Well, if they keep backing leftist politicians they will get WWIII style rationing
Almost 40% would agree to WW2-style RATIONING to fight climate change
After the end of World War II, it took Britain almost a decade to finally abolish rationing for everyday goods.
While the war may be almost 80 years in the past, nearly 40 per cent of the public would now welcome back the ration book to help fight climate change.
Researchers from Uppsala University, Sweden, surveyed almost 9,000 participants from India, Brazil, Germany, and the US.
Their responses revealed that rationing for fuel and ’emissions-intensive’ products such as meat is nearly as widely accepted as raising taxes.
Lead author Oskar Lindgren, a PhD student at Uppsala University, says: ‘Rationing may seem dramatic, but so is climate change. This may explain why support is rather high.’
Weirdly, all those who believe in this aren’t actually reducing their own consumption voluntarily.
Currently, most governments and researchers focus on ‘economic instruments’ like taxing polluting products and subsidising greener alternatives.
However, scientists believe that a fairer alternative might be to limit how much of these goods can be bought.
Mr Lindgren says: ‘One advantage of rationing is that it can be perceived as fair, if made independent of income.’
And who would be in charge of this? Government? Sounds rather authoritarian. Rationing was rather forced on nations during WWII due to shortages, especially in a nation like Britain. They really didn’t have much of a choice. And does anyone think that the Elites would be subjected to the same rationing? How many politicians yammer about reducing the use of fossil fuels, yet, use way more than everyone else?
Overall, 38 per cent of respondents said they would accept monthly limits on fuel purchasing compared with 39 per cent who said they would accept greater fuel taxes.
Likewise, 33 per cent of people said they would support monthly limits on meat purchases compared with 44 per cent who said they would back a greater tax on high climate-impact foods.
This is all theoretical. The minute government started putting this in action there would be a revolt. At least in the 1st World, and, especially here in the U.S.A.

Some questions just answer themselves, don’t they?
My mother told me about World War II rationing, how packets of yellow coloring came with what she called oleomargerine — she still referred to it as oleo in the sixties — so people could make it look like butter. With nylon rationed away, women had pencils so that they could draw a line up the backs of their legs, so it would look like they had stockings.
Those seem like little items, but everything deemed necessary for the war effort was rationed.
What would the warmunists like about rationing? Would they be upset that they couldn’t get the latest iPhone upgrade? How about the rationing of electricity, which is primarily produced by burning coal or natural gas? Would they like the rationing of gasoline itself, because few of them have the plug-in electric cars they want Other People to drive, or which they couldn’t keep charged due to electricity rationing?
The first real cold front of the season is about to hit; would they like to see electricity or heating oil or natural gas rationed when it drops into the 30s or 40s in some places this evening? After all, rationing to fight
global warmingclimate change would surely limit that stuff!My old house in the Keystone State used heating oil as our steam radiator fuel, and we were hardly alone; Jim Thorpe supported not one but two heating oil distributors, which tells you how many homes depended upon it. And there was one home, just up the block from us, that used coal for heating!
The sparktricity went out due to 14″ of heavy, wet snow on Christmas morning of 2002. Our fuel-oil furnace didn’t work, because it requited electricity for the oil pump and ignition. The power went out at 1130 Christmas morning, and wasn’t restored until around 1800 on the 26th; it got down into the 50s in our house by the time we got power back.
Our electricity came from a fossil fuel burning power plant. Downgrading to electric heat would have been either significantly expensive, if baseboard heaters were used, or very expensive, if a heat-pump forced air system had to be installed; our Victorian home had no forced air ducts, and installing them would have downgraded the interior appearance significantly. And, even had that been done, and we were no longer burning heating oil to heat the house, we’d be burning natural gas at the power plant with our increased demand for sparktricity! Those BTUs don’t just magically appear!
I did install a woodstove, later.
nothing is stopping them from living like that now
That’s my opinion Andrew. Almost 40% would agree to WW2-style RATIONING to fight climate change? Sign them up. There is no reason why everybody has to do the same thing.
As seen on X
“Hey SpaceX, whatcha up to?
“OH, just catching giant rockets out of the air with a freaking tower”
“Oh, cool, how about you, NASA?”
“We’re…..studying how racist the air is….”
(article on the “study” is then shown)
Fuel could be stationed and sold at a discount, like first 50 gallons of fuel per month at a lower price. Additional fuel for the jets and superyachs would cost more. Or it could be put into EBT cards which are now used by over 40 people. L
Trump already gave those despised elites a 2 trillion dollar permanent tax cut, he has promised even more.
Do t forget Mr Teach you used to praise those elites as the “job creators”
Unless those “40 people” now using EBT cards are creating jobs and employing people we would imagine those lousy fukin elites are still the job creators. Well, them and the over spending government if course. Soon we’ll all work for the government. That’s called communism and that’s where the democommies like H are moving us.
Soon to be a second world nation then as far as the commies are concerned the sky is the limit.
