Bummer: Gen Z Indoctrinated Into Have Climate (scam) Anxiety

Seriously, why is this not considered child abuse? Gen Z, just like a lot of Millennials, were indoctrinated in government run schools over climate doom, and all the fearmongering has turned them into mental messes. If a parent treated their children this poorly they’d be taken by the state and the parents charged

A wave of climate-change anxiety has spread amongst Gen Z. Here are the U.S. states where they’re most and least distressed.

Medical journal The Lancet surveyed almost 16,000 16- to 25-year-olds from each state in the U.S.—and found the kids are quite simply not alright. A whopping 85% report being concerned about climate change, a worry that remains high across all political parties.

Blame the climate cult Lancet, teachers, politicians, and the media

Climate change evokes feelings of anxiety (65.8%), powerlessness (65.8%), and fear (65.1%) among the youth—fueling a majority to agree with the sentiment that “people have failed to take care of the planet.”

They’re been taught to lose their shit over a minor 1.6F increase in global temperatures since 1850, and never exposed to data or the historical records from previous Holocene warm periods. They been indoctrinated into not looking.

“Young people in America are struggling emotionally and psychologically with the effects of climate change,” co-author Lise Van Susteren wrote in the study’s press release. “They are afraid and angry and doubting their future prospects. As we decry the mental health crisis in America’s youth, and search for answers to address it, this survey helps to spotlight climate change as a significant source of distress,” she added, explaining that elected officials play a role.

The US needs to invest in mental health facilities that do deprogramming. Of course, the government is one of the biggest purveyors of the cult scam, which is way worse than Scientology, Branch Davidians, and others. At least they didn’t try and force people to join.

But the youth is most concerned in these 5 places:

  1. Connecticut and Rhode Island
  2. Texas
  3. Massachusetts
  4. New Jersey
  5. Washington

And least concerned

  1. Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota
  2. Arkansas
  3. Alabama
  4. Mississippi
  5. South Carolina

It’s surprising that Texas is so high, but, Democrats have worked hard to get uber-leftists into the state and into teaching positions, which lean uber-left to start with. But, only 30.7% are extremely worried, as compared California which is 32.3%. California is #8 on the list. Florida is also in the top 10, but, only 27.8 are extremely worried.

Of course, the Lancet never bothered to ask “Have you changed your lives to accord with your climate beliefs? Stopped using fossil fuels?” The Lancet is also the organization which came up with the horrendous and shoddy study on how many died during the 2003 Iraq war.

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2 Responses to “Bummer: Gen Z Indoctrinated Into Have Climate (scam) Anxiety”

  1. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    The very first thing they should be taught is the whole thing is a scam. Fossil fuels do not com from fossils rather they come from dead marine plants and animal biomass that lived millions of years before dinosaurs. It’s all bullshit lies like everything the left peddles from sex to EV’s to gender. Lies, all lies.

  2. H says:

    Biden War on Energy total scam as US oil production hits another all time record high.

    US oil producers get chubbies, because all that oil is sold at the world market rate, doesn’t help domestic prices

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