, and vulnerable to heat waves. East of the Mississippi we get flash floods, tornadoes, and sweltering humidity. The southeast coast gets hurricanes and high humidity, while the northeast coast gets brutal winters.

    Asheville? The Appalachians are famous for flash flooding, and Asheville got hammered the same way in 1916; this was a hundred-year storm. Most times, flash flooding doesn’t quite get to Asheville, but the smaller towns around it see such more frequently. Eastern Kentucky got some serious flash floods in July of 2022, while my county had a 100-year flood in 2021, with the all-time historic river crest, and my house missed real damage by the height of one concrete block, 7¾ inches.

    Lightning can and does start fires anywhere in the country. Polar vortices can send large parts of the country into deep freezes which can cripple utilities and leave people freezing in their homes. Heat waves can and do kill people. Automobile accidents can leave good and happy people suddenly dead. Life isn’t safe, and life isn’t fair.

    My favorite book in the Bible is the Book of Job, which, if people read and understood it, lets us know that we can be good and fair and noble, and still have bad things befall us.

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