There has never been nor would there ever be a 2 trillion dollar tax cut for those “despised elites” most of whom are democrats. Stop lying and repeating the bullshit lies of commie propagandists. You probably believe Trump created Project 2025 and it’s gonna end abortion and give more power to Trump.
Trump supports Project 2025. Do you really believe Trump has any idea regarding the workings of this nation? He’ll turn it over to the Stephen Millers, Steve Bannons, Roger Stones, Marjorie Taylor Greenes, Jim Jordans, Michael Flynns, KellyAnne, Huckabee-Sanders etc. His Project 2025 wants to replace ALL the experienced non-partisan employees with Trump loyalists!! Ominously, including our military.
You keep saying the US is becoming a 2nd world nation. What nation is better? Russia? Israel? South Korea? China? Belarus? Saudi Arabia?
Stop lying and repeating the bullshit lies of the fascist propagandists.
The Trump tax cuts WERE slanted to help the wealthy and the cost over 10 years is $1.9 TRILLION. Mr Trump’s new “budget” will add another $8 TRILLION to the debt! Extending the Trump tax cuts would cost almost $4 TRILLION over the next 10 years.
His tax cuts were promised to increase the income of the working class “conservatively” by $4000 a year! But people making $114,000 or less had NO increase in income from the cuts, while executive salaries skyrocketed!
Untrue. I was making less than $114K and my taxes dropped significantly, because of the increase in the standard deduction and lower rates.
Rimjob’s bad with economic numbers, bad with historical facts and hasn’t the faintest notion with the idea of the truth.
During Trump’s administration Rimjob was too busy swindling investors with the snake oil he was selling there at Galera Therapeutics.

Do NOT buy from Leith Honda in Raleigh, NC as one of their salespersons swindled an old couple out of the value of their trade-in!!
Read their customer reviews to identify the salesperson!
Why is The Pissant too cowardly to type the names of the swindlers? LOL.
Carbon boy-there’s still no “2 trillion dollar permanent tax cuts for elites”, as you already know. But humor us by showing where you get your “data” from. Good luck!
More electricity in the USA is now produced by renewables than coal.
The average age of a coal fired plant in USA is now 50 years old. They haven’t built a new one in about 25 years. No companies are stupid enough to try and build a new one, not even in the reddest states.
Last year EVs and hybrids were about 20% of the total cars sold in USA
Hybrids use 25 to 50% less fuel. Electrification of vehicles will continue
Like with computers and smartphones the last demographic to accept EVs will the the old people.
How old will you be in 2035?
Too funny-China and India are building them every couple weeks or so. So Johnny-why are they stupid?
And, don’t those EVs use fossil fuels in their production? Why yes, of course they do…
As usual johnny boy doesn’t cite his sources which allows him to fudge his figures.
Have another toke.
Mr Teach imagines: Weirdly, all those who believe in this aren’t actually reducing their own consumption voluntarily
He has no idea what others are doing. In the past 20 years, the carbon dioxide emissions in the United States have decreased some 25%!! Some one is reducing emissions! To be fair, part of the reduction is from Republicun recessions.
Just to inform you republicans like Democrats do not have a corner on recessions. There are enough leftist lies flying around this election season we don’t need you adding your ignorance to the mix.
Rimjob: Some one is reducing emissions!
Yep, the switch from coal to clean burning natural gas to generate electric power is responsible for most of that reduction.
But you’ll never get that dumbass to admit to that.
Since 1980 we’ve had 6 recessions:
1980 Recession: Jan – Jul 1980 (Jimmy Carter) Unemployment 7.8%
1981–1982: Jul 1981 – Novr 1982 (Ronald Reagan) Unemployment 10.8%
Early 1990s: Jul 1990 – Mar 1991 (Ronald Reagan) Unemployment 7.8%
Early 2000s: Mar – Nov 2001 (George W Bush) Unemployment 6.3%
Great Recession: Dec 2007 – Jun 2009 (George W Bush) Unemployment 10.0%
COVID: Feb – Apr 2020 (Donald J Trump) Unemployment 14.7%
You’re projecting Mr White. No one lies like The Donald.
Regarding the economy, the Republicun mantra is that bad economies during a GOP reign is caused by the previous Dem admin. Any good Dem economy is caused by the wisdom of the previous Republicun or the expectations for the next Repubicun admin!!
Although your dates may be correct Elwood, economic activity does not work according to who is in office. Generally it takes about two years for a political act to reveal itself as good or bad in the economy. You are deceitfully (as usual for lying leftists) trying to blame economic cycles on Republicans and Democrat administrations. That’s all bull shit and you know it. Enough lies, we know your proclivities. Deceit is evidence of nothing. Most of those recessions you list were due to democrat policies preceding them. Including Covid.
You are as bad an economist as you are a scientist.
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The Americans surveyed fell between 20-30% in favor of any rationing.
The US, China, and the EU matter.
Looks like you attracted some spambots.