Anti-Semitism: Many Dutch Police Refuse To Protect Jews

These same police seem to have no problem protecting Islamic extremists and those espousing Jew hatred

Dutch police refuse to guard Jewish sites over ‘moral dilemmas,’ officers say

Officers in the Dutch police force have been refusing to protect Jewish targets, two officers told Nieuw Israëlisch Weekblad earlier this week.

Marcel de Weerd and Michel Theeboom, representing the Jewish Police Network, expressed concerns over changes they were seeing in the force.

“There are colleagues who no longer want to protect Jewish targets or events. They talk about ‘moral dilemmas,’ and I see a tendency emerging to give in to that. That would truly mark the beginning of the end. I’m concerned about that,” Theeboom said. (snip)

The officers later spoke with De Telegraaf, where they said that some members of the police expressed they didn’t want to be deployed at the Dutch National Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam and refused food and drinks from the venue.

Mireille Beentjes, the police force’s spokeswoman, told De Telegraaf she had heard of officers making moral objections, admitting there were “no strict policies.”

“We take moral objections into account when creating schedules. But if there’s an urgent task, you will be deployed, whether you want to or not,” she said. “You are expected to behave professionally. Others shouldn’t notice anything.”

What “moral objections”? They joined to do a job. They do not get to pick and choose whom or what they protect. Will these same officers refuse to protect Jews being attacked? If they do not want to do the job then they should be put on desk duty or fired. Would the force allow officers to have “moral objections” to protecting blacks or Asians or Muslims and take that into account when creating schedules?

And over in the UK

Met warned over two-tier policing amid anti-Semitic graffiti campaign

The Metropolitan Police risks accusations of “two-tiered policing” over an anti-Semitic campaign of vandalism across London, MPs have warned.

Ten Tory MPs have written to Sir Mark Rowley, the Met Commissioner, warning that the force could be criticised unless it cracks down on alleged graffiti and criminal damage by the campaign group London Creatives Corporate Watchdog (LCCW).

The group has been accredited with an attack on one of London’s oldest cinemas, the Phoenix in East Finchley, north London, where it was covered in red graffiti saying: “Say no to artwashing.”

The incident is being investigated by the Met as a hate crime.


They have warned Sir Mark that failure to grapple with these crimes in a manner commensurate with the response to the summer riots will mean the British public “rightly conclude that there is a system of two-tiered policing and justice in this country, in which some groups are treated more harshly than others”.

In other words, the Met isn’t taking it as seriously as other criminal acts because Jews are being attacked, especially since

UK Anti-Semitic Incidents Hit Record High Since October 7: Charity

The UK saw a record number of anti-Semitic incidents in the year since Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, a Jewish charity said Wednesday.

The Community Security Trust (CST), which monitors anti-Semitism in Britain, recorded 5,583 such incidents from October 7 until September 30 — its highest 12-month tally since it began its count in 1984.

It represented a 204-percent increase on the 1,830 incidents recorded in the prior year-long period.

“When conflict rages in Israel, anti-Jewish hate rises in the UK,” CST said on X, alongside a breakdown of its figures.

Well, the UK is being taking over by Islamists, so, it is no surprise.

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7 Responses to “Anti-Semitism: Many Dutch Police Refuse To Protect Jews”

  1. Elwood P Dowd says:

    Anti-Jewish, anti-christian and anti-Islamic actions by police are unacceptable. Fire the refuseniks if they refuse to comply with the rules.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Note the lower case “c” for Christian in Rimjob’s bullshit comment.
      “Vile” describes the hatred Rimjob spews forth.

  2. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    I got back home this morning with my fathers property manager. He called my house a total loss. Cars too. Everything’s covered in mud and garbage. Found a dead dog in my dining room. My Bang & Olufsen 9000 was destroyed. I was smart enough to take the contents of my safe with me when we evacuated to dad’s house so that’s good. The State Farm gal is supposed to meet us here at noon. Some folks roaming around, mostly FEMA types and homeowners. Eric (the Prop man) has a satellite set up but there is electric in my area. No food, but electric. Gotta drive a few miles to eat anything. My beautiful Corvette is a flood ravaged piece of junk. So is Veronica’s Ford Bronco and Catalina’s Miata. All ruined. I have no furniture worth saving. That’s a lot of money cause I don’t buy cheap crap. My mudder taught me to order direct from Henredon in NC but it seems this time they may be hit too. I didn’t loose any artwork. Good. As soon as the insurance lady is done I’ll fly back to Palm Beach and show the girls the photos of the carnage. Everything’s insured of course but it may take a lot of time to rebuild.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Sorry to hear it. Hope the insurance company is honest. The national media have not reported much about Florida damages from Helene.

      Customers of Heritage Property & Casualty Insurance (Tampa) were victimized following Cat 5 Hurricane Ian (2022). One couple received $15,000 (less deductible) for a $400,000 claim.

      • Dana says:

        An acquaintance of ours — she works in our dentist’s office — had to buy flood insurance to get a mortgage for her house. Flood insurance, which is through the federal government, is hugely expensive, and the least expensive policy she could get, which also happened to be the only one she could possibly afford, had a $10,000 deductible, on a house that, around here, was worth less than $100,000.

        When our (hopefully) 100-year flood hit in early March of 2021, her house suffered about $6,000 in damages; her flood insurance did her exactly zero good.

        We took $6,000 in damages, when our HVAC system was destroyed; we had not gotten flood insurance, because a flood had never reached this house. I hated paying the $6,000, but had the money, so it wasn’t too bad. If we had bought flood insurance when we bought the place in 2014 — we rented it out for three years before we retired here — we would have paid more than $6,000 in flood insurance premiums.

        Flood insurance is only useful if your house is mostly if not totally destroyed.

  3. Dana says:

    It’s no real surprise that the Dutch police won’t protect Jews. Anne Frank and her family were hiding in an attic of a Dutch home when the Nazis occupied the Netherlands, and it was a Dutch anti-Semite who found out and exposed the Frank family to the Geheime Staatspolizei.

    Yes, the Nazis were fueled by anti-Semitism, but not all Germans were Nazis; only 10% were actual Nazi party members, though it’s clear that a majority of Germans supported der Führer at some points. In the occupied countries? There were a few ardent Nazi supporters, but most weren’t. Nevertheless, the Nazis could not have carried out the Shoah without considerable civilian, both German and not, assistance, in locating and rounding up the Jews.

    Theodor Herzl wrote Der Judenstaat in 1896, when Adolf Hitler was still a child and the Nazi party undreamed of, due to the extensive anti-Semitism in Europe, primarily France in his experience. The dislike of the Jews was always there in Europe; the Nazis simply magnified it and took advantage of it.

  4. H says:

    Some people believe the Christian God does things like this for a reason like to punish the sinners

    As far as the police in the Netherlands being anti semrtic ? There are 50000 police in the Netherlands. Apparently 2 of them believe some of the other 50000 are antisemitic. I am unsure of how significant that is

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