If All You See…

…is a horrible water intensive lawn causing skyrocketing temperatures, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post on the great Chicago train robbery.

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6 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. Jl says:

    Happy Columbus Day, but let’s remember our peaceful indigenous Indians, too. The Aztecs, for example, are estimated to have sacrificed up to 20,000 people per year. In 1497, 5 years before Columbus, the reconsecration of the great pyramid of Tenochtitlan saw up to 80,000 sacrificed. Some scholars put that figure closer to 20,000, but still, a lot of peacefulness. Sadly, our indigenous Indians hadn’t yet invented the wheel to be used for transport by the time Columbus came. The wheel, of course, had been in use for thousands of years in the “old world”.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Isn’t the Old Testament filled with human sacrifice as commanded by God??

      How many humans were sacrificed during the time of the Holy Roman Catholic Church Inquisition? And they made great use of the “wheel”. Estimates are all over the place… but into the thousands.

      It’s impossible to document how many were sacrificed by the Aztec. Likely in the thousands, although only hundreds of skulls have been found.

      Do you believe the middle east sprang from nothing or did those peoples also gradually become “civilized”?

      • James Lewis says:

        Chicken Little Karen Man….. just to educate you…

        The so-called Native Americans came across the Siberia-Alaska land bridge and filtered down and across the continents. Among the things they are noted for is human sacrifice, slavery and cannibalism. Their societies/cultures ranged from hunter gather tribes in the north to feudal kings and peasants groupings in the central and south.

        Everything was cool until the southern Europeans arrived. The southern Europeans were aggressive, had better weapons, including germs that the NA’s had never been around before. The result was conquest, settlement and a feudal society based on what they had in southern Europe resulting in land owners with peasants huddled around the Catholic Church. But the NA’s were better off. No slavery, no cannibalism and no human sacrifice.

        Basically, nothing has changed to the south. They have gone from weekly revolutions to establishment of failed socialism experiments…Venezuela doesn’t have toilet paper or antibiotics and Honduras is the murder capital of the world. Their exports are bananas and people…..who have flooded into America to the tune of 11 million or so. When called out they riot and fly Mexico’s flag and demand the right to vote. They seem determined to establish what they, or their parents, fled from. Poverty, chaos, crime and dictatorship.

        Later the northern Europeans arrived to the north. They were no better to the NA’s than their peers to the south. But they did have one thing the southern Europeans didn’t have. Budding democracy. They had the Magna Carta. The powers of kings were finite and the people were to have a voice.
        “We the people….” Became real.

        None of this is pretty. The NA’s lost. What the Europeans found were people who couldn’t, or wouldn’t, defend the land that they had taken from the previous owners.

        We now find ourselves on the same page that was the Aztec’s. Do we want to defend and hold this land, this civilization, or do we want to surrender to the flood of people from the south and the flood of Muslims Obama and Hillary imported from the east?

  2. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    Is the Old Testament filled with human sacrifice as commanded by God?? That’s the question and the answer is


    !In fact The OT has only one human sacrifice commanded by God which when He commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac which as we al no He stopped. In fact there are ZERO human sacrifices for God. Tons of animal sacrifices but no people. Other than Jesus Christ of course.

    Once again the atheist leaps in where most won’t tread water.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      And Rimjob could have easily consulted his wife, who he claims is a Christian pastor, for an answer to his ignorant question.
      But no he’d rather be an obnoxious dumbass.

  3. Mark says:

    I thought lawns kept the earth cooler than asphalt. I learn something new every day.

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