…is a lake drying out from atmospheric cancer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on Kamala whining that DeSantis won’t take her calls on the hurricane.

…is a lake drying out from atmospheric cancer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on Kamala whining that DeSantis won’t take her calls on the hurricane.
No one takes my calls.
Kumala hard at work!
Need any more reasons?
“Not a thing.”
Great interview. Suck it.
Why you cannot trust anything that comes from Kumala/Walz.
Harris and Walz exploit a tragedy to further a political narrative about ‘Trump abortion bans.’
Monsters all.
Monsters all.

Then-President Trump sent Covid test machines to Putin in Russia.
New reporting by the journalist Bob Woodward that
In addition, an aide claims Trump has had frequent telephone contact with Putin since 2021, including this year.
Once again Rimjob misquotes something that is easily verifiable.
If only The Pissant had bothered to read his own citation….
Funny. Read the whole thing. Didn’t see anything about “even as the U.S. and other nations were facing crippling shortages of testing kits.”

Somebody made that up on their own.
Oh, and Woodward has been known to “embellish” the truth from time to time. It helps to sell more books to idiots like you.
Bwaha! Lolgfy
Funny. In the original reference you can read,
We’re not responsible for your inability to read.
Nobody but Rimjob really cares. And Woodward tends to “embellish” to sell more books to people like Rimjob.

More from the Free Speech Absolutists…
The US FCC told Florida to tread lightly…
Florida has a ballot iniative to overturn the state’s 6 week ban on abortions.
The ex-president, surrounded by boxes of classified US documents, had multiple telephone calls with Vladimir Putin, post presidency. Why?
Both Putin and Trump oppose NATO and obviously support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Isn’t Putin an enemy of the US? Why is the ex-prez consorting with an enemy?