…are seagulls swarming in Canada due to global warming, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on an earthquake reportedly caused by an underground nuclear test in Iran.
Let’s just make it an easy bikini week.

I can’t believe Kumala bragged about giving hurricane victims $750 per family when they’re giving illegals $2,200 per month just for showing up at the border.
Suck it!

Hey, that’s what He said!

More from one of those books grade school kids read and are taught from!
She lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose semen was like that of horses.
I can’t believe Trump and his minions keep repeating lie after lie!
The Great and Powerful Trump said it! I believe it! That settles it!
Like Kumala said, “Suck it!”
FEMA abandons devastated NC town residents because they can’t drive around ‘road closed’ sign: ‘Nobody’s been bringing in supplies except civilians’

Muchas Gracias!
It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out!

Aw, FFS!
Tampon Timmy- “Hate speech and misinformation not covered by First Amendment”.
The dumb shit doesn’t realize that what he said is “misinformation”. What a clown….
Tampon Don said ABC should have their license pulled since he performed so poorly in his debate.
Senator J. D. Vance (who fucks furniture)* has called for banning porn and seizing the assets of foundations that support progressive causes.
Donald Trump (a hebophile and rapist)** has criticized libel laws that make it hard to punish his political opponents for what he perceives as false statements made about him.
* I have not observed Vance fucking a sofa, but have heard the story so many times that it’s fair to restate it.
** Trump has repeatedly displayed interest in 11-15 year old girls, even being sued by a 13 yr old girl for rape by Trump and Jeffrey Epstein at Epstein’s Manhattan mansion. In addition Trump traveled to Epstein’s island on the Lolita Express. There are multiple photos of Donald fondling his then teen daughter, Ivanka. He once said on TV that he’d “date” Ivanka if she wasn’t his daughter.
Well Rimjob you serially assfucked your prepubescent grandson.

You should talk, perv.
Well, PissAnt, as I’ve told you before, what happened to you was not your fault. You were just a little boy when that car salesman repeatedly assraped you. Adults should have cared for you, rather raping you. It was nothing you did. Predators like him groom small, effiminated boys like you.
Bwaha! Lolgf
Remain ignorant, Rimjob.
Now go embezzle a few more thousands from unknowing investors there at DJThree Consulting LLC. How much money did you swindle wg
hile at Galera Therapeutics… $70 million? One would think you’d be hesitant to show your fat face there in Affton, MO.
We need names, Pissant. Who swindled investors?
Just because you got passed around as a child you don’t have to be a pussy.
Be brave, young man. Name names!
You were on the board with them, Rimjob. You already know their names.
Now be a good little grandpa and go diddle the grandson.
Elwood, aren’t there enough baseless and unsubstantiated rumors and innuendo in the poisonous world of leftist politics circulating without you adding to it?
The visceral hate leftists have toward Trump (without any real cause I might add or they wouldn’t need to make shit up) has really fuked up American politics. You can’t even be civil in the least any more. Everything turns into a nasty pissin contest.
I don’t believe that Vance has sex with couches any more than you believe that VP Harris is a communist. I repeat it as an example of the constant barrage of lies from Vance and Trump that people like you believe and spread.
“They’re eating the dogs – they’re eating the cats!”
“FEMA can’t help the patriots in North Carolina because Harris spent all the money on illegals!”
“The Democrats tried to have me killed!”
Thank you for proving me correct once again by starting off calling me “cameltoe” for no reason. I did not call you a name, did I?
I most definitely DO believe the old cork sucker is a communist. 100%. To the core. And you know it!
Haitians do eat dogs. That’s not new.
FEMA is not doing well because the people in N Carolina are repubs. It’s just their excuse they pissed away their budget on illegals.
Both attempted assassins are democrats, commies and leftists. Both had ties to red china just like no balls walz.
The sooner you admit the obvious the sooner we can move on to how the DNC will steal this election.
Explain to me how the dumbest and most ignored VP suddenly has the endorsement of every newspaper, TV and move star and is now supported by the CPUSA but not the Firefighters Union.
The child can’t help himself.
OK Cameltoe,
You’re an idiot and probably a cocksucker to boot.
You don’t like being called names? No one does.
You believe all the lies your Dear Leader spews. Worse, you repeat them!
Kamala don’t give a shit!
Suck it!
Aw, FFS!!!
Suck it!

North Carolina can take their $750 and suck it.

Bwaha! Lolgf
So I pointed out you acted like an asshole calling me cameltoe and you go back and do it again. Really you have no self awareness do you? Politicians are fair game to call names but why on earth do you find it necessary to slander me? I’m not running for anything. I can’t affect your life. I’m just a housewife with some kids posing no threat to you and not calling you any personal names. But you can’t have an argument without demeaning your opponent since you’re out of ideas. One would think a man of your age would have more sense and a great deal more self control. You’ve got commenters calling you pissant and other names because you can’t control yourself. Calm down. Just because I called Harris cameltoe is no sweat off your brow. Look at the names you and yours call Trump and now Vance (for no good reason). They are politicians, it goes with the turf. But there is no legitimate reason for you to call me names. None.
BTW, if not the Democrats who then do you think tried to have Trump killed, twice? Give us the benefit of your great insight.