Surprising it wasn’t titled “how to make crime easier for criminals and leave the border open for murderers and rapists”
Dr. Stefan Weber, an internationally famous “plagiarism hunter,” has discovered that Kamala Harris “plagiarized at least a dozen sections of her criminal justice book, Smart on Crime,” Christopher Rufo reports.
The 2009 work of non-fiction, co-authored with Joan O’C Hamilton was, per Wikipedia, “[f]irst published as Harris (then the San Francisco district attorney) was beginning her 2010 campaign for California Attorney General” and “outlines her vision of how the criminal justice system should function.“
In his summary of findings, Dr. Weber writes, “Kamala Harris copied virtually an entire Wikipedia article into her book without providing attribution to Wikipedia.”
Most damning is that “Harris fabricated a source reference, inventing a nonexistent page number,” he said.
You can read the full report here.
You know who else plagiarized? Biden, and that knocked him out in 1988.
We can begin with a passage in which Harris discusses high school graduation rates. Here, she lifted verbatim language from an uncited AP/NBC News report:
— Christopher F. Rufo ?? (@realchrisrufo) October 14, 2024
There’s lots and lots more where that came from, and it matters. I always put it in the blockquote, or, make mention of it is in the regular text, put it in quotes. This is the way you blog, even at a little one like mine
The corporate media will almost certainly either ignore this scandal or attempt to wrist-flick and “fact check” it away as a “Republican-fabricated controversy.” But this is not 2008. The corporate media can no longer bury the truth to protect a Barry Obama from his troubling relationship with a domestic terrorist.
Well, yeah. And how does the NY Times cover this?
Conservative Activist Seizes on Passages From Harris Book
“In a review of the book, The New York Times found that none of the passages in question took the ideas or thoughts of another writer, which is considered the most serious form of plagiarism.”
So, she utterly plagiarized, but, no biggy. The problem is you Conservatives seizing.

She’s following in Joe Biden’s footsteps, because his 1987 — he didn’t even make it to the election year — presidential campaign collapsed after his plagiarism scandal became public.
Big nothing burger. It’s not like she even wrote that book. Politicians notoriously get other people who write for them. Obama didn’t “Dreams of my Father”. Hillary Clinton didn’t write “It takes a village”. Biden wasn’t even writing his own Tweets, a 25 year old woman at the White house did.
At most, this is going to go down as some ghost writer or “Co-author” plagiarized and a sloppy editor let it through. Nothing sticks to The Party candidates.
It is nowhere near as important as what she says on a daily basis:
1. “Donald Trump is not a serious person”, from the person who cannot answer a seriouos question on any substantive issue without cackling.
2. “Trump needs to release his medical records. The American people have a right to know.” This from the woman who personally lied about the health of Joe Biden and covered up for his decline for over 4 years. Made especially sharp by the fact that she would not even be the candidate if that decline had not been pointed out by TRUMP in an unmistakable way in the debate. The same party was shouting about Trump releasing his tax records in the last election. When a Democratic party insider working at the IRS illegally released them they found… Nothing. If you want to know if Trump is in good health, just ask yourself how many men get shot int eh head and play a round of golf the next day.
Until Democrats admit that Joe Biden was too old to be president in 2020 and certainly too senile in 2024, the democrats have no rational basis to point out Trumps age or health. The Democrats are the ones who set the standard to the “Joe Biden” level. Admit you were wrong any lying to everyone, then we can discuss Trumps weaknesses.
Tell us who has really been running the US Government for the past 3 years. Then we can discuss who is a serious person.
Old Donnie, 78, and getting older every day, urged his devotees to vote on Jan 5th! I rarely agree with the rapidly deteriorating (but now sustained by amphetamines) Trump but on this I do: Vote Jan 5th!
That’s what Middle-Class people do.
Did you know Kamala Grew up in a middle-class family?
I still say the best campaign ad ever would be Kamala talking to Joe Biden….you know the old What, huh, what, huh, whose on first routine, with Joe speaking his unidentifiable nonsense and Kamala Cackling and responding with her unidentifiable nonsense.
Seriously, though, Kamala, a college-educated person, needed someone to write the book for her. I doubt she had anything to do with its creation. She simply asked someone to write her a book, skimmed its contents, and voila.
Kamala was a genius published author. I doubt she is even intelligent enough to plagiarize anything.
LOL. Maybe Wikipedia “borrowed” from the Vice President!
Ex-president Trump has “written” 19 books, yet Mr Rufo hasn’t run a plagiarism check on even one!
“Kamala Harris announces all-new original book ‘The Art of the Deal’!
Big Donnie the Mob Boss…
So Big Donnie the Mob Boss thinks he can order the US Military to sort out his political opponents if the leftists riot post Nov 5. Of course, the dumbass wouldn’t take office until Jan 20 2025. He’s being a tough guy for his brown shirts. He’s calling on his storm troopers to take the streets if he loses, and to take to the streets if he wins and some Dems protest!!
It’s what PUtin would do.
Still calling him Hitler and us Nazi Brown Shirts? You really know how to heal a country, don’t you.
Where is that quote from?
I’ll never figure out why you commies hate nazis so much. After all you are so philosophically and psychologically joined at the hip a mutual admiration would be logical. I guess when two groups of assholes want to rule the world there is only room for one.
I see where in a stroke of pure genius Kameltoe sent her VP out to hunt little birds in his very best Elmer Fudd outfit toting Beretta A400 shot gun which he was woefully incapable of operating. Good job Tampon Tim. Making America great again with your manly prowess! I’m sure that act recruited a million black men…NOT!
She best go back to suckin kock because she’s bringing down the whole lying democommie party with her.
It’s almost as if your entire party has gone insane. Not only are you believing men can wish themselves into a woman, they can get pregnant but also these two dumbfuks can run America. Now we’ve found she is doing a biden and plagiarizing her books. I guess that makes sense since the left hasn’t had an original thought since Marx wrote The Manifesto.
I also read somewhere that “the Toe” is promoting a huge monetary gift to black men. Another great idea from B-B-B-Bulbhead.
Chicken Little Hamas Karen Man
“It’s the enemy from within, all the scum that we have to deal with that hate our country. That’s a bigger enemy than China and Russia,” he said as the audience cheered.
And you prove him right every day.
Mr Shit for Brains,
Do you agree with Mr Trump that the US military should be used against American citizens who recognize that Trump is a sack of shit? What is the mechanism for either a President-elect or defeated candidate to control the US military?? Trump knows this but he believes his low-information backers (and there are many!) are too dumb to realize it. It’s a call for violence. Again.
When bullies (like you and Mr Trump) get outsmarted they always turn to violence. Always.
Trump will have his storm troopers attack the electoral centers to disrupt the continued vote as he tried in 2020. Oath Keepers, KKK, IIIPercenters and Proud Boys will post themselves at the polling places to “discourage” Dem voters.
Would you be OK with the current Commander in Chief ordering the military to “handle” dangerous right-wingers like you who hate our country?
Do your really favor 3rd world level “death squads” to take out “non-believers”?
That’s your most silly and insane rant yet! You are sinking into insanity. I see you want to start with the dirty names again. Cool.
You do realize everything you stated there was either out of context or a blatant lie. Of course you do. You’re insane and can’t help yourself.
I love how you come up with shit like “Do your really favor 3rd world level “death squads” to take out “non-believers”?” Who tells you this propaganda? The Harris campaign? The DNC? The voices in your head?
Read what you wrote there and tell me it sounds cogent. Do you hear yourself in your head? How not only a liar but spectacularly wrong you are about almost everything?
You’ve gotta be one of the worst people in America. And a hateful bigot at that!
Trump says those who criticize his Supreme Court should be put in jail!
Do you deny that ex-President Trump said these things??
And didn’t Trump supporters storm the US Capitol to delay or stop the certification of the the 2020 vote? Were you there?
Why do you believe The Don is saying these things? Are you saying he’s lying?
Most Trump supporters are Cult Members. You believe he won the 2020 election and the only way he can lose in 2024 if the Dems cheat.
You should admit you’re in the Cult, otherwise you’re an totally dishonest idiot.
They are competitors. Wherever one wins, the other loses. Neither one of them allows a competitor to survive. They both want to enjoy total control by pushing out the previous regimes, either democracies or monarchies. They both exist by stealing what others have built. If the other thieves get there first, there is less for them.
In other news, the national news media is doing a good job covering up for Waltz pedo history. The Democratic party controlled media is so reliable about such things. They still haven’t admitted that they lied about the Hunter laptop, Biden’s massive corruption, or Biden’s mental incompetence.