WWIII Watch: Iran Backed Hezbollah Attempts To Assassinate Israeli PM Netanyahu

This is what happens when Western nations and the United Nations decide to chastise Israel, rather than Hamas, Hezbollah, and their backers in Iran, and leads even further down the road to larger scale war in the Middle East

Netanyahu promises retaliation following assassination attempt by Hezbollah

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a warning to Hezbollah following its alleged assassination attempt against him and his wife, calling it a “grave mistake.”

“The attempt by Iran’s proxy Hezbollah to assassinate me and my wife today was a grave mistake,” Netanyahu wrote in a X post Saturday. “This will not deter me or the State of Israel from continuing our just war against our enemies in order to secure our future.”

Issuing a stark warning to Iran and the “Axis of Resistance,” which includes Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis, the prime minister said Israel is determined to achieve its war objectives following the Oct. 7 attack and “change the security reality in our region for generations.”

“I say to Iran and its proxies in its axis of evil: Anyone who tries to harm Israel’s citizens will pay a heavy price; We will continue to eliminate the terrorists and those who dispatch them; We will bring our hostages home from Gaza; And we will return our citizens who live on our Northern border safely to their homes,” he wrote.

“Israel is determined to achieve all our war objectives and change the security reality in our region for generations to come,” Netanyahu said.

Hezbollah has nothing to lose in trying to kill Netanyahu, as the US State Department designated terrorist group is getting decimated, including their leadership. The question here is, does Iran really want a full on war? They’re already looking at retaliation from Israel for the rocket attack, and, if keep getting frisky that retaliation might a lot more than people like Biden want. It could easily involved Iran’s nuclear weapons program or something significant, rather than, say, military bases.

It’s a good thing that Biden-Harris didn’t essentially give Iran billions of dollars which Iran has plowed into terrorism activities and enabled the growth of their nuclear weapons program while whining at Israel and not Iran

Speaking of WWIII

Russia warns the United States of the risks of World War Three

Russia said the West was playing with fire by considering allowing Ukraine to strike deep into Russia with Western missiles and cautioned the United States on Tuesday that World War Three would not be confined to Europe.

Sergei Lavrov, who has served as Putin’s foreign minister for more than 20 years, said that the West was seeking to escalate the Ukraine war and was “asking for trouble” by considering Ukrainian requests to loosen curbs on using foreign-supplied weapons.

And, Lavrov yapped a lot about nuclear weapons. Is it just talk? Does Russia really want to be annihilated in nuclear fire? But, is Ukraine worth taking the chance?

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7 Responses to “WWIII Watch: Iran Backed Hezbollah Attempts To Assassinate Israeli PM Netanyahu”

  1. Doom and Gloom says:

    No different than Ukraine bombing targets inside of Russia. Putin flusters and threatens but he knows that he is decimating cities and killing civilians in Ukraine and so it is JUST that Ukraine respond in kind.

    Israel is killing leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah, so they are doing the same in return. Netanyahu is a target. In fact imagine a world in which Hitler or Stalin had been assassinated during WW2. The USA targeted and killed Admiral Yamamato during WW2. Japan would have loved and probably tried to kill FDR.

    Tit for tat in a shooting war. I see no outrage in this. I am outraged that Israel continues to be mistreated by the world, but this is because of the enormous numbers of Muslim illegals they have allowed to settle in their countries because their policies are so anti-family that they do not have enough babies to keep growing as a nation.

    That is on them. Not Israel.

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Donald Trump’s international supporters Putin, Kim and Netanyahu are using the pretext of a world war to help their lackey get elected.

    Donald Trump’s internal supporters, corporations, the wealthy, conservative white men and fundamentalist christians would benefit the rich with huge tax and regulatory cuts and the white working class by oppressing the “attacks on our culture” from negroes, gays, lesbians, trans, non-Christians, Democrats and immigrants; you know, “the enemy within”.

    Donald Trump’s motivations? To stay out of court and prison. To punish his critics; you know, “the enemy within”.

    • Kye says:

      Elwood, over the past five years we’ve watched as you slowly sank into insanity. You have reached your goal: peak crazy.

      The modern progressive must content himself with refighting old fights with old enemies reimagined for this time. The new Nazi is the guy opposed to Israel carpet bombing civilians. The new Bull Connor is the guy wondering why the FBI is faking crime stats. The new leftist would rather win a crooked election than face the truth of their policies.

      The democommie party has gone so far to the left they can’t even define a woman and think men can have babies. They have become their own parody.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        You know haw seriously I value your opinions. I’ll give your thoughtful help all the consderation it deserves.

        Why do you distrust democrazy?

        Go Eagles.

    • Jl says:

      Too funny-what, exactly, is “oppressing the attacks on our culture from negroes, gays, lesbians, trans, non-Christians, Democrats and immigrants”? And for starters, you mis-spelled “illegal immigrants”. You have some rights of the top of your head that those listed don’t have that others do?

  3. CarolAnn says:

    The Harris campaign rolled out its “Opportunity Agenda for Black Men,” which proposes to give one million $20,000 loans to black entrepreneurs and “others who have historically faced barriers to starting a new business or growing an existing business.” The policy is aligned with the Biden administration’s broad effort to prioritize or otherwise incorporate race into several major government programs and initiatives, such as its payments to black American farmers who faced discrimination before 2021 and its Justice40 agenda stipulating that 40% of the benefits of certain environmental spending and programs flow to “disadvantaged communities.” Racists will be racists.

    Kamala Harris Appears To Propose New Race-Based Payments As Support From Black Men Lags (She can only fellate so many penises in just 3 weeks, eh?)

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:


      You seem obsessed with fellatio!! Why is that?

      Should all women who have fellated a penis be “penalized”?

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