I’ve seen some bad political ads over my years, as I’m sure you have. Is this the worst? Quite possibly
Pro-Kamala Harris spot targeting ‘real men’ ripped as ‘cringiest political ad ever’
A 90-second video of “typical” men expressing their support for Kamala Harris was widely mocked online Friday — with critics trashing the awkward spot as the “cringiest political ad ever” and an “absurd piece of rubbish.”
The clip features a slew of apparent farmers, car enthusiasts and gym junkies boasting about their masculinity as they repeatedly insist, “I’m a man” and “I’m man enough.”
The script then takes a hard feminist turn as the presumed actors — most of whom were filmed doing outdoor activities or perched on trucks — start rattling off ways they aren’t afraid to support women.
“You think I’m afraid to rebuild a carburetor? I eat carburetors for breakfast,” one man oddly says before another chimes in: “I’ll tell you another thing I’m sure as s–t not afraid of … women.”
“If they wanna control their bodies, I say go for it,” the men crow in the video. “If they want to start a family, I’m not afraid of families … If they want to be childless cat ladies … have all the cats you want.”
“If a woman wants to be president … I hope she has the guts to look me right in the eye and accept my full-throated endorsement,” they added.
What if they do not want to be raped and killed by an illegal alien gang member? Or by an unvetted migrant claiming asylum who was a convicted murderer or a sex trafficker? How about if they do not want to pay exorbitant prices for food and essentials? If they do not want to be forced into an EV?
Must-see Kamala ad. Not only do they have no idea how actual men speak, they couldn’t find any convincing male actors. https://t.co/q6j9v1OsKL
— David Reaboi, Late Republic Nonsense (@davereaboi) October 11, 2024

Robert Stacy McCain noted that the whole ad is a fake, that the “real men” in the ad are all paid actors:
How many people are going to fall for a ‘real men’ support Kamala Emhoff ad when 40% (at least) of the actors used are queer?
There are, sadly enough, a number of normal
menmales who are going to vote for the Communist from California and her sidekick, Tampon Tim, and the Dems hope that they can fool people with this ad. I hope that there just aren’t enough of them to make a difference.There’s another spectacle happening. Bill Kristol, neocon and ‘never Trump’ extraordinaire, who never met a war in which he didn’t want the United States to get involved, turned 18 in December of 1970, and was old enough to have served in the latter stages of the war in Vietnam. But Mr Kristol chose not to volunteer and had a high enough lottery number that he wasn’t drafted. These guys want to send Other People, and Other People’s children, to fight in wars while they didn’t have the courage to volunteer for service themselves.
The distinguished Mr Dowd will, at this point, jump up like Hermione Granger, raising his hand and begging to be called upon by the teacher. He’ll point out that the Marquis of Mar-a-Lago himself got out of te draft, by claiming bone spurs or whatever, and that’s true enough, but Donald Trump is the candidate who doesn’t want us to get involved in the war in Ukraine.
Thanks to Mr Dana, we don’t need to point out that Cadet Bone Spurs is a draft dodger!
So an American with a disqualifying disability is now a “draft dodger”. Were you a draft dodger or were you next to me in da Nang?
Mr Trump’s daddy, Fred, had a physician who was beholden to him financially, disqualify Donnie.
Thank you for your service. The wealthy can avoid service if they wish.
If one is disqualified by a physical disability then “Cadet” Rimjob was also a draft dodger. Biden too!

Bwaha! Lolgf
The wealthy could always avoid service as far back as Rome.
You seem to have a problem with wealthy people, except Democrats who are millionaires and billionaires they seem fine and acceptable to you. Why is that? Now that the Democrat Party has assumed the mantle of “Party of the Rich” what ya gonna do? All those rich movie and sports types, the Wall Street and Tech giants, those guys like Epstein and Sean Diddy making millions off sexualizing kids and runaways, and all those millionaire lawyers suing the taxpayers in lawfare bids to win elections and punish MAGA supporters you have no problem with. But build a space ship and some EV’s, erect 10 or 20 hotels, condos and casinos, produce some TV shows or beauty contests and suddenly your money is corrupt.
Why is that?
I have no problem with the wealthy. In the richest nation of all time we have too many poor people. Our economy could do better.
