So, if your boss says “hey, you need to believe in anthropogenic climate change, and make plans for it, and talk about it, and tell everyone under you they have to be a part of this”, what do you do? You can either get onboard or leave, right?
Why You Won’t Hear the Military Arguing About Climate Change
Today, the U.S. military is confronting a new enemy: climate change.
Before Hurricane Helene devastated the Southeast last month, more than 5,900 National Guard members were called up to help prepare; after the storm, the Pentagon sent active-duty forces to assist with road clearing and logistical support. In June, when Hurricane Beryl spiraled through the Caribbean before making its U.S. landfall, Texas and Vermont National Guard units supported disaster response efforts, working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to provide meals and water as well as help with search-and-rescue efforts. Already, U.S. forces have prepared personnel and resources to mobilize for support in the aftermath of Hurricane Milton.
You mean like during every natural disaster? The US Military deployed to help out after the Great Galveston Hurricane of 1900, both to Texas and Puerto Rico. They helped out after the great Chicago fire, the massive earthquakes in the 1860s in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, as well as the big Alaska, San Francisco (multiple times), and LA earthquakes. After Mount St. Helen’s went boom.
As some politicians continue to argue about the economic impacts of climate legislation or question the imminent nature of climate threats — in September former President Trump called climate change a “scam” — the U.S. military has reorganized itself around the knowledge that climate change poses an unprecedented risk to national security. It has integrated climate preparedness into many dimensions of planning and operations. This includes not just deployments for humanitarian assistance and disaster response, but also gaming out the geostrategic impacts of the evolving climate, making adaptations to military training, building resilience into installations and shifting to alternative energy sources to improve military effectiveness.
In most parts of the government, the oscillation of electoral politics has resulted in federal climate strategies hitting endless stops and starts. The U.S. military, though, is less subject to this whiplash, given historic bipartisan support for military readiness. As a result, it has become an example of the steady progress that can occur when the U.S. government takes climate change seriously and devotes resources to mitigating risk — rather than ignoring it at a deadly cost. Today, some of the nation’s most cutting-edge climate innovations exist on military properties, including smart grids fitted with energy storage systems and the use of blended biofuels to power ships and aircraft.
This military?
OMG HAHAHA ????????????
Trump just played this epic clip of our old military vs our new woke military:
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) October 9, 2024
Eight years of Obama. Four years of Biden-Harris. More and more high ranking wackjobs more suited to working for the Peace Corps than a strong military tasked with protecting the United States, so, of course these insane people will listen to their higher ups, and then pass the crazy downstream.

The United States of America military is so strong they’re kicking the asses of Putin, Hamas, Iran and Hezbollah by remote f’king control!
The increasingly sick Republicun Party used to support the military of the United States of America. It’s sad to see the once useful GOP collapse under the spell of The Don. Sad.
Mr Teach typed: the massive earthquakes in the 1860s in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
The massive earthquakes (7-8 Richter) were in 1811 and 1812, not the 1860s. The earthquakes affected areas of SE Missouri, W Kentucky, SW Illinois and W Tennessee.
They are? And here I was told we are NOT AT WAR! So it actually is that the democommies ONCE AGAIN LIED to us.
The democrat party increasingly taken over by the communists has decided to make war by political policy not by military threat. As usual the democommies are afraid to actually fight a war they rather pick around the edges.
If The Don goes to war he won’t hide it like you do and you’ll know it by the blood of our enemies. Beside, you guys are too busy making civil war against us to actually engage in a real fight. You are all cowards. Bone spur Dowd.
Waah!!! Poor baby. Did him get his widdle feewings hurt? LOL
You may not have noticed, but the nature of war has changed. It’s less about men with carbines and more about surveillane, missiles and bombs. The US MIC is good at surveillance, missiles and bombs.
Without US support military, Israel would not exist. Without NATO and US military support, Ukraine would be the newest Russia oblast. Few of our brave men and women are at risk.
So says the Rimjob who himself never served.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Are you retarded or just infantile? “feewings”. Really? War is always about men with weapons. Don’t be an idiot. Methods may change but warriors don’t. And you are no warrior. You are a soy boy. A coward who fled military service just like most of your side did when called. Democrats have been cowards since they became commies. IOW since Viet Nam. You just love the freedom, wealth and privilege our blood buys you but you don’t have the balls to join us. You are the scavengers of democracy. Picking at the carcass so many of us have died to defend then running away like a coward.
You are a privileged white leftist always crying about some under dog and always creating new enemies for America. Putin is not our enemy. If somebody would sit down and negotiate there would be no Ukraine war. But that’s not what you democommies want. You want war so you can steal money and most of all elections.
Without the US military most of the (once) Free world would not exist. But you leftists are trying your best to put us all under the boot of dictatorship and communist rule.
First you say “the nature of war has changed. It’s less about men with carbines and more about surveillance, missiles and bombs. The US MIC is good at surveillance, missiles and bombs.” then finish with “Few of our brave men and women are at risk” to cover your anti American ass.
Do you think we should go to war with Russia? You keep seemingly suggesting that. Should we attack Iran and Syria? You seem to think so. How about nuking Putin’s house? BTW, the UN is an anti American alliance of commies and muzzies and should be tossed out of the US.
Mr Teach. Seems to have forgotten about Mr Bush 9/11 and then 8 years of the Global War on terror that resulted in creating more terror than it eliminated.
We got rid of Saddam and that resulted in ISIS AND Iraq formerly Irans worst enemy becoming Iran’s best friend. Afghanistan? The left repeatedly told you that place was the Graveyard of Empires. We wasted trillions on those colossal mistakes.
I have yet to read you posting any regrets about your support for those clusterfucks.
Mr Teach seems to want to forget
“Mr. Bush and 9-11..” Johnny, did you forget about Mr. Osama bin Laden? You know, the one who caused it all to begin with?
“We got rid of Saddam ….” Yes, and under Obama we got rid of Osama. Your point?
My USMC NCOIC’s in 1980 must be disgusted with what has become of their military. An embarrassment and a disgrace. Loss of capability to carry out missions.
We can’t beat 3rd world Houti’s without spending billions on expensive weapons systems, and even that isn’t stopping them.
We can’t build and hold a temporary pier in Israel, or guarantee the safe delivery of relief supplies.
We have critical Navy support vessels going aground. Or burning up in port. WE haven’t built a successful naval platform in 40 years except for the sub fleet. Meanwhile, China builds a blue water navy that can treat us as peers.
We’ve placed billions of weapons on the open market by supplying them to a corrupt Ukrainian authoritarian government, just so our politicians can reap the windfall of money laundering. And Ukraine will still lose. Putin and Russia are stronger than when it started, thanks to our ill-advised economic sanctions, which have only weakened the US dollar.
We’ve shown we can blow up our allies natural gas supply pipelines, betraying them. ANd everyone knows it was our “clandestine” operation.
We’ve used our military to try and support the State Department’s and CIA’s idiotic efforts at color revolution and nation building around the world, and failed at all of them.
We didn’t defeat Hamas or Hezbollah, the Israeli’s did. And in the face of our lackluster support and efforts to hamstring them.