Hmm: Majority Want All Illegal Aliens Deported

Well, this certainly isn’t a helper for Open Borders Kamala

NPR Poll: Mainstream Voters Favor Deporting ‘All’ Illegal Migrants by Six in Ten

Americans before illegalsAlmost two-thirds of registered voters agree that all illegal migrants should be deported, according to a Marist poll of 1,628 adults conducted for the pro-migration National Public Radio network.

The 59 percent mainstream voters who say “all … should be deported” includes 30 percent who “strongly agree” and 29 percent who “agree.” Only 14 percent — or one in seven people — “strongly disagree.”

The Marist poll for the left-wing NPR matches recent polls by YouGov and Harvard-Harris which show majority support for enforcing the nation’s existing laws that protect American strivers and families from employers who cheat by hiring cheap foreign labor.

The poll results show broad and mainstream support for deporting all illegals in many demographic groups. For example, “all” deportations are backed by 60 percent of whites, 53 percent of blacks, 57 percent of Latinos, 56 percent of people under 30, and 57 percent of people older than 60.

The question is, how many ordinary Americans will vote for the wackjob who essentially threw the borders open?

The ideological support for migration among U.S. college graduates is boosted by progressive education courses in universities and media-imposed civic pressure, especially via social media and entertainment channels. Many of those college graduate voters now disdain ordinary Americans — partly because they support Donald Trump — and cluster in the Democratic Party.

Their dominance in the Democratic Party ensures that only 32 percent of all Democrats favor deportations, while 29 percent “strongly” disagree, according to the poll.

It’s wonderful when illegals and migrants take the jobs of Democrats, eh?

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3 Responses to “Hmm: Majority Want All Illegal Aliens Deported”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    In the same poll 81% thought abortion was an important issue. (p 20)

    In a Gallup poll in 2023 over 2/3rds of Americans opposed the Dobbs decision.

    The question is, how many ordinary Americans will vote for the wackjob who essentially banned abortion?

    Regarding immigration, when will Congress get off their lazy asses and address it?

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      In a Gallup poll in 2023 over 2/3rds of Americans opposed the Dobbs decision.

      Proving the radical left has not only successfully brainwashed a majority of stupid Americans but they have also failed to teach the value of a Republic over a democracy. That 2/3rds is the reason smarter men than you created our Republic to respond to more than bullying majorities.

      If American teachers had been teaching instead of being activists most Americans would understand the value of the 10th Amendment and the diversity it provides.

      We know you radical leftists go crazy when anyone disagrees but forcing them to obey your desires is just dictatorship in another form. You seem to think that 2/3rds of something gives them the right to trample over the other 1/3rd. It doesn’t and it shouldn’t. America was set up to afford the maximum amount of freedom to the citizen. Even now our freedom of association has been nullified by the Civil Rights Act. Just to name one right we had which is now gone.

      I’m beginning to understand that leftists think the farther mankind progresses the fewer freedoms we should have. One would think the opposite would be true.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:


        Did you miss that the article was Teach and Breitbart crowing that 59% of American registered voters agree to deporting illegal immigrants?

        Liberals believe that freedoms should apply to all.

        It’s likely another hurricane will hit Tampa next week. Are you moving out of Tampa?

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