Stable Genius, 78 year old Trump in Detroit…
“The Weave” or cognitive decline in an old man?
LOL. The ad is mocking conservative men. It’s hardly surprising you miss it.
No it’s not. Besides you have zero sense of humor so how would you know? Some left wing fact checker tell you that?
You democommies so easily accept the lies and bull shit of your politicians you think we will too. We won’t.
Have you decided whether camel toe will ban AR-15’s? Gas cars? White men? Christians?
Will tampon timmy require boys to carry tampons “just in case”?
Woke Teacher Needs Jail
You didn’t watch the ad, did you?
You repubinazis so easily accept the lies and bullshit of your “leaders”.
I support banning AR-15s, unless Tampon Don Trump and CamelToe Vance are elected, in which case I’ll buy a few for protection from him and his type.
Make up your mind. Are you the old white guy from the Philly ‘burbs or an old black guy from Newark?
Serious research from the Kentucky Kid!
There may be some normal men who will vote for the Fast Fading Fascist* from Florida and Eyeliner** Vance but the admittedly small sample size from the Cove says, “nope”.
* Trump wears 1/4″ orange spackle on his face. He sports a heavily quaffed and dyed pompadour. He lies about his weight. He gets manicures. He dances like a fat girl. The only things he drives are golf balls and carts. He doesn’t drink alcohol. His attempts to hide his rapidly deteriorating cognition is rapidly failing. He’s becoming an old, old, vain woman. “All right, Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up” .
** WTF is with the eyeliner? And the sofa fugging?
Seen on X- “What the Democrats are realizing far too late is that they’ve Bud Lighted their whole brand”.
look me right in the eye and accept my full-throated endorsement,”
I wonder if they really realize what this guy just said…….GET ON YOUR KNEES BITCH AND SUCK MY DIK IF YOU WANT MY ENDORSEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!
GAWD…..this new generation of Democrats are such perverts.
Internal polling shows that Trump will win the election. He is leading nationally by less than half a point. For the Democrats to win an electoral presidency, they generally need a 2.8 percent or more of a national lead. The fact Trump is up by 1/2 a point suggests a potential landslide for Trump, garnering him 330 electoral votes.
Currently, Trump is leading in every swing state except for Michigan, which he trails only by a single point. Additionally, Trump consistently underperforms in polls. For example, in 2016, he trailed Hillary Clinton by 7.3 percent and won the electoral jackpot. In 2020 he Trailed Biden by 9 percent and lost by less than 3 percent nationally. In the swing states, the polling was even more atrocious for Trump, losing states by less than 1 percent, which gave Biden and HRC a several-point lead.
One must remember that these polling firms give Democrats significant leads for a year to garner financial support. As the election draws near, these polls tighten for a single reason. The pollsters know that if they say Biden is going to win by 10 points and they are then off by 7 points, they begin to lose credibility. So, the polls begin telling the truth the last month before the election to salvage the reputation of these traditional election pollsters.
It shows the Senate will be 52-48 for the GOP.
It shows another insanely tight house race because of gerrymandering done by the Democrats, even though the left claims it was the GOP who Gerrymandered the Democrats. While both sides engaged in the feat, the democrats hired Eric Holder and gave him billions to get the job done for the Dems, and he was wildly successful.
However, the wild card always remains in potential cheating. I have no evidence of cheating, but the Democrats still only need to cheat in PA, MI, and WI, and they once again put a Democrat in the White House.
The democrats need but register 40,000 illegals each year, and the USA will be a perpetual California, one-party system of government. Believe me when I say, as a dual citizenship American living in South America, that you do not want a single party running your country because nothing ever gets done for the people. At the same time, the elites become more elite and wealthy with each passing year.
Good luck, America. Be peaceful, be safe, and learn to love one another. Politics is only the elites turning Americans against Americans for their gain. The biggest problem with this batch of billionaires is that they are actively involved in getting their hands dirty rather than keeping their ambitions at arm’s length. This is what has conspired against the world to turn Anarchy around the globe into civil wars, world wars, and downright hate for each and every one of us.
Governor Walz went pheasant hunting. Hunters there are required to wear blaze orange vests and hats.
Of course ex-president Trump is exempt from the requirement.
Apparently, Walz is also exempt:
Sorry Kumallya; “REAL MEN” know a “skank” when they see one.
