…are horrible Bad Weather clouds from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Kamala failing the question of what she’d do different from Biden yet again.

…are horrible Bad Weather clouds from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Kamala failing the question of what she’d do different from Biden yet again.
One of the great unanswered questions about this presidency, besides “who is really in charge”, would be, “why hasn’t Biden stepped aside and let Harris run as the Incumbent and defacto “break that glass ceiling” everyone keeps crowing about?
Maybe he is saving it for his lamer lame duck session when nothing he does will matter any more than it already doesn’t matter.
It is obvious why he doesn’t pardon his own son. He is totally depending on the deep state to make that moot. Biden, the younger, will never be convicted of anything, so there is no need for a pardon. This is what “above the law” looks like.
All I see is bond girl Ursula Andress.
The dems are already stealing. Check out Philly!
After Chicago, Philly is in many ways the nation’s capital of voter fraud. This isn’t voter fraud, but it’s certainly election rigging. And the fact that it’s happening at the last minute is a sign of desperation but also increasing willingness to do anything in pursuit of a victory that the party fears is slipping away.
The invariable Broad and Liberty site has the latest story out of Pennsylvania where John McBlain, the lone Republican election board member resigned after the rest of the board’s Democrat members voted to add three ‘voter service centers’.
Voter service centers (VSCs) are essentially no different than “satellite election offices” which were controversial as far back as the 2020 general election. Whichever name is used, the creation is meant to be a literal extension of the county’s primary election office — the one place where a voter could register to vote, request a mail-in ballot, and return that ballot, all at the same time and same place. Philadelphia’s satellite election offices drew the ire of Republicans that year because Philadelphia refused to allow poll watchers anywhere inside, arguing that the locations were county election offices, so they could not be polling places. A Commonwealth Court ruling later upheld that argument to exclude poll watchers.
According to McBlain, “Donna Cantor, who McBlain says is a lawyer for the county Democratic party” said that “the chairwoman of the [county] Democratic Party, had the list of volunteers to staff the voter services center ready.”
So the county election board creates voter service centers in Democrat areas to be staffed by Democrat party activists. This was followed by denials that the VSCs would be staffed by a Democrat list, but the core reality is that this closely resembles the tactics used to shift elections during the pandemic.
The satellite election offices were allowed to block Republican poll watchers. What honest reason was there for blocking poll watchers? Democrats claimed that the voting locations weren’t ‘official polling locations’ Ditto for the VSCs which seem to be more of the same. Having voting locations staffed by Democrats with no poll watchers allowed is a calculated recipe for voter fraud.
Republicans in general distrust American Democracy. MAGAts make no pretense. The coming election promises to be a very large turnout election, likely to exceed the 2020 vote with some 155 million voters!
Republicans strive to make it more difficult for Americans to vote as they’re afraid that poor and working class Americans may vote. Kye, as we’ve heard at this blog more than once, white Christians, especially white Christian men are more valuable and better for preserving the America they prefer.
Here in St Louis County MO, we have about 20 No-excuse Early Vote sites opening on Oct 22. These sites (public libraries) will make voting easier for people who can’t stand in line for hours in November. Republicans oppose this system.
Donald, you were a shit president! You’re a shit person! Donald, get outa here!! LOL
Bite, Bite, Bite!!!

Bwaha! Lolgf
He’s already handed out two checks.
One would imagine there’s a shit ton of former investors in GALERA THERAPEUTICS are signing up daily to recoup some of the $70M that was swindled um… looted… um “lost” over 4 years.

After the favorable response to Donald Trump slinging fries at McDonald’s a reporter asked Kumala if she would perform similar stunt.
“Well maybe” she responded “at ‘Five Guys’ or ‘In N Out’.”

After Fat Donnie the Mob Boss had said he’d pay for the funeral of Vanessa Guillén, a 20-year-old Army private, bludgeoned to death by a fellow soldier at Fort Hood…
“Vietnam would have been a waste of time for me. Only suckers went to Vietnam.”
In 1997, Trump told the radio host Howard Stern that avoiding sexually transmitted diseases was “my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”
Trump praised aspects of Hitler’s leadership. “He said, ‘Well, but Hitler did some good things,’” Kelly recalled. “I said, ‘Well, what?’ And he said, ‘Well, (Hitler) rebuilt the economy.’ But what did he do with that rebuilt economy? He turned it against his own people and against the world.”
Trump at one point, proposed calling back to active duty Admiral William McRaven and General Stanley McChrystal, two highly regarded Special Operations leaders who had become critical of Trump, so that they could be court-martialed.
He (Trump) looked frankly at General Milley, and said, ‘Can’t you just shoot them (Floyd protesters), just shoot them in the legs or something?’” When defense officials argued against Trump’s desire, the president screamed, according to witnesses, “You are all fucking losers!”
Trump asked Milley and Esper, a West Point graduate and former infantry officer, if the Army could shoot protesters. “Trump seemed unable to think straight and calmly,” Esper wrote in his memoir. “The protests and violence had him so enraged that he was willing to send in active-duty forces to put down the protesters. Worse yet, he suggested we shoot them. I wondered about his sense of history, of propriety, and of his oath to the Constitution.”
None of those quotes are real, they have already been refuted. Research.
Research? Rimjob?
Please david, you’re killing me.
B2aha! Lolgf
“dr” david “denier” good,
Not one of those quotes has been refuted. Do some research, quack.
More adventures with the besotted one.
Even Liz Cheney gives a knowing look.