Suddenly, California Loves States Rights In Trying To Trump Proof Their Climate (scam) Policies

See, it’s not OK for each state to have their own policies on abortion on demand, but, it’s fine for the People’s Republik of California to have their own climate doom policies. Normally the NY Times would have issues with states bucking Los Federales

California Tries ‘Trump-Proofing’ Its Climate Policies

California officials have been working for months on a plan to “Trump proof” the state’s leading edge environmental and climate policies, in the event that former President Donald J. Trump returns to White House and follows through on his promise to gut them.

Whether California succeeds could affect more than a dozen other states that follow its emissions rules, and could have global impact because the state’s market muscle compels auto makers and other companies to conform to California standards.

The strategy now being crafted in Sacramento includes lawsuits designed to reach wide-ranging settlements with industries that generate greenhouse gases, and new rules and laws that rely on state authority and would be beyond the reach of the administration.

Mr. Trump, who considers climate change a “hoax,” has promised to weaken every major federal climate regulation, as he did in his first term.

Yeah, but, really, he won’t, except perhaps (well, he better) the rules that essentially force American citizens into EVs

But he is also expected to try to blow up California’s climate policies, which have set the pace for the rest of the nation and the world. The state is requiring about three-quarters of new trucks sold there after 2035 to be zero emissions. And in a request that is pending, California wants permission from the Biden administration to enact one of the most ambitious climate rules of any nation: a ban on the sale of new gas-powered passenger vehicles in the state after 2035.

Hey, really, if the PRC wants to do this have at it. They’ll see company after company leave, along with lots of people from working class to uber-rich. Plus all the investment/finance money. If the PRC thinks that manufacturers will change their entire assembly line as the population of the PRC plummets, they should think again. Perhaps the PRC can rely on Chinese (spying) EVs?

Mr. Trump has promised to revoke the waiver. “California has imposed the most ridiculous car regulations anywhere in the world, with mandates to move to all electric cars,” Mr. Trump has said. “I will terminate that.”

Again, will he? Or will the revenge tour ignore this stuff? It took The Donald till his last year in office to shitcan the Paris Climate Agreement. Might Trump simply say “go for it. Every experiment needs an experimental group, and we want to see what happens”?

And the Times and the PRC have cause to be concerned

Black Voters Drift From Democrats, Imperiling Harris’s Bid, Poll Shows

Vice President Kamala Harris has improved her party’s standing among Black voters since President Biden left the presidential race, but she still significantly trails Mr. Biden’s 2020 share of that vital Democratic constituency, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll of Black likely voters.

Nearly eight out of 10 Black voters nationwide said they would vote for Ms. Harris, the poll found, a marked increase from the 74 percent of Black voters who said they would support Mr. Biden before he dropped out of the race in July. But Mr. Biden won 90 percent of Black voters to capture the White House by narrow margins in 2020, and the drop-off for Ms. Harris, if it holds, is large enough to imperil her chances of winning key battleground states.

But, will they show up? How many are starting to realize that their economic well being Trump’s (sic) always voting Dem and hating Trump?

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4 Responses to “Suddenly, California Loves States Rights In Trying To Trump Proof Their Climate (scam) Policies”

  1. Doom and Gloom says:

    There is a world order of things. Each candidate must meet with the approval of the United States’ various allies in order to be allowed to run for office. It is why HOPE, CHANGE, and the most transparent administration, EVAH, would suddenly become closed, shut off, and quite obviously controlled from the outside without a fresh idea or mantra of their own.

    Populist candidates are a NO go for the world order. They must be on a short leash with the billions spent backing them. Kamala raised a billion dollars in just a couple of months.

    How is that possible, given she is a cackling airhead? Quite simply, she has the backing of the entire world of never-trumpers because TRUMP does not and will not be bought, paid for, and delivered on his knees in front of the World Economic Forum, Warren Buffet, and a whole host of George Soros actors around the world.

  2. Doom and Gloom. says:

    Has anyone read in the press that North Korea just sent troops to fight alongside Russia against Ukraine?


    Does anyone know that there are now explosions in Chechnya? Iran is asking Israel for peace. Hezbollah is asking Israel for a cease-fire. China is on the verge of economic collapse? Why do you think the World Order needs their bought and paid for candidate in the White House? They must keep printing money to prop up dictators around the world so these billionaires keep making their money.

    Does anyone care anymore? We are thinking about electing cackling Kamala to solve these issues? Wow. We really are living in the Matrix and don’t really seem to care.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Donnie the Russian Mobster has said he will withhold FEMA funds from California if the state doesn’t bend to his will.

    “… we’ll force it down [Gavin Newsom’s] throat and we’ll say, ‘Gavin if you don’t do it we’re not giving you any of that fire money that we send you all the time for all the forest fires that you have’”

    That’s what America needs! A strongman to get the commie states in line! Strongman Donnie only needs 4 years of suspended Constitution to Make America Great Again. Safer. Stronger. Masculine. Less woke.

    • tctsunami says:

      Yike, it’s hard to believe a president Trump would do something that mean. But he ain’t no Harris/Biden kinda guy and California is no North Carolina.

      Ohh, feel the burn.

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