…is an angry Bad Weather sky from too make carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on self defense in the People’s Republik Of California.

…is an angry Bad Weather sky from too make carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on self defense in the People’s Republik Of California.
This Week: Stupid Shit Trump Said…
Town hall in Pennsylvania moderated by South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem. Two supporters fainted. For 39 minutes, Trump swayed while his favorite songs played. The playlist included “Nothing Compares 2 U” by Sinead O’Connor, “Y.M.C.A.” by Village People and “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World” by James Brown. “November Rain” by Guns N’ Roses. “Memory” from the musical “Cats”.
The next day, talking about his Supreme Court nominees with Bloomberg at the Economic Club of Chicago, Trump made a comment about the age of his appointees. “You tend to put them in young,” Trump said. “Only stupid people put old.”
The family of Amber Thurman (who had died from a delayed abortion) was having a press conference opposite Fox News’ Harris Faulkner. “Oh, that’s nice,” Trump said. “We’ll get better ratings, I promise.”
Trump at the Faulkner “interview”: “I’m the father of IVF.” A month ago he didn’t know what it was. In 2021, more than 97,000 babies were born using IVF in the U.S. Thirteen (13) states have pending “personhood” legislation to ban IVF.
Regarding Haitians in Springfield OH eating dogs and cats: “I was just saying what was reported, that’s been reported – and eating other things too, that they’re not supposed to be.”
TDS writ large.

Obsession is not a river in Egypt.
Rimjob: Amber Thurman (who had died from a delayed abortion)
Mislead much, dipshit?
Oh, Pissant…
The doctors were reluctant to conduct the D & C precisely because of the threat of losing their licenses and being prosecuted under Georgia’s draconian ban.
Under Roe v Wade, Ms Thurman would be alive.
Please keep the Washington Examiner bullshit to yourself.
Well Rimjob if you knew anything about medical ethics or procedures you would know that a D&C performed to rid the uterus of a dead fetus is not an abortion nor is it prohibited by any law.
Suck it, fatass.
You’re stupid.
Cumgulpinng Pissant,
I hope you don’t contract head and neck cancer from your dick-sucking (HPV) and cigarette habit.
You and Porter Good may believe you know about “medical ethics”, but what is important is how the medical staff interpreted the draconian law in Georgia.
Without your ban, she would be alive.
Suck it, cumguppy.
You’re stupid. And a cowardly lyin’.
Read and learn, Rimjob.
Suck it, fatass.
You’re stupid.
Another deranged leftist-British Prime Minister Starmer removes Shakespeare portrait from Downing Street wall.. Wait-did old Will not hire enough “minorities” in his day? Unforgivable….
Elon Musk has now moved to Pennsylvania to lead Trump’s GOTV operation there. He has ordered many of his varous corporations’ lieutenants there as well.
The “anti-government”, libertarian Musk’s various companies get significan financial support (at least $15 BILLION/year) from their United States government contracts (SpaceX) and subsidies (Tesla). He also has a $1.8 BILLION highly classified contract, likely through the NSA, with his company Starshield, a division of SpaceX.
For Musk, the malleable Trump is the perfect vehicle for his idea of privatizing the government of the United States, to his benefit.
Accordingly, to the Musks of the world the:
This is a fact we often ignore – the objective of ALL companies is monopoly! Competition is wasteful!! And the federal government stands in the way!
Stable genius strongmen will save America if you just let them.
Thanks Rimjob.
Always appreciate the opinion of a guy who “lost” ~$70M of investors money while running GALERA THERAPEUTICS and who now as a consultant with DJThree Consultants LLC intends to suck the remaining ~$10M or so from its coffers.
Taking irrational and illogical potshots at successful businessmen like Trump, Musk, et.al is all you can come up with???
Bwaha! Lolgf
OK, Pissant, let me You and Porter Good’s bluff. You’ve clearly been doing your non pareil cybersleuthing! You and Porter Good of Leith Honda and The Pirates Cove appear to know more about me than I know about myself!
So you and Porter should enlighten your loyal followers!
Please tell us all you know about my connection to GALERA THERAPEUTICS and how I lost $70 MILLION for investors. Please be detailed.
And how am I getting money from GALERA via DJTHREE? Please be specific.
Obviously, you and Porter Good are attempting to harm GALERA and DJTHJREE, so pleas share some details!
Cum clean, lil man! Otherwise, you’re just a little Pissant.
So Rimjob it must really bug you that all of that information is publicly available, doesn’t it?
Bwaha! Lolgf
Not at all. But why do you Porter Good of Leith Honda continue to post these libels?
Once again let’s do “One Libel at a Time”.
Can you or Porter Good substantiate your claim that I “was running” GALERA?
So Rimjob you’ve been around here long enough to realize that Teach neither initiates nor censors any of my comments.
So suck it, fatass.
You’re stupid.
Not exactly. Mr Good told you to knock of your racist typings a few years ago.
Can you or Porter Good substantiate your claim that I “was running” GALERA?
Ah you’re lying again.
Teach requested that I stop referring to YOU as “nignorant”. I complied.
Spoken like a communist true believer. After all you believe the object of government is a monopoly on the people so failure to understand basic capitalist economics is appropriate.
The object of “ALL” companies is profit, not monopoly idiot. Why don’t you go read an economics book written by an economist rather than a political hack? Competition is not wasteful, rather it spurs innovation and the only thing the government does for business is increase costs by increasing regulations and taxes. The federal government stands in the way of what? It only goes after companies and people it disagrees politically with and itself is a monopoly, a monopoly of brute force. That’s why commies like you love it.
Ever hear of “restaurant row” or “Jewelers” row? Competition is what drives the businessman but you’d need to be one to understand that.
Your simplistic all or nothing view of business, government and just about everything demonstrates your lack of reason, empathy, understanding and wisdom.
Spoken like a true lil nazi!!
Your boyfriend, The Pissant, believes I’m a businessman who looted $70 MILLION from a company I started nearly 20 years ago.
You’ve led us to believe that you’re a long-time goverment employee. IF Restaurant Row and Jewelers Row COULD get rid of their competition they would.
But I agree with you that capitalist competition is of great value. It’s why we have anti-trust, anti-monopoly and anti-price fixing laws!
Anyway, Mr Musk has weaseled his way into billions from our government and is looking for more by manipulating Big Donnie.
The government does have employees. I don’t understand what you mean by pointing that out. Are you insinuating there is something un American about being a fire fighter and EMS?
I doubt it. I’ve never known a businessman who wanted to eliminate his competition just beat the shit out of them. Including my dad and his pal Donald. I’m sure there are some nasty, greedy, selfish assholes (perhaps you) who would like to grind his competitors to death but on the whole most just want to succeed. The other ones must be leftists not capitalists because that’s what you leftists do to those who compete with you. Kill’em all. Ask Adolf, Joe and Che. All socialists want total rule.
Pissant and or Porter Good,
Can you or Porter Good substantiate your libel that I “was running” GALERA?
We’re waiting…