Damn you really are ignorant. Tell your mom Hi for me.
You can tell some leftist elites wrote this ad.
One of the men said, “I EAT CARBURETORS FOR LUNCH!”
Cars haven’t had carburetors installed in them since 1994.(Insert a Kamala insane cackle here).
This is how out of touch the leftist elites have become. I am surprised that Kamala did not drink a Bud Light instead of a Miller Light. I suspect they contacted Bud Light who refused to answer the WOKE RED PHONE.
The most excellent Campaign ad you could ever show for 90 seconds would be Kamala talking to Joe Biden and Joe Biden responding using all the bizarre clips from the last 3-plus years. It would create a landslide for the GOP, even in the House and Senate.
So an American with a disqualifying disability is now a “draft dodger”. Were you a draft dodger or were you next to me in da Nang?
Rimjob was one of those cowards calling you a “baby killer” when you came home.
Fuck him.
Fuck The Pissant. I absolutely did NOT blame the kids the US sent to Vietnam. I absolutely DID criticize the protesters who called them “baby killers”. If you could access the essay I wrote for Mrs Luke’s composition class it would be proved!! I also objected to protesters calling police “pigs”.
I did NOT support the war but DID support the kids.
The kids were told to go and they went. My brother-in-law was a Medevac pilot and was killed in 1972 on a rescue mission and received the Distinguished Service Cross and Silver Star. PFC Brooks, a friend from HS, and an outstanding fast-pitch softball pitcher, was killed on “Hamburger Hill” in ’69. My HS friend and basketball teammate E-3 Rook was killed in 1971.
Fuck you, you filthy coward!
Rimjob, the draft dodger, writing about all his “friends”
who unlike him served our country. Guess that makes him a tough guy with a keyboard knowing he’ll never have to back up all of his insults.
Yeah, a fucking coward indeed.
The cowardly Pissant, like his supervisor Teach, was a full-“throated” advocate for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq yet didn’t fight for America in either war. He(?) had sufficient time to serve.
No need to discuss anything further with a draft dodger like the cowardly Rimjob who spit on returning Vietnam vets calling them “baby killers”. Only a coward does that.
Only a Cowardly Lyin’ like The Pissant promotes wars but refuses to serve.
Now the cowardly right-wing pussies support Russia.
The Party that supported Bill Clinton and still adores him has no authority to comment on anyone’s service status.
Good thing for Harris she was never eligible for the draft. As a woman, she gets all the benefits of life in America with none of the obligations. Wouldn’t is be great to elect someone as “Commander in chief” who never even had to submit to the draft?
Personally, I abhor the draft. A free nation should not be upheld by the efforts of enslaved citizens. If the citizens of this nation do not on their own wish to defend it, maybe it no longer deserves defending. Harris would never even consider ending the draft in the USA since she never suffered anything because of it. In her age group, likely she doesn’t even know anyone who was drafted. and the threat of draft is one of those imaginary threats of government force that she has no need to fear since she has always been on the side of the tyrants. It is only a matter of time until the term “draft dodger” becomes an anomaly that people have to look up in Wiki-Pedia. Good riddance.
When you say “Draft dodger” I just hear “Someone old enough to live through that part of American history”.
Oh, I got that crap too. Had a hairy hippie chick hit me with a large steaming hot coffee in Philly’s 30th Street station. Got 2nd degree burns on my neck and scalp. Commies like Elwood have been around a long time. Only now that they control the institutions, government and the military are we sliding into second world status.
Please list the nations superior to America. Thanks.
Who stated there are nations superior to America? You’re welcome!
Kye, Trump etc
Prominent Vietnam era service avoiders besides Donnie Trump were Bill Clinton, Mitt Romney (missionary deferment), Ted Nugent, Chevy Chase, George W Bush, Joe Biden, Rush Limbaugh, Bernie Sanders and Dick Cheney, using primarily educational and other deferments, e.g., ROTC, Air Nat Guard etc.
Senators John Kerry, Charles Robb, John McCain, Bob Kerry, VP Al Gore, and Representatives Larry Pressler, Robert C Smith served in Vietnam.
Celebrities who served in Vietnam included Oliver Stone, Dennis Franz, Demond Wilson, Pat Sajak, R Lee Ermey, Wes Studi…