What, you didn’t think people would show respect and compassion, did you?
Anti-Israel protesters show true colors by celebrating October 7 attacks
As if commemorating the one year anniversary of the worst single-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust wasn’t harrowing enough, we American Jews were treated Monday to a reminder that the marauders who want us dead are alive and well in New York City.
There they were, in Times Square and in Grand Central and in Columbus Circle and elsewhere in the greatest city on earth, chanting for Hamas, Hezbollah and other death cults committed to raping, kidnapping and killing Israelis, Americans and Jews.
There they were, on American soil, cheering for the monsters who still hold four American citizens in captivity.
There they were, promising to globalize the Intifada and bring the bloodshed that is their only true passion to these shores as well.
Footage shows a group of anti-Israel demonstrators in Washington Square Park shouting, "We will honor all our martyrs." https://t.co/Sr9pA0BeaO pic.twitter.com/mLkwYngFPJ
— New York Post (@nypost) October 7, 2024
The NY Post was all over coverage of the pro-terrorism protest, which is good since the NY Times ignored it. What you had were a bunch of entitled college kids cosplaying as terrorists, showing their support for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, etc, while showing their hatred of Jews and wanting the destruction of Israel, which would be replaced with a Palestinian Caliphate. And these wackjob kids, attending super expensive colleges, are being pushed to do this by actual Islamists, which were imported by the US government post-9/11. And what do these Islamists want?
And I believe that the jaunty little jihadists marching down the block are precisely the sort of wake-up call this great but slumbering nation needs to stretch its limbs and leap into the next big fight for freedom.
You hardly need to be Jewish, or a political scientist, to realize that the so-called pro-Palestine crowd isn’t really all that interested in Palestine.
Their main goal is America, that lone bastion of western civilization, which is why they strategically chose all-American events, like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade or the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting ceremony, as the optimal settings to unleash their mayhem.
Liel Lebovitz is putting it nicely: the Islamic extremists want to utterly take over America, just like they’re attempting to do in European nations. And they’re doing a good job in the EU, as you see huge numbers of Islamists wearing full body covers, and they go and have lots of babies to replace the existing population. There are no go zones, areas which operate under Sharia law. They get into government, including elected ones, to move those nations to Islam.
Normal Americans are finally realizing just how deep-seated — and how dangerous — this hatred truly is, and, as Americans always do, they’re taking action. It’s why we’ve seen donations to Columbia University, that renowned seat of Jew-hatred and bigotry, drop 30% this past year.
It’s why we’ve seen lawmakers demand that we take our own laws seriously and deport any foreign national who is openly and outwardly expressing support for terrorists.
Anyone who espouses support of Islamic terrorism should have their visas revoked and summarily booted and banned from the U.S. If they were given some sort of permanent status after being imported, such as the Somalis up in Minneapolis, that status can be stripped and they should be sent right back where they came from. It is an invasion.
Anti-American protesters in the middle of NYC shout in favor of Yemeni terrorists who have been targeting US troops. pic.twitter.com/0QiUyF4Xs7
— Marina Medvin ???????? (@MarinaMedvin) October 7, 2024

These ignorant assholes are similar to our neoNazis and deserve the same disdain from the American people.
Mr Teach also uses the terms Jew-hater and Palestinian supporter interchangeably. There ARE some legitimate questions to be asked about Netanyahu’s treatment of residents in Gaza and the West Bank. It seems the true resolution would be the establishment of an independent Palestinian homeland much as the world did for Jews after WWII.
And it seems this will require more negotiaion and fewer rockets.
Chicken Little Karen Man
It seems the true resolution would be the establishment of an independent Palestinian homeland much as the world did for Jews after WWII.
And it seems this will require more negotiaion and fewer rockets.
You are Hamas supporter. You show it when you wrote the above.
BTW – The Jews themselves established Israel. A Palestinian state as been offered time and again.
The Muslim world doesn’t want that. They just want to kill Jews and all others who do not bow down to Islam.
That includes us.
There is nothing to negotiate, just our surrender.
Problem is you already called Trump and his supporters (us) neo nazis. So where will you go from there? I guess you can continue to alienate half the country and just wait for something to spontaneously happen.
And what great democommie intellect and front line negotiator will do this, Cameltoe? Tampon Timmy? Sleepy Biden?
The only capable guy I can think of is the guy who negotiated the Abraham Accords but he ain’t in office… YET!
Did I call you neoNazis? I consider Tampon Donnie to be more aptly described as a neoFascist.
The Abraham Accords was one of the few positives out of the Tampon Trump Administration (also the Covid vaccine program). The Accords were negotiated by Jared Kushner and others after Netanyahu released plans to annex part of the West Bank. In exchange for not annexing the West Bank and no doubt starting another mideast war, the four nations agreed to recognize Israel.
Of course, Netanyahu continues incursions into the West Bank with illegal settlements.
What (supposedly) civilized Westerner can celebrate a surprise attack which began with rape, kidnapping, and murder? And what pro-‘Palestinian’ should be celebrating an attack that killed 1,195 Jews but led to an Israeli response which has devastated Gaza and killed dozens of thousands of Arabs? Do they want martyrdom?
Well, no they don’t, at least not for themselves. Marching in support of Hamas in Times Square doesn’t have them facing the IDF, does it? We’ve all seen stories of Americans going to Israel to fight with the IDF, and Americans going to Ukraine, to fight against the Russians, but somehow, some way, we never read about the brave and noble pro-‘Palestinians’ picking up a rifle and heading to Gaza to fight for the liberation of the people they so strongly support. I wonder why that is?