News Media Shocked Over The Disconnect Between Caring About ‘Climate Change’ Action And Actually Voting For It

Seriously, the climate cult has grown over the past 35+ years into a full on cult, and this is the best their spreading awareness can do

Climate change is a concern for many young CT voters, but not a top one

Tons of Connecticut’s young voters say climate change is a big issue. But how many of them are basing their vote on it?

WSHU’s Ebong Udoma spoke with CT Mirror’s Jan Ellen Spiegel to discuss her article, “Is climate change a key issue for young voters? It’s complicated,” as part of the collaborative podcast Long Story Short. Read Jan’s article here.

WSHU: Hello, Jan. Climate change has been an issue of concern for young Americans for a while now. You recently spoke with about a dozen students at an environmental research class at Three River Community College in Norwich. You talked about voting. Were you surprised by the responses you got? (snip)

WSHU: Let’s start with the polling. What information were you able to get out of the polling? Because I understand the Connecticut Mirror did a poll with MassINC Polling Group in September. And then there was also a Sacred Heart University poll, which was done with GreatBlue.

JES: Well, again, it’s a little bit of extrapolation in that, let’s take the polling that the Connecticut Mirror did. There was really just one question in there, in terms of the issues that people, broadly, not just young people, cared about. And it was really phrased, which issue mattered most? There were a number of issues. Climate was pretty far down the pretty long list, although 42% of people mentioned it, which is reasonably high, especially given the history of where environmental issues have stood in terms of interest over time, not just climate issues. Then if you broke it out by age group, what I discovered was that the 60-year-old plus group had a 46% interest in it, but the 18 to 29-yea- old group was down a little from that point at 43%. But here’s the thing, it didn’t specifically say, what issue are you going to be most interested in voting on? It just gaged the interest.

Interest, eh? But, they really do not live the life

…The Sacred Heart University Institute for Sustainability and Social Justice poll was specifically a national youth survey, and they discovered that something like three quarters of the youth they surveyed, and some of them were below voting age, 15 to 29 was their group. Again, you didn’t have groups that comported with each other. Everybody was doing different age groups. Three quarters of them said they were worried about climate change. 55% of them said they were worried enough to have legitimate anxiety about it. But when you ask them, What are you going to be doing in the next six months to essentially deal with that, like voting, it just plummeted down to overall, about 36%. They broke it out by regions, the northeast region came in at around 34%.

It’s easy to say you care in theory. It’s hard to do anything about it when real world issues interfere, and the Youts are seeing the results of BidenHarrisflation, high energy prices, deflated wages from the inflation, illegals/migrants taking jobs, decreasing economic conditions, and crime. The see the high cost of housing, and seem to be realizing that Democrats, which make up the majority of those pushing the climate cult, are doing it for authoritarian power.

So there’s this disconnect, and that also became an interesting issue, what the reason for the disconnect is. And on some level, it’s just that younger voters do not know. I mean, I hate to say this, they don’t necessarily know what’s going on out there. You have a great deal of ignorance about what the Biden administration, for instance, has done on the climate front. I heard over and over again, ‘Well, I don’t think either group has done enough.’ Now, as a reporter, seeing what I term just a fire hose of policy coming out for the last four years now, that was a bit of a head scratcher for me.

Gaslighting. But, then, the kiddies only see things in short bursts, as they do not seem to be able to concentrate on anything for more than a minute, as they flip from vid to vid. Regardless, this is the same for almost every election: climate scam looks important, then the real issues that actually affect people creep in, and they vote their wallets and their safety. Hence why Leftist politicians will force actions down the throats of voters.

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2 Responses to “News Media Shocked Over The Disconnect Between Caring About ‘Climate Change’ Action And Actually Voting For It”

  1. H says:

    How old will posters be when fossil fueled cars are due to be phases out ? How many are expecting to be in the market for a new car or light truck in 2035?
    I myself will be approaching I am not even sure I would be allowed to buy a car then.
    Teach will you be looking to buy a new car at 65?

  2. James Lewis says:

    Yes Scared Heart is has such great students.

    In October 2016, Nikki Yovino reported to the police that she was raped by two black Sacred Heart University football players at an off-campus party. Yovino has admitted, months later, that the sexual assault was a lie in an attempt to gain the attention of another man.[24] However, in 2018, she pled guilty to two counts of second-degree falsely reporting an incident and one count of interfering with police and was sentenced to one year in jail and three years of probation.[24][25] The men Yovino accused, Malik St. Hilaire and Dhameer Bradley, were forced out of Sacred Heart University after losing their scholarships amid the false accusations.[24][26]

    Yeah, I know their is no connection, just wanted to point out some stuff.

    As of August 27, 2018, both men are no longer enrolled at Sacred Heart University and with no remediation for losing their scholarships.[27]

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