Apparently, all those talking heads saying Kamala did awesome against Bret Baier are wrong
Harris campaign features less talk of joy and more head-on digs at Trump as Election Day nears
Joy Olson proudly wore a “Make America Joyful Again” button Thursday as she waited in line to attend a Kamala Harris rally. But that doesn’t mean the 70-year-old retiree with the happiest of names wants the Democratic nominee to shy away from taking the heat to Republican Donald Trump.
“I’m tired of her being so nice sometimes,” said Olson, who called Trump “evil and scary.” She added: “I hope she calls him out.”
That’s exactly what the vice president is doing as the campaign enters its final days.
Less than three weeks from Election Day, Harris is closing out her campaign painting a dark vision of the country if Trump is sent back to the White House, including airing video clips at her own rallies of the Republican nominee’s more alarming rhetoric. (snip)
It’s a far cry from the “joy” that swirled around her elevation to the top of the Democratic ticket this summer. As that surge of enthusiasm has eased, Harris is staking her campaign on increasingly sharp attacks on Trump meant to get her supporters to turn out and to win over the tiny universe of persuadable voters left in exceedingly tight battleground states.
It’s pretty much all she has, Trump Trump Trump. Her plans are horrible, and she really doesn’t want to talk about that or why the Biden-Harris admin has failed so miserably.
(NBC News) Kamala Harris’ campaign will launch a new television ad Thursday aimed at linking the three words the vice president has used to describe Donald Trump lately — unhinged, unstable and unchecked — with the policy implications voters might see if the former president returns to office.
The 30-second spot is set to air across battleground states, and argues that Trump will “ignore all checks that rein in a president’s power,” according to details first shared with NBC News. It names Project 2025, the conservative blueprint that the GOP nominee has tried to distance himself from following criticism. Democrats have succeeded in making the proposal, which was crafted by a right-wing think tank, unpopular, according to polling.
It’s no wonder she’s going negative
And now we're going to get a lot of caterwauling from Democrats about that Evil electoral college and about the popular vote
— William Teach2 ??????? #refuseresist (@WTeach2) October 17, 2024

Yep, it’s over. All Hail, President Trump! No need to vote!
BTW, Bret Baier quietly apologized for running the wrong video clip in his debate/interview with Vice President Harris.
Good job, FOX, good job… LOL! This was no accident.
Bret needs to heed: “Attack, attack, attack!” “Admit nothing, deny everything.” “No matter what happens, you claim victory and never admit defeat.” “You have to be willing to do anything to anyone to win.” Roy Cohn/Donald Trump 101
Yeah Rimjob, CBS “60 Minutes” was more forthcoming with their propaganda during their “interview” with the Cackler.
Such a putz.
Multibillionaire Trump receives yearly from the GSA:
Presidential pension: $221,000.
Staff Salary: $141,000.
Rental payments official office: $406,000
Utilities and communications: $35,000.
Printing: $5,000.
Supples: $11,000
Equipment: $15,000
Other: $58,000
Costs for travel and security were not listed in this budget.
Recall that Mr Trump charges the Secret Service for rooms and golf carts for protectig him at Mar-a-Lago or other golf venues (e.g., Bedminster).
Note too that ex-prez Trump blamed the GSA for shipping the confidential documents to Mar-a-Lago.
So Rimjob how much does Obama receive yearly from GSA?
Clinton? Bush? Carter?
No one really cares but you.
Jealous much?
And to think that all that expense started because Truman was broke after office.
Mr Trump described the Jan 6 insurrection as “A Day of Love”. Maybe we should make January 6 a federal holiday – America’s Day of Love!! Saint Donald is a transformative figure!!
On January 6 2021, then-US president Trump sent an enraged mob to the United States Capitol Building at exactly and “coincidentally” the time that Congress was certifying the results of the 2020 Presidential election as required by the US Constitution. Did Trump hope to stop or delay the official certification of his loss? At the same time, campaign lawyer Sidney Powell was trying to get the Supreme Court to intervene.
Speaker Pelosi figured out what was going on and did her Constitutional duties.
Police officers were attacked and over 140 were injured. One rioter was killed sttempting to break through a window into the inner Congressional chambers.
Rimjob: Speaker Pelosi figured out what was going on and did her Constitutional duties.
Bwaha! Lolgf
“The enemy from within” is a much better more hard hitting clip. We all know Kameltoe is a slut and a moron and we all know that Trump already served four great years as president so the enemy clip would be better to show we aren’t going to be walked on by commies and their nazi comrades if Trump is reelected.
Besides, only girly-men will vote for the slut and her fag VP. you know, trannies, homos, dykes, moslems, commies and the other filthy trash that has come to comprise the nudemocommie party.
If we get Trump in maybe we can avoid all the wars the slut is trying to get us in. I know the dems want to reward their billionaire donor class but fuk-em.
We all know that Donnie Demento is an effeminate slut and a moron and we all know that he already served four godawful years as president and his fascist and nazi supporters want him back to walk over the good people of America. What pandemic will the orange whore welcome this stint? Ebola?
Besides, only insecure, faux “he-men” will vote for this sick whore with his shoe lifts, dyed hair, thick orange make-up, manicured nails and history of rape. And OMG, his little lord fauntleroy VP, with his “gorgeous” eyeliner and shifting stories! Only uneducated racists and moron rapists and billionaires will vote for the slut Donnie Demento. Which are you?
That’s actually a combination of quotes by James Carville and Malcom X. But is is still a valid political point and I’m so glad you attribute it to Cohn/Trump.
Actually they are direct quotes from Roy Cohn, an early “influencer” of a young Donald J. Trump.
Cohn, formerly Sen Joe McCarthy’s lawyer, was Trump’s lawyer in the 1970s, defending Trump Inc against charges they discriminated against potential Black renters. .
The U.S. DOJ sued both Fred and Donald Trump and their multi-million dollar business, alleging racial discrimination by the real estate organization.
Cohn: “You might be guilty; it doesn’t matter. Go after the Justice Department. Don’t ever admit guilt.”
Cohn had Trump countersue the government for $100 million!!
The countersuit failed, and the Trumps ultimately signed a consent decree with the government in 1975 requiring them to make their properties more accessible to minorities.
This had been Donnie’s mantra for decades. “He” is never wrong.” “He” doesn’t make mistakes.” “He” has done nothing wrong.” “It was a perfect phone call.”
Conservatives “admire” his faux strength, his steadfast lying in the face of truth, his stance of always being ‘right’. It’s a simple philosophy of life – removing so much introspection. Stalin had it. Hitler too. Kim. Putin. Strong men willing to do what’s necessary – no looking back – no qualms – no self-reflection.
“Jan 6th a day of insurrection..”Nobody’s been charged with insurrection
Mob stormed the Capital..” There’s also photos of the “insurrectionists” calmly walking between the velvet ropes that guide them through the rotunda.. “Police officers attacked..” Capital police are also seen opening up the gates to let the protesters enter. Strange.
“Pelosi did her duty..” You mean her refusing the extra National Guard that Trump requested? Nice duty..
It’s the old “keep saying the same shit over and over again and it becomes fact” crap. That’s why the radical left in America all repeat the “insurrection” mantra. I’m not sure if they know it started out as an unarmed protest, a few hundred folks got out of hand for a couple hours, then it ended as a protest or of the are actually believing it was an insurrection. The low brain/low reason leftists may actually believe 30,000 average Americans stormed the capitol unarmed and left voluntarily causing zero casualties and that constitutes an insurrection. After al these same idiots believe a man can become a woman even though they can’t define what a woman is. Hey assholes, yo mama was a woman!
The truth rarely varies. Thousands of Trump supporters attacked the US Capitol to delay or stop the certification of the presidential election, keeping President Trump in office.
Did the thousands know that this was the objective – only sort of. They were told they needed to stop VP Mike Pence (Hang Mike Pence!).
President Trump knew he lost the election but thought he could loophole his way into staying in office, instead of promoting the peaceful transfer of power.
Hundreds of his supporters have been jailed, while he gets to run for President again! What a leader you have. King Donald!
A failed insurrection is still an insurrection.
So, out of over 1,400 people indicted, who specifically has been charged with “rebellion or insurrection” under 18 U.S. Code § 2383?
Prosecutors chose crimes easier to obtain convictions, e.g., seditious conspiracy. Several of the leaders of the attack were convicted of sedition and conspiracy and received up to 20 years in prison.
Of course, the head of the conspiracy, then-president Trump, escaped any responsibility.
Most of his dumbass followers were charged with “assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers or employees”, “using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer”, “corruptly obstructing, influencing, or impeding an official proceeding” and/or “conspiracy, for conspiracy to obstruct a congressional proceeding, conspiracy to obstruct law enforcement during a civil disorder, conspiracy to injure an officer” and/or “destruction of government property, theft of government property” and/or “entering or remaining in a restricted federal building or grounds and/or “entering a restricted area with a dangerous or deadly weapon”.
Our First Amendment states:
This was hardly a peaceful petition.
What our Trump apologists (fascists) ignore is the motivation for the January 6 “event”.
Why did Team Trump choose January 6 2021? Was it a coincidence that it was the exact date and time that Congress and the President of the Senate, Vice President Mike Pence (Hang Mike Pence!), would Constituioally certify the election results?
Previously, Trump had raised over 60 legal challenges to the results. No dice said the judges, some appointed by Trump. Trump had also assembled fraudulent electors from several state; Trump lawyers Giulani, Ellis, Chesebro, Eastman and others with Trump, hoping that VP Pence would certify the fake electors over the legitimate ones. But no dice! (Many of the electors have been charged with crimes, at least one has been convicted!). Trump attorney Ken Cheesebro pleaded guilty. Rudy has been indicted in AZ and GA, lost his license and assessed millions in damagaes for defamation. Ellis pleaded guilty to one felony charge and has been indicted in AZ. Eastman has been indicted in GA and AZ.
Several MAGAt Senators objected to certification – Hawley, Tooberville, Marshall, Cruz, Kennedy, Hyde-Smith. 121 House MAGAts objected.
President Trump attempted to coerce lawmakers in battleground states Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin and Michigan to change the votes. Remember the “beautiful” and “perfect” call with GA Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, “So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.” He lost.
On January 6, President told his supporters ‘We won this election, and we won it by a landslide’
‘We will stop the steal’
‘We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn’t happen!’
‘Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore.’
“You will have an illegitimate president. That is what you will have, and we can’t let that happen.”
‘If you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore’
“We’re going to walk down to the Capitol and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them.”
Damn you, Nancy!!
And this is the man you want as president, again. YOU are forced to accept the Big Lie as true or your entire argument, even your sense of self, crumbles.
The Big Lie is your 1st Amendment, your 1st Commandment.
jl typed: You mean her (Speaker Pelosi) refusing the extra National Guard that Trump requested? Nice duty..
How did Speaker Pelosi stop the US President, the Comamander in Chief from activating the National Guard? Lately Trump has been threatening to activate the National Guard as a friggin’ Presidential CANDIDATE!
Trump was watching on TV as the storming of the Capitol was ongoing. He saw “his people” assaulting the overwhelmed police officers. He saw the windows being broken. He was hoping in would somehow break in his favor.
You are a sick, sick man and I figure you’ll never get over this lie. The brain washing goes deep with you Elwood. You are a leader of the useful idiots and that won’t change. I’m just sad you believe we wanted to overthrow the government when all we wanted was to be heard and given a fair chance with impartial people. If you refuse to listen sooner or later you will see an insurrection then you’ll know. You have all your excuses legal and otherwise but the fact is you guys knew the election was fishy but you went ahead because you KNEW WE WOULDN”T HAVE AN INNSURRECTION. If you thought for one minute we would come for you maybe you would have opened your mind, audited the election and proved who the winner was. Instead you pushed patriots to the line and got away with it. You won’t this time.
Rimjob doesn’t have a clue!
No need to rebut his falsehoods again and again.
You are a brainwashed member of a cult. Should we have put America on hold for a year so that you could hand count every ballot (like they did to no avail in AZ?)?
Can you point to one “swing” state where the votes weren’t recounted?? You needed evidence and had none. The other night that goofy Elon Musk said the Dems made it impossible to prove the Big Lie!! He said that Dominion computers switched votes in Pennsylvania.
Mr Dana thinks the election was unfair because more poor people voted in Pennsylvania. That’s just democracy.
If Trump loses again, what do “patriots” such as you plan to do about it? Leave the Union? Start burning down houses with Harris signs out front?
It’s almost certain that VP Harris will win the popular vote, and 50-50 that she wins the Electoral count.
You keep repeating the same BULLSHIT LIES. “RECOUNTING” fraudulent votes means nothing you just end up with the same count. We wanted an investigation into suspicious ballots, illegal voting rules, fraudulent machines and destroyed ballots. We wanted an audit to show all the ballots were legitimate. How can you sit there and insist 12 ballots from a fukin 7/11 in Pittsburgh are legal? It’s bullshit, you know it and you stole an election. You are liars and traitors.
If you steal this election we should rise up like our Founding Fathers and show you what an insurrection of 90 million gun owners looks like.
I agree with most of your main paragraph. But you finish with ‘give us what we want or we’ll kill you.’ Typical conservative violence. Wolverines!!
Do you recall that Trump was President during the 2020 election? He had about 100 days from the the election until the transition to investigate. He had the DOJ, the FBI the DHS at his disposal. The elections of the states in question were run by Republicans. Why didn’t they do a better job?
I didn’t stop the investigations. Did you? How did the Democrats stop the investigations?
No, Elon Muxk not withstanding, the Big Lie is a big lie. He’s goofy. He invested in Tesla and then took over. Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning founded Tesla Motors in July 2003.
You’re a liar and a traitor.

There you go, J. Any other questions?
So the right-wingers smashing doors and windows, whacking police officers with flag standards and stealing gov’t documents are NOT to blame? Got it.
You’re saying the government should have prepared for Mr Trump’s thug army storming the United States Capitol Building to stop the Constitutional certification of the vote. Got it.
Question: Do you make allowances like this for all criminals and crimes or just for white right-wing thugs?
Earth to J-where did I say there’s no blame? I simply stated, contrary to the Dem narrative of the day, that Capital police opened gates, people were seen calmly walking through the guide ropes like they were tourists, and that Trump asked for more National Guard presence. All true.
“The other night that goofy Elon Musk”. Really? You mean the guy who lands space ships between chopsticks? The guy who can run companies with 80% lower payroll? The guy who basically invented the EV that you think is so great? That goofy Elon Musk?
So now you hate Elon because he supports Trump. You really are a balless dope.
But you do throw out so much bullshit that I don’t even want to waste the time to argue with you. I will say preposterously named Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM), Biden-Harris administration, Clintons, Obama, assorted other Democrats and Marxists, transgender community, Deep State bureaucrats, DOJ, DHS, CIA, FBI, IRS, and NEA, among others, don’t want anyone to write this, think this, or read this. But here goes, anyway. It’s really quite simple.
Schools were meant to teach students how to think, not what to think—to educate, not indoctrinate. There are only two sexes. Earth’s climate has always been changing, often faster and more dramatically than it is today. Diversity is not necessarily a good thing. (Think diversity of crime, death, invasive species, etc.) The mainstream media is biased against conservatives. Incredibly so. There is a reason the U.S. became the most successful nation in history—and it has little to do with size, oceans, or resources. Capitalism has lifted much of the world out of poverty, whereas Marxism/communism put much of it into poverty. We are born with certain unalienable rights, granted by our Creator. Among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You cannot tax and spend a nation into prosperity, just as a heavily taxed family can’t spend its way into wealth. Those who desperately seek power for power’s sake should never be trusted with it. You can’t save a democracy by trying to silence, imprison, or kill your political opponents. No person or government that actually values democracy would make that claim.
How many of the above statements do you agree with? They are all true. And most progressives/Democrats don’t want you to think, say, or read any of them. In the United States of America. Think